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7 chakras: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown, their colors and meaning, and also the benefits to the body.

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  1. The Chakra Chart: Colors And Stones Each and every Chakra has a frequency of its own. The styles of a rainbow are a noticeable, cosmic assertion of the energy inbuilt within all of us. These 7 color rays are filled with energy which can have an impact on the emotions of ours, lots of more., activity level and health. These styles are universal as well as throughout the ages. You will find colored stones used with every chakra color. It will help increasing the good energies of the shades which already exist everything around us. The style of every stone is the primary key to its healing attributes. 1. The first chakra The Muldhara Root Chakra: I'm secure and protected all the times. I love the foot of mine they clearly show me the way. I love the feet of mine it provides me support. The color red will be the color of this particular chakra. It's the color of physical power, measures, grounding and protection survival. This color brings zeal and may to relationships, career and daily life. o Stones: Red Jasper, Garnet, Onyx, Rubies, Apache Tear, Red Tiger's Eye, Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Black Hematite and Tourmaline. https://www.healthpally.com/chakra-colors-and-meanings/ 2. Second Chakra Swadhisthan Sacral Chakra: I love my sexuality tremendously. Orange will be the color of this particular chakra. It represents general, joy, and sexuality feeling of wellness.

  2. o Stones: Carnelian, Amber, Zircon, Sunstone, Topaz, Moonstone, Tiger Eye, Orange Calcite, Blue Jasper. 3. Third Chakra Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra I trust the worthiness of mine, I'm worthy of the best life. The color yellow has stood for wisdom and strength. The "Sun Color" helps make us feel optimistic and happy. o Stones: Fluorite, Golden Beryl, Calcite, Golden Yellow Topaz, Cat's Eye, Yellow Jade, Golden Tiger Eye, Yellow Garnet, Citrine, Lemon Chrysoprase, Yellow Jasper. 4. Fourth Chakra Anahata Heart Chakra: Love is the goal of the life of mine, Love is each time. Lined up with the planet Venus as well as the moon, it stands for color that is green. Color of balance, color of nature. Stimulates functions of expressing love that is unconditional, compassion and forgiveness, brings harmony and serenity to lives. o Stones: Amazonite, Beryl, Bloodstone, Emerald, Grossular Garnet, Green Agate, Peridot, Green Apophyllite, Green Cats Eye, Rhodonite, Green Tourmaline, Green Jade, Rose Quartz. 5. Fifth Chakra Vishuddha- Throat Chakra: I'm feeling safe to express the thoughts of mine. A balance of the color blue brings inspirations, creativity, self-expression, confidence in ourselves and trust in others. dynamics. Stimulates functions of expressing love that is unconditional, compassion and forgiveness, brings harmony and serenity to lives. o Stones: Amethyst,Aquamarine, Azurite, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Sapphire, Lepidolite, Larimar, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Turquoise, Blue Tourmaline, Zircon. 6. Sixth Chakra Ajna- Brow Chakra- I'm ready to accept new ideas, circumstances and folks. I'm following the intuitions of mine. A blend of pink and violet, color indigo will be the color of knowledge, intuition and dignity. o Stones: Azurite, Labradorite, Zunzite, Flourite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Blue Jasper, Sodalite and Sugilite.

  3. 7. Seventh Chakra Sahasrara Crown Chakra:I am divinely shielded and guided, I'm at peace. The chakra takes us the hookup "all in one". A great balance of blue and red, The color purple takes us oneness to the universe, giving religious vision and also keeps us from physical needs. o Stones: Amethyst, Lepidolite, Lavender Quartz, Iolite, Selenite, Sugilite, Lavender Jade, Sugilite, Ametrine, Zircon & Diamond Find More Information: https://www.healthpally.com/chakra-colors-and-meanings/.

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