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The Mongols The Ashikaga Shogunate The Samurai The Europeans

The Mongols The Ashikaga Shogunate The Samurai The Europeans. The Mongols. Nomadic Completely cavalry army Known for brutality and destruction Khubilai Khan ruler of Mongolia and China. 1268  letter sent telling Japan to surrender 1274  450 Korean ships sent to Japan to invade

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The Mongols The Ashikaga Shogunate The Samurai The Europeans

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The MongolsThe Ashikaga ShogunateThe SamuraiThe Europeans

  2. The Mongols • Nomadic • Completely cavalry army • Known for brutality and destruction • Khubilai Khan ruler of Mongolia and China

  3. 1268 letter sent telling Japan to surrender 1274 450 Korean ships sent to Japan to invade Samurai defended Japan, storms forced Mongols to abort 1281 re-invasion Japanese outnumbered, fought for 2 months Kamikaze “divine wind”

  4. Results • Widows, orphans • Loyalty of people decreased

  5. Ashikaga Shogunate • Go-Daigo reassertion of emperor • Ashikaga Takauji as Shogun

  6. The Samurai

  7. Bushido Code: “way of the warrior” • “death weighs no heavier than a feather” • Loyalty • Honour

  8. The Samurai

  9. Ritual Suicide Seppuko/Hara-kiri (“slitting the abdomen) Death in Battle

  10. The Samurai

  11. Kataginu: -Jacket with protruding, stiffened shoulders -Skirt and trousers Jacket had family crest Shaved top of heads Oiled and Tied long hair back

  12. In battle: -Layers of undergarments -Armour of tiny scales of iron overtop

  13. The Samurai

  14. In Battle • Reciting Histories • Arrow Exchange • Horseback • Hand to Hand Combat • Victories: The heads of their enemies

  15. Zen Garden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utA9yENx-QA

  16. From ancient times the saying comes, “There is no death; there is no life.” Indeed, the skies are cloudless And the river waters clear. -Toshimoto For two and forty years I wavered between life and death. Now hills and rivers overturn The earth and sky return to nothingness. - Minamoto-no-Tomoyuki

  17. Miyamoto Musashi

  18. Yugen: Sublime restraint, symbolism, mystery behind appearances (Noh Theatre) Wabi: Mysterious quality (Zen paintings) Sabi: Mystery of change and aging (Flower arranging)

  19. The Class System

  20. Women as Samurai (Tomoe) • Women as weak • Wives confined • -housekeeping • -child rearing • -managing estate • Women as commodities • Marriage

  21. Europeans

  22. The Europeans Christianity Gun powder and trade Battle of Sekigahara (1600) Tokugawa Ieyasu Unification

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