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Impact of Private Scholarships on College Access and Completion

Impact of Private Scholarships on College Access and Completion. Mark Kantrowitz Publisher of Edvisors.com. Caveats Concerning Impact of Private Scholarships. Correlations do not prove causation

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Impact of Private Scholarships on College Access and Completion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Impact of Private Scholarships on College Access and Completion Mark Kantrowitz Publisher of Edvisors.com

  2. Caveats Concerning Impact of Private Scholarships • Correlations do not prove causation • A “dose-response” relationship, where outcomes improve with increases in the amount of private scholarships, is suggestive of causation • Which is cause and which is effect, however, is unclear unless there is a temporal relationship (e.g., cause precedes effect) • There may also be a shared cause of both effects • The impact of private scholarships may also be due to the inadequacy of government and institutional need-based grants • There may also be a dependency on having a “critical mass” of scholarships relative to costs

  3. Impact on college affordability

  4. Ratio of Gift Aid to Cost of Attendance (COA), 2011-12

  5. Scholarships Keep Net Price Steady Despite Higher Costs

  6. Impact on college enrollment

  7. Scholarships Shift Enrollment to More-Selective Colleges

  8. Scholarships Shift Enrollment from 2-year to 4-Year Colleges

  9. Scholarships Shift Enrollment from Public to Non-Profit Colleges

  10. Scholarships Shift Enrollment to Out-of-State Colleges

  11. Scholarships Shift Enrollment from Part-Time to Full-Time

  12. Impact on outcomes

  13. Scholarships Improve Bachelor’s Degree Attainment Rates

  14. Scholarships Affect Salaries of Bachelor’s Degree Recipients

  15. Debt at Graduation by Gift Aid Ratio to COA

  16. Scholarships Increase Graduate School Application Rates

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