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Sexually Transmitted Infection

Get the Best STD Treatment in Delhi with Best Sexologist Doctor in Delhi. Experience Safe, Reliable, and Effective Care. Book an Appointment. Dr. Vinod Raina<br>

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Sexually Transmitted Infection

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  1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Infections that are largely transmitted by sexual activity, such as vaginal, anal, or oral sex, are referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), sometimes known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They can affect both sexes and are brought on by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi. If left untreated, STDs can have detrimental effects on one's health. They can also be passed from mother to kid while giving birth. Various Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: There are many different forms of STDs, and each has unique symptoms, means of transmission, and therapies. Several prevalent STDs include: Chlamydia: One of the most prevalent bacterial STDs is chlamydia, which is brought on by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. If left untreated, it frequently has no symptoms but can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in females. Gonorrhoea: Gonorrhoea is an infection of the genitalia, rectum, and throat that is brought on by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Discharge, uncomfortable urination, and pelvic pain are examples of symptoms. It can result in severe consequences including infertility if left untreated. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection:

  2. HPV is a group of viruses that can cause genital warts and certain types of cancers, including cervical, anal, and throat cancer. Some strains of HPV can be prevented through vaccination. Herpes: Caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), it can result in painful sores in the genital area or mouth. Herpes is a lifelong infection and can recur periodically. Syphilis: Caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, it progresses in stages and can cause various symptoms, including painless sores, rashes, fever, and potentially severe complications if left untreated. HIV infection: HIV assaults the immune system, resulting in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It can be passed from woman to child after childbirth, via shared needles, or through sexual contact. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) can assist in controlling HIV and halting the development of AIDS. Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infection: Depending on the specific infection, sexually transmitted diseases' (STDs') symptoms can change. While certain STDs may create obvious symptoms, others may be asymptomatic or have minor, vague signs

  3. that are simple to ignore. Here are some typical signs and risk factors for STDs: Many STDs can result in abnormal discharge from the genitals. For instance, both men and women may experience a yellowish or greenish discharge from chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Women who have trichomoniasis may experience frothy, yellow-green discharge. When urinating or engaging in sexual activity, STDs frequently cause pain or discomfort. This could be brought on by an infection or irritation in the vaginal region. Syphilis and genital herpes are two illnesses that can lead to sores or ulcers that hurt. Genital Itching or Irritation: Certain STDs, such as genital herpes, pubic lice (crabs), or trichomoniasis, can cause genital itching, redness, or irritation. Some STDs can cause skin rashes or lesions in the vaginal area or other areas of the body. Lymph Nodes Swollen: The lymph nodes may swell and become sensitive in reaction to an infection. This can happen with several STDs, such as syphilis, herpes, and HIV. Flu-like Symptoms: Some people with STDs may experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, body pains, lethargy, and swollen glands.

  4. This can occur during genital herpes outbreaks or the early stages of HIV infection. The following are some factors that fuel the spread of STDs: Unprotected Sexual Activity: Having sex without using condoms or other barrier techniques raises your chance of getting an STD and transferring it to others. Multiple Sexual Partners: The likelihood of getting into touch with someone who has an STD increases if you have multiple sexual partners or partake in impromptu or anonymous sexual encounters. Intravenous Drug Use: The sharing of needles or drug accessories can result in the spread of blood-borne diseases like HIV or hepatitis. Lack of Education and Awareness: Infections can spread because people are not adequately informed about STDs, how they are transmitted, and how to prevent them. Lack of Routine Testing: Delaying diagnosis and treatment by skipping routine STD testing and screening can cause infections to worsen and raise the risk of transmission.

  5. Vertical Transmission: Some STDs, like HIV, syphilis, or herpes, can be passed vertically from an infected woman to her unborn child during breastfeeding. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Video: https://youtu.be/3KmPUWpAevY To get more info visit the website: https://www.bestsexologistindelhi.com/sexually-transmitted-diseases- in-delhi

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