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Costumer and Continuity Persons

Costumer and Continuity Persons. Morgen Cobb Kenny Drake Lori Lee. The job and duty of a costumer. Costume Person – The costumer, or “wardrobe”, takes care of costumes on the set, keeping them in good, clean, condition.

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Costumer and Continuity Persons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Costumer and Continuity Persons Morgen Cobb Kenny Drake Lori Lee

  2. The job and duty of a costumer • Costume Person – The costumer, or “wardrobe”, takes care of costumes on the set, keeping them in good, clean, condition. • Also making sure the right actor gets the right costume. They research and design authentic period, country or class costumes.

  3. The job and duty of a Continuity Person. • The person in a production responsible for maintaining consistency in all details from one shot to the next, including action, lighting, props, and costumes. • (Example – miss hats, or a totally different costume.) • Someone that keeps organization while filming, so people don’t get sidetracked.

  4. List of duties as a costumer include - • read and analyze the script • work closely with the director and other designers (set designer, lighting designer, make-up artist) on the production team to develop design concepts • do research to flesh out design concepts (for example, geographical setting, time period, characters and their relationships and actions) • produce drawings and colour renderings of costumes • meet with the wardrobe manager and head cutter to discuss each design • purchase fabrics, new or used clothing and accessories • develop and implement a budget for costume-related expenses • develop patterns for costumes if necessary • attend fittings and some rehearsals (for theatre, dance or opera productions).

  5. In addition • In addition to the duties listed, costume designers for large film productions may: • hire their own crew • rent equipment for the workshop/office and onset costume truck • attend shoots where new costumes are introduced to address desired changes • wrap up after filming.

  6. What you need as a costumer. • creativity and artistic vision • flexibility • the communication and personal skills required to work effectively with others and market their ideas and services • the ability to work under pressure and the stamina required to work long hours (sometimes 18 hours a day depending.) • the ability and desire to work in a team environment • they should enjoy experimenting and finding innovative solutions to problems, doing precise work with tools and equipment, and supervising the work of others.

  7. Bad signs of a continuity person. • The matrix - In the scene where Agent Smith is interrogating Neo, after Smith has sealed Neo's mouth shut and he is backed into the corner, when the camera cuts back to Smith you can clearly see a reflection in his glasses of Neo still sitting down in the chair. • Mr. and Mrs. Smith - The movie is supposed to take place in and around New York City, however during the car chase where Angelina and Brad are fighting off the three BMW's, a wide shot clearly shows a street sign announcing Los Angeles.

  8. Salary • Most costume designers and continuity persons are hired on contract for a season or particular production. Fees vary considerably depending on the production and the designer's reputation.  • Part-time or full-time earned from $13,100 to $106,500 a year. The average salary was $28,900 a year.

  9. Websites Used. • www.designers.ca • www.alis.gov.ab.ca/edinfo • www.tiptopjob.com/ • http://tms.ecol.net/movies/whocont.htm • http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=cfa043dd74bc928c40caac579328a519.1268279

  10. END

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