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Social Media

Social Media. Content & conversation. 25% of search results for the worlds largest brands are links to user-generated content. 34% of bloggers post opinions about products & brands.

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Social Media

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  1. Social Media Content & conversation

  2. 25% of search results for the worlds largest brands are links to user-generated content. 34% of bloggers post opinions about products & brands. & the increasing amount of time they spend on social media + the measurability & ROI – make it a prime platform for brands.

  3. An opportunity for brands Social Media

  4. Over coming the clutter of traditional Media.

  5. The average consumer is exposed to over 1,500 advertising messages every day. In the average hour, only about 39 minutes of TV is devoted to programming. The balance is called “clutter.” Most newspapers are about 60 percent advertising; trade journals often contain even more. The number of television commercials, public service announcements, and station promotions reached an all-time high last year [2009].

  6. According to the ANA/Forrester Research survey: • 62% of the survey respondents believe that TV commercials are less effective now than they were two years ago. • That timing happened to coincide with a great jump in Internet advertising, increased use of TiVo and other recording units, and the start of the economic downturn. • Most of the advertisers attribute the alleged decline in commercial effectiveness to TV ad clutter. They would like to see fewer spots, a point that struggling networks and stations don’t want to hear.

  7. Where as

  8. ‘Word of mouth’ is the only factor that features across stages and markets. Social Media = Word of Mouth! Source: McKinsey Quarterly report, April 2010

  9. & 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, only 14% trust ads.

  10. & the 2 biggest advantages:

  11. Traditional Media content: Social Media Content: BRAND BRAND Interaction & not just communication One way communication

  12. Traditional Media content: Social Media Content: BRAND BRAND Exposure to only Single facet of the brand Multiple messages showcasing different facets of the brand

  13. Eg: # 1 Ads focusing on specific product innovations! – Single message But the consumer wants more…

  14. Multiple messages & facets of the brand’s personality can be highlighted through social media, through direct interaction, which makes the brand a true partner in the consumers life! How to handle your first period? Help in eliminating social taboos Myth busting and medical advice, etc.

  15. Eg: # 2 Ads focusing on specific product benefits!

  16. Multiple discussions on on varying hair-care needs (breakage, dandruff, split ends, hair loss, shine & texture and volume). Interviews & Chats with experts, hair styles and trends, makeovers, etc., which makes the brand a true partner in the consumers life!

  17. However

  18. 60 million updates happen on Face Book every day! 46.2 years of YouTube videos are watched on Face Book everyday!

  19. Huge amount of content

  20. Approximately 24+hours of video is uploaded on YouTube for every minute. It will take a person 1700+ years to watch all the content on YouTube. More video is uploaded on You Tube in60days than all 3 major U.S. networks created in60 years. 94out of the Advertising Age’s top 100 advertisers run campaigns on YouTube & Google content network.

  21. Not one ad/branded video being viewed in the top list.

  22. There are over 70,000 applications already developed for using Twitter. There are 55million tweets everyday @ 640 tweets per second.

  23. Not one brand in top

  24. Hence unlike traditional media, the biggest challenge for brands on the social media, is competing with ‘content created by people’ and not just ‘competition’s communication’.

  25. Content & Conversation Content is Conversation!! Social Media

  26. Why has it come to be? Before, we dwell on the importance of content, it is essential to understand the human need for the medium Social Media

  27. My ‘Hero’ ‘Me’ Hero Obsessing about self and wanting to advocate self to others. Might still love heroes, but content with taking cues off them. Still want to belong to a tribe, but it needs to be a tribe of individuals. Obsessing & passionately Emulating the larger than life heroes. Content with being the lead in a few people’s lives. Happy belonging to a tribe.

  28. Reality as entertainment & inspiration Fantasy/Fiction Imagination fuelled by fiction. Looking up to fantasy to either fulfill desires or for inspiration. Indulgent dreams. Voyeurism & curiosity fulfilled by reality. Want to make it real, rather than fantasize. Achievable dreams.

  29. Affiliation Affiliation Liberating emotions Generational familiarity Changing together Harmony in values Relative accountability Binding traditions Generational divide Fast changing world Difference in values Unconditional accountability Forming a new-age/contemporary new family & society

  30. “social mania insights”

  31. How is the ‘social - virtual life’ affecting ‘Real Life’ behavior?

  32. # My observations about behaviors and new trends in social media consumption (am only mentioning stuff that I have not read anywhere, for which I have no quantitative data to support with)

  33. Picture perfect: ‘First impressions’ are made on social networks, not in real lives! • Every thought in the head, is evaluated as being ‘worthy of being tweeted’ or not! • Every picture is fb manicured. • Every status update to get maximum responses back. • Even before you get close to someone, you already know most facets of their personality. • If somebody sets you up on a date, you check out the prospect on fb first.

  34. Quote currency: Seems to be a good ground to source for quote currency. Not only can you source content, you can make your own playlists and share them with people as well. Another socially monetizable opportunity. • Quotes, data, videos, knowledge of any kind is sued to gain attention and get credit for sharing it (first). • Personal thoughts & emotions are also shared.

  35. Attention paranoia: • Gaming on face book is a rage, not only because it lets you play with other ‘people’ across the world, but because it makes ‘you’ the center of attention of so many ‘unknown’ people from around the world.

  36. Attention paranoia: • For holidaying as a category, the entire path to purchase is changing and has become social media driven because others holiday experiences either inspire & instigate you to do the same or provoke you to want to do ‘not done before’ holiday to generate your own currency.

  37. Attention paranoia: Social Media allows every individual to satisfy his/her ‘need for attention’ • Everyone feels nice when there is activity on their facebook page • If my status, pix don’t get comments, I change it! • People add/delete friends, not only on basis of their personal relationships, but also, based on ‘how active they are on my profile’! • E.g. I may want to delete a certain friend, ‘X’ - coz he was my classmate in school but I have never spoken to him in my life! But if he is active on my page, liking my pics and commenting on my status, I will think 10 times before deleting him!

  38. Everyone’s using the social media to market something… Marketers want to market their brands… Consumers want to market themselves!! (blogs through networked blogs, Resumes through linkedin, pictures, small joys, little achievements on facebook, ideas on twitter, etc.)

  39. Can brands, instead of marketing themselves by trying to use the Social media, as another marketing platform, ENABLE CONSUMERS TO MARKET THEMSELVES??!!! Content that enables them to create the conversation around themselves because of your brand or share & gain social attention?

  40. Everyone’s out there, to be seen and to be heard! All that a brand needs to do is, make sure that they are seen and heard! It is also an opportunity to genuinely help.

  41. In summary:

  42. Straight hair ‘ME’ Hero Hey look @ the kewl stuff I’ve been doing Are you helping me be the hero? Only users (no consumers), brands need to become part of their social currency.

  43. Reality & entertainment Is it entertaining & is it share-currency Commercial/branded content immediately has lower chances, hence needs to have higher relevance & entertainment value.

  44. So how to get the content right? How do we engage this social creature

  45. Let’s look at a few right efforts

  46. Joker - Batman digital/social media mktg campaign clip

  47. What did they do right? • Drive maximum craze/obsession for opening night and make sure the frenzy continues for the movie. • Leveraged on the existing Batman equity • Had a simple idea (cops & robbers) • Leveraged on the gaming obsession & then extended the game into real life • Made life entertaining & the initiative participative & shareable • Was continuously monitored, specific stimulus was provided to make the act at each stage & each act was rewarded by generating social currency for them • Crafted it into a mass movement, making it a ‘cool thing’ to join

  48. Jack in the box Puma digital/social media mktg campaign clip

  49. What did they do right? • Articulated the task clearly: Drive footfalls to the store & create a sense of ownership around the product to differentiate the brand. • Leveraged on people’s need to create & gave them an outlet for it and also gave them their 5 minutes of fame • Took the interaction to the streets (not always a social campaign needs to operate in digital media only) • Made life entertaining & the initiative participative & shareable • Was continuously monitored, specific stimulus was provided to make them act at each stage & each act was rewarded by generating social currency for them. • Crafted it into a mass movement, making it a ‘cool thing’ to join.

  50. T mobile airport welcome - digital/social media mktg campaign clip

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