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Personal Development P045

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Personal Development P045

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Personal Development P045

    2. 2 Topic in focus The Story of the Butterfly What is failure? two meaning Why failure? Self handicapping strategies Behavioral Claimed Coping strategies Problem-coping setting realistic goals + developing efficacy Emotion-coping

    3. The Story of the Butterfly

    4. 4

    5. 5

    6. 6

    7. 7

    8. 8

    9. 9

    10. 10

    11. 11

    12. 12

    13. 13

    14. 14

    15. 15 What is failure?

    16. 16 Definition of failure(s) (Wiktionary) State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success. Termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function.

    17. 17 A real life failure case you consider it as a problem Sharing (10 minute)

    18. 18 Personal failure case sharing Share your own failure experience in group for 10 minutes. Use W6 1 to check how much you used the listed statements to explain their failure.

    19. 19 Debriefing Failure - the reasons and the way out

    20. 20 Why failure The challenge was beyond your ability Reach your goal through a different route. You didnt devote sufficient effort, or because you underestimated the difficulty of the task Take the time to develop your skills and to learn new strategies. By virtue of bad luck Try again Because of someone else Being assertive

    21. 21 Are you a self-handicapper? W6 - 2

    22. 22 What is self-handicapping? Jones and Berglas (1978)

    23. 23 Self-handicapping Self-handicapping is a self-protective attributional strategy in which a person subconsciously creates impediments to his or her performance. stone ? foot This strategy provides a convenient excuse for poor performance and allows for enhanced attributions of competence in success. ?????? Internal, stable attributions such as ability may be less available to people who self-handicap so that, regardless of outcome, somewhat greater reliance on external, unstable attributions becomes necessary. ????? ? ??

    24. 24 ???? ???????????????????????????? ????????: ??????? (behavioral self-handicapping strategy) ??????? (claimed self-handicapping strategy)

    25. 25 Examples of self-handicapping strategies Behavioral ??? Failing to rest and recuperate the night before a presentation. Use of drugs or alcohol (drunk driving, raping, gun seizing ? shift responsibility). Engage in violent acts, such as spousal abuse. Claimed (or excuses) ??? Professing to be ill, tired, bodily symptoms or too nervous to perform well (Tungs case) Using shyness as an excuse for not putting themselves in certain social situations

    26. 26 Disadvantage of Self-handicapping strategies They may protect our self-esteem in the short run but prevent us from having many successful experiences. ????? ?????

    27. 27 Group discussion Share and present one self-handicap case (Behavioral or claimed)

    28. 28 Break

    29. 29 Coping

    30. 30 Coping Defined as the efforts we make to manage situations we have appraised as being potentially harmful or stressful. Efforts ----> situations (harmful or stressful)

    31. 31 Coping Two General Coping Strategies problem-focused emotion-focused Research: problem coping > emotional coping

    32. 32 Problem-focused coping strategies ( problem or a challenge under control )

    33. 33 Emotion-focused coping strategies (problem or a challenge beyond control )

    34. 34 Avoidance coping strategies To do something else to escape from the problem. Eg. I go to a movie or watch TV. I go out for a snack or meal. I take time off and get away from the situation.

    35. 35 Application of Coping Strategies Setting realistic goals & Developing efficacy

    36. 36 Setting Realistic Goals ( part A ) Ten years from now, I see myself...... Considering the most important things in my life to be Working 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 hours a week? Working for myself? Working for a large company? Working for a small company? Likely to stay in the same job for years? Changing job occasionally? My main achievements in life are likely to be Achieve a good classification of degree Gain a deeper understanding of my specialist study Learn to believe my own abilities Be able to get a well-paid job Develop a wide range of skills Develop problem-solving skills Try out new things Take on positions of responsibility Other things (please write them down)

    37. 37 Setting Realistic Goals ( part B ) Select 3 most important items which you gave the highest ranking in the previous exercise in (Part A)

    38. 38 Developing Self-efficacy Live a life of goals Set goals with reasonable and challenging standards remember: no pain, no gain Seek out good role models (vicarious learning) Relax (push you to the peak performance) Talk to yourself in a positive manner: to think over good experiences and past successes.

    39. 39 Case studies ?May??? How to help with Ah May - setting realistic goals

    40. 40

    41. 41

    42. 42

    43. 43

    44. 44

    45. 45

    46. 46

    47. 47 Conclusion - Redefine failure Success-oriented people would consider failure as an opportunity to learn which should be embraced. Failure presents us with opportunities to learn and gain wisdom and experience. What separates people like Edison from the masses is summed up in these three statements: He believed he would succeed, He was persistent, and would not quit, and He learned from each failure, and succeeded by the process of elimination.

    48. 48 The end

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