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Animals. 山东省泰安卫生学校英语教研室 梁爽. 说课提纲 Contents. 教材分析 Analysis of Teaching Materials 教学目标 Teaching Objects 教学重点与难点 Key and Difficult Points 教学方法 Teaching Methods 教学过程 Teaching Procedures 教学反馈 Feedback of Teaching 板书的设计 Blackboard Design.

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  1. Animals 山东省泰安卫生学校英语教研室 梁爽

  2. 说课提纲Contents 教材分析 Analysis of Teaching Materials 教学目标 Teaching Objects 教学重点与难点 Key and Difficult Points 教学方法 Teaching Methods 教学过程 Teaching Procedures 教学反馈Feedback of Teaching 板书的设计Blackboard Design

  3. 教材分析和学情分析Analysis of Teaching Materials and Students 本单元的话题是Animals,选用教材为高等教育出版社英语基本版第二册第一课 Listening的部分。听力材料具体涉及内容为“谈论宠物”,主要是围绕“动物”这一中心话题进行设计的。本册每个教学单元均包括“热身活动”,“听”,“说”,“综合英语”,“兴趣阅读”,“写作”6个模块,“听”模板结合交际功能并围绕单元话题展开,充分体现了大纲突出实用性的要求。 教材 分析 (Analysis of Teaching Materials) 通过分析085YH1,2,3班学生现有的语音、词汇、语法基础,了解他们本课听力理解方面所存在的语言障碍;以及学生所缺乏的本课相关的文化背景知识,确定本课听力材料的难易程度对于085YH1,2班的学生来说为“中”,对于085YH3班的学生来说为“易”。因此在教学任务和教学过程上会有所区别,本课件主要是针对085YH1,2班学生制作的。 学情 分析 (Analysis of Students)

  4. 教学目标Teaching Aims 知识目标 Knowledge aims 学习有关动物的词汇和短语,听懂听力材料中的对话内容。 能力目标 Ability aims 提高听力能力,培养做听力题的技巧。 利用正确的教学方式指导并让学生掌握科学的听力方法。 德育目标 Moral aims 使学生认识到人与动物之间的亲密友好的关系,从而树立应该保护自然、爱护动物的意识。

  5. 教学重点和难点Key and Difficult Points 重点 Key Points 掌握Warm-up中的生词 训练精听,泛听技能 难点 Difficult Points 对听力技能的训练 培养学生克服在听力过程中的恐惧或抗拒心理,以及迎接挑战的决心和勇气

  6. 教学方法设计的理论The Theory of Teaching Methods 分层递进教学( different levels of Teaching)课堂教学的难点就在于如何面对一个由个体差异悬殊的学生组成的群体。承认学生的差异,适应学生的差异,运用学生的差 异,设立不同的教学目标、采用不同的教学方法。这就需要采取新的教学模式即分层递进教学从而控制和缩小“课堂差异”从而尽最大可能地保障全体学生共同进步。情景教学(Background of Teaching) 在课堂教学中巧妙运用教学艺术,适当安排自学、小组讨论、全班讨论、游戏、竞赛等活动,鼓励学生开口就说,提高运用语言的能力,变“讲堂”为“学堂”,变“要我学”为“我要学”,从而从根本上打破传统的课堂教学方法。听力四重奏(Listening Quartet)听力速度训练,听力素质训练,听力记忆训练,和听力理解训练。

  7. 听力四重奏即学法指导Listening Quartet 用心听 精力不要放在个别单词上 回忆听力内容 精听与泛听 听力 理解训练 听力 记忆训练 扎实的基础知识和全面的综合素质的培养 听力 速度训练 听力 素质训练 从抓住只言片语到接受一个完整句子

  8. 教学过程Teaching Procedures 组织教学:查考勤,组织课堂纪律 教学工具:录音机 若干动物名片 检查复习:复习提问上次课所学习的内容。 讲授新课:Step1 Lead in(导入)15’ Step2 Pre-listening(听前)5’ Step3 listening(听)5’ Step4 Check(核对答案)5’ Step5Explaining and listening (解释, 听)30’ Step6 Summary(归纳总结)8’ Step7 Discussion(讨论)10’ Step8 Extended knowledge of Culture(文化背景 知识扩展)10’ Step9 Homework(作业)2’

  9. Step1 Lead in(导入) 玩一玩 (理论依据:情景教学) 鲁迅说过:“游戏是孩子的天使。”本节课设计“我猜,我猜,我猜猜”的游戏来让学生思考每一种动物的特征,并且操练 Does it have …? Does it eat…? Is it a male/female? 等一般疑问句句型并超目标完成Warm-up中PartA的部分 A Write in each blank one word that is often associated with the animals listed below. dog cat elephant tiger ----- ----- ------------ ------ sheep cow pig chicken -------- ----- ---- ----------

  10. 说一说 通过问答和展示图片进行讨论的听前热身活动激活“课堂”。 Do you like animals? Do you have any pets? Do you have a cat ? Do you have a dog? If so, what's your dog's name? Would you like to keep a dog or cat at home? Are you afraid of snakes? What pets do you think are unusual? Have you ever keep goldfish at home?

  11. 利用动物名片记忆单词 What animal is it? Panda

  12. What animal is it? Elephant

  13. What animal is it? Penguin

  14. What animal is it? Donkey

  15. What animal is it? Bird

  16. What animal is it? Lion

  17. What animal is it? Starfish

  18. What animal is it? Bee

  19. What animal is it? Parrot

  20. Step2 Pre-listening(听前) 快速读题,有目的地“听”(理论依据:听力四重奏中的听力记忆训练) 练习题型:填空题 考查学生记忆力,逻辑思维判断力。 B Listen to the tape again and complete the table below according to the conversation. Pets Characteristics dog _______________ cat _______________ snake _______________ goldfish _______________

  21. Step3 listening(听) 听材料,完成课后题。(理论依据:听力四重奏) Mother:Hello,Jane. Jane:Hello,mom.where are you going? Mother:I’m going to the pet shop,to buy David a pet for his birthday.Would you like to come along? Jane:Oh,that’ll be wonderful,I love to be in a pet shop. Mother:What shall I give him? Jane:Why don’t you buy him a dog? He likes dogs because they are friendly. Mother: but he’s already got a dog. Jane:Yes,that’s true.What about getting a cat?Cats are cute and friendly. Mother:But he’s got a pet mouse.And he can’t take a cat for a walk,can he?Anyway,I want to buy him something unusual.What about a snake? Jane:A shake?Are you kidding,Mom? Mother:Lots of people keep snakes.They are clean and easy to look after.And they are very unusual pets.David likes snakes. Jane:I don’t,Idon’t want to find a snake in my home.It looks terrible. Mother:Well…what do you suggest then? Jane:Why not buy him some goldfish?It’s quiet and beautiful. Mother:Good idea.

  22. Step4 Check(核对答案 ) Mother:Hello,Jane. Jane:Hello,mom.where are you going? Mother:I’m going to the pet shop,to buy David a pet for his birthday.Would you like to come along? Jane:Oh,that’ll be wonderful,I love to be in a pet shop. Mother:What shall I give him? Jane:Why don’t you buy him a dog? He likes dogs because they are friendly. Mother: but he’s already got a dog. Jane:Yes,that’s true.What about getting a cat?Cats are cute and friendly. Mother:But he’s got apet mouse.And he can’t take a cat for a walk,can he?Anyway,I want to buy him something unusual.What about a snake? Jane:A shake?Are you kidding,Mom? Mother:Lots of people keep snakes.They are clean and easy to look after.And they are very unusual pets.David likes snakes. Jane:I don’t,Idon’t want to find a snake in my home.It looks terrible. Mother:Well…what do you suggest then? Jane:Why not buy him some goldfish?It’s quiet and beautiful. Mother:Good idea.

  23. Step5Explaining(解释) 分析材料中的知识点,讲解难点和重点,每个句子播放2遍,让学生重复所听到的句子。(理论依据:分层递进教学) 新单词和词组(New words and Expressions): 1.Whatabout buying a cat? 买一只猫如何?这是一个不完全句。 2.What about a snake? 蛇怎么样?这也是一个不完全句。 3.pet shop(宠物商店) 4.cute(小巧玲珑的,逗人喜爱的) 5.Unusual(不寻常的) 连读,重读,弱读(Tone) 连读:I’m going to… That’ll be… That’s ture… 重读 :To buy david a pet… That’sll be wonderful 弱读:What shall I give him?

  24. Step6 Summary(归纳总结) 平心静气集中精力 快速阅读有目的地听 掌握节奏合理安排时间 听懂语调和重音

  25. Step7 Discussion(讨论) 让学生们以小组的形式组织情景对话,鼓励学生开口说,提高运用语言的能力,变“课堂”为“学堂”,变“要我学”为“我要学”加深对听力材料中语言知识点的掌握。 补充《疯狂英语900句》10个句型。(理论依据:情景教学) 本堂课题:Suggesting 1.Do you have any suggests? 2.What about…? 3.How about…? 4.Why don’t you? 5.let’s… 6.I suggest… 7.All right. 8.Ok 9.What a good idear! 10. It’s up to you.

  26. 补充与“animal”有关的Idioms 1.to be a fish out of water 置身于陌生的环境中,你有何感受?会感到害怕、不知所措吗?这时我们可以说自己就像一条离开水的鱼。 2.to kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟。也叫“多任务处理”。 3.to be stubborn as a mule 骡子工作勤奋、认真。不过如果一头骡子不想工作了,什么都改变不了它的心意。倔强、固执就是说拒绝改变想法。 4.to be as strong as an ox 公牛十分巨大。肌肉强健的公牛能拉动沉重的货物。高大强壮的人常被比喻成这种动物。 Step8 Extended Knowledge of Culture(文化背景知识扩展)

  27. Step9 Homework(作业) 预习Unit4 Warm-up 课下多听英语材料

  28. 教学反馈Feedback of Teaching 要提高备课质量 备课不仅是备课文、备学生,还要备老师自己。 要有较高的业务水平 帮助或指导学生执行和完成任务 要有较强的应变能力 老师除了备好课以外,还应提高在课堂上随机应 变的能力,但是这种应变必须是谦虚的、坦诚的。

  29. 板书的设计Blackboard Design pets 1.Whatabout buying a cat? dog 买一只猫如何?这是一个不完全句。 cat 2.What about a snake? snake 蛇怎么样?这也是一个不完全句。 goldfish 3.pet shop(宠物商店) 4.cute(小巧玲珑的,逗人喜爱的) 5.Unusual(不寻常的) 连读,重读,弱读(Tone) 连读:I’m going to… That’ll be… That’s ture… 重读 :To buy david a pet… 弱读:What shall I give him? Animals

  30. Thank You!

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