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Digital Worth Academy

Digital Worth Academy

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Digital Worth Academy

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  1. 30% Discount Ends In: Wave Money Worries Goodbye. Job, Boss, Of?ce: NOT Required See how your own little “Digital Asset” website could fund your lifestyle, and leave you with the time to spend on whatever you care about most. GET THE DETAILS WARNING: If you’re looking for a “secret” or a “loophole” for earning untold riches on the interwebz, by this time next week... you’re in the wrong place. If you’re looking for a legitimate online business, to earn a stable income that could let you: - Quit a job you don’t like - Fund your retirement - Live location independent and travel the world.

  2. … And you’re ready to put in the work? It’s nice to meet you. Come sit down... Reports from our Amazon accounts showing revenue generated. Note: "fees" are the fees they pay us for selling their products. Welcome to Digital Worth Academy: A business model proven over 12 years, by thousands of students, and the online course, coaching program and software tools anyone can use to replicate it. And we mean anyone. - Doesn't matter if you've never done this before. (It's certi?ed newbie friendly) - Doesn't matter if you're on a budget (You can get started for $100) - Doesn't matter if you're "time poor" (You need minimum 10 hours a week) You can grow an honest to goodness online business to generate up to $1,000, $2,000, and even $10,000 a month in income, working where you want and when you want.

  3. I have a site that’s now averaging about $3500 a month (it spikes over the holiday season. Last November it did more than $9,000). It’s not the highest earning site, but it’s a nice income for little work. Catherine P Digital Worth Academy Member "The sites that I built using Andrew & Sara’s methods I sold for $50k. It gave me enough money to quit my job, travel and I’m now building a new site that is nearing a decent wage already." Matt B Digital Worth Academy Member There are a ton of “online business-building” trainings out there. It seems like every time you part the tall grass of the Internet, another too-good-to-be- true headline jumps out:

  4. "My Secret To Earning $12,340 per day..." "Make Money While You Sleep!" "Stay At Home Mom Discovers The Secret To Destroying Belly Fat!"** ** OK, so that last one isn’t quite related. For some reason, they’ve all got the same ugly red headlines… And they all promise what you’ve been dreaming of — A chance to quit your boring job, start a business, and live a ?exible, carefree, travel- packed life. You’ll get to make your own schedule! Work just an hour a day from a fancy coffee shop! Hire a full-time nanny for your kids while you sip margaritas and plan your next luxury beach trip!

  5. Scientists haven’t yet ?gured out how to make money grow on trees. If that changes, we’ll totally let you know. Bad news. It’s bogus. The reality is that being successful with a real online business — one that will support you and your family long-term, and won’t disappear in a blink with the next Google or Amazon update — is really hard. It takes a good idea, consistent effort, and a strategic plan. Not to mention time. So when you try to start a business like this, hope and excitement can quickly turn to frustration and disappointment when - sometimes after months of time and thousands of dollars invested - you realize it's just not gonna work the way they told you it would. It sucks because... Behind the scenes - far away from those mansion photos and screaming headlines - real income generating online businesses DO exist... You’ll even see some of them on this page. - Regular people start them. Of all ages. - With no prior experience.

  6. - Often while they’re working 9-5 jobs. And when it works, it’s as wonderful as all the cliches tell you... Fast forward to today. I’ve implemented what Andrew and Sara taught and am still implementing it. My one website is generating a solid $2,500 a month on average, and I’ve had a huge month in December when it made roughly $13,000. But the best part is, I spend on average 1 hour a month on my website. It’s literally runs on autopilot and I’m so happy because I’ve gained my life back. In fact, last September I was ?nally able to leave my 60+ hour week job. I go on vacation every other month and spend quality time with my wife and baby. I’ve gained freedom, the lifestyle, and a business that works around my life. Everything has literally transformed before my eyes. Nathan L Digital Worth Academy Member You really CAN have this little website that earns you money... (Yes, even while you’re sleeping. See below:)

  7. This is what I saw for earnings on one of my sites when I woke up last Tuesday. Granted I live in Australia, so while I’m asleep, the rest of the world is awake… but still! You can earn your income working from home… (Yes you CAN work in your pajamas… that doesn’t mean you SHOULD. :)) You can be your own boss... (And avoid having some ignorant, a** kissing, control freak determine the course of your day.) You can spend more of your time on the things that are important to you: family, hobbies, travel, your health and ?tness? (On Monday and Thursday mornings, just after 9am, while many of my fellow city dwellers are headed to the of?ce, I’m taking these two goons to their swimming lessons) And you can take your work with you, wherever you are in the world.

  8. (Not having to cram your holiday time into 4 weeks annual leave a year, is completely life changing.) Full disclosure: No internet access up on that mountain. But at our BnB down below I totally shot off a few emails. You CAN Have All This IF (And it’s a big IF…) NOT IF you’re an entrepreneurial genius. NOT IF you’re a tech wizard. But IF you can be CONSISTENT. That’s where 99% of would-be online business owners fail. You’re so busy looking for a silver bullet that you don’t notice the quiver of perfectly good arrows sitting right next to you. (The arrows are your existing strengths, in case that’s not clear. Weapons! They make great metaphors.) You won’t need a premium checking account bursting with startup cash… Or a board of experienced, powerful advisors… Or a crack marketing team… But you will need yourself.

  9. And if you’re the kind of person who knows you can get the work done — then with with the right guidance YOU can live all those cliches of freedom and happiness too. Without all that belly-fat-burning nonsense. ** We’ll be happy if we never see an ad like this again. We’re Andrew Hansen & Sara Young

  10. And despite both having had a business like this for the past 12 years, neither of us should have ever really “made it”. Andrew started trying to build a business when he was 19, with no education, no experience, and no money. Sara started, and then continued to build her business while raising a family of 7 children. (think about that next time you feel like you “don’t have enough time”) Both situations should have resulted in complete failure, and in the early years, they actually did. We’ll skip the full life story, but here's a sample of our most remarkable screw-ups from those early days: 1. Andrew drops out of university with the vague idea of starting an online business. His ?rst achievement is to max out his kind Mom’s credit card without being able to show any ?nancial result whatsoever. (Mom, if you’re reading, thanks again :)) 2. Sara decides to start a business instead of pursuing a promising career. For 2 years she hops from one strategy to another, never succeeding in anything and earning no money, while the growing family goes deeper into debt. Yay! 3. Andrew works on his websites for 6 hours most nights, after coming home from a 9-5 job, and still fails to make any real money. “Isn’t it supposed to be “passive income?” 4. Sara ?nally earns $10k/month by buying cheap Google ads to get traf?c to her site. But shortly thereafter Google ?ags her site as low quality (which it was!), and her

  11. business goes from pro?t to loss overnight. 5. Andrew builds low quality websites that get up to earning $100 a day. He feels like a huge success. A week later, all his sites are (obviously) deindexed by Google and his income reduces to $0. 6. Even when Andrew ?nally starts to do well online, he gets scammed out of $25,000 (sadly not a typo) by a supposed online business “guru”. Andrew tries to forget this moment as often as he can. 7. Sara was “only” scammed out of $10k once she started doing well. Sara had forgotten this incident until Andrew made her recall it for this sales page! So yeah, it wasn’t exactly “smooth sailing”. But… (and thank God there’s a but)... Through some combination of stubbornness, persistence and accumulated knowledge about what “doesn’t work”, we had that one lovely moment where… You make a sale. Andrew’s earned him a whopping $19. Sara’s, an even better $10. Take a look at this from 2005!

  12. When that happens, everything changes. In an instant, the idea you held your whole life that money is "earned" in exchange for your time... comes crumbling to the ground. The doors open and the dots connect, and you realize that if that 1 thing made that $10... You're gonna take 100 of those things please. Maybe 1,000! "Making more money" becomes a matter of rinse and repeat. ► (You feel unstoppable… kind of like this guy) In the next 10 years we sold millions of dollars worth of products online. Last year, in a 12 month period, we earned more than $213,000 just in af?liate commissions, just from our main websites (not including our teaching business).

  13. (We tried to compile all our Amazon screenshots together to show you that. Note that in Amazon “fees” are the fees they paid us.) After 12 years, every type of screw up imaginable, and proudly now a long track record of success both with our own sites and our students', we’re con?dent we can show you what it takes to grow an income like this for yourself. And it’s probably time, isn’t it? I mean, let’s face it... You’re here because nothing you’ve tried has worked — right? Wanting to make money online and be your own boss isn’t a fun idea that just popped into your head yesterday. You’ve been interested (and invested) in this career for years. But so far, nothing you’ve tried has worked… And boyyyyy, is that frustrating. ?

  14. It’s exhausting to give your all to your business endeavors, and see no return. It’s tough not to be tempted by the newest programs or people — OOH LOOK, ANOTHER NINJA GURU MASTER MARKETER! — because it feels like maybe this one will be the one that ?nally works. Your chronic Shiny Object Syndrome has turned you into an easily distracted, spottily committed, over-invested dream-chaser with the attention span of a hummingbird on cocaine. ?? You feel unfocused. Confused. Freakin’ FRUSTRATED (did we say that already?). Not to mention… you’ve probably dropped a dump-truck’s-worth of cash on your online business education.?? Wouldn’t it be nice to see that money make its way back into your bank account? WHAT’S THE BUSINESS MODEL EXACTLY? See Exactly What You'll Do & Exactly How It'll Make Money... Here’s the other thing no one mentions… Building a business just isn’t much fun when you’re doing it alone Watch how quickly “living the dream” can go off the rails:

  15. You wake up whenever the hell you want, with no alarm. You make your way to the kitchen and brew up a steaming carafe of small-batch-roasted coffee. You ?re up your trusty laptop. To Business! Hiyo, Silver! Awaaaaay! ? You go through what you were working on yesterday and try to ?gure out your to-dos for today. You decide to check the news for a minute. You head over to Facebook to see if you have any noti?cations. You realize it’s been an hour and you haven’t done any work yet. You swallow the realization that you actually have no idea what to work on. You get a liiiiiiittle panicky. ? You head back over to Facebook to calm down for a few minutes. … Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Nothing’s getting done. The afternoon is stretching on into the distance… And your guilt is rising in your throat (tasting suspiciously like small-batch coffee). Why? Why can’t you just get to work?? By this point, you’re beating yourself up. After all, there are tons of online entrepreneur success stories out there. Why shouldn’t you be one of them?

  16. Maybe those people have something you don’t. Maybe they’re just better than you. These are not the kinds of thoughts you want dancing through your head on a lonely Tuesday afternoon. You might not realize it, but you’re beating yourself up because… Knowing WHAT you want and knowing HOW to get there are two very different things. You can want a cream-stuffed, raspberry-frosted, organic vanilla cupcake more than anything. But unless you get in your car and drive to the bakery, ain’t no one getting cupcakes. The same principle is true of online businesses. You can’t reverse-engineer someone else’s success just by looking at their business from the outside. There are too many missing pieces. Too many questions. So you assume you’re the problem. You start to beat yourself up for not knowing what you couldn’t possibly know. ? And when you’re trying to go it alone, it’s 1000 times worse. Because you’ve got NO accountability. No clear action steps to building the business you want. No milestones to shoot for. No measuring posts. No metrics. Add in a hefty dash of unfamiliar software, tech dif?culties, and informational blog post

  17. rabbit holes… and you’ve got the recipe for an afternoon of unfocused, guilt-ridden “work” that doesn’t get you a single step closer to your ?nancial goals. No wonder you’re considering throwing in the towel. Before I heard about this method, I was plodding along and was never able to crack 3 ?gures in af?liate income. Within 6 months of starting my ?rst course with Andrew, I was able to take an existing site to 4 ?gures per month. I sold another site for $56,000 last year. I only wish I had learnt about this earlier. This business has given me more time to spend with my wife and three boys, and I can now offer them the opportunities in life they deserve. Eben L., South Africa Digital Worth Academy Member You feel like success has to come now, or never — and you’re right

  18. Many Digital Worth Academy students come to us at the end of their virtual ropes. It makes sense, right? If you’ve tried for years to create something valuable, poured hundreds (or thousands) of dollars into your efforts, and gotten nothing back… you have every right to feel discouraged. You KNOW you’re smart and dedicated enough to do this. You know there’s a vein of gold out there just waiting to be struck, if only you had the right shovel. You’re determined to prove yourself to your friends, family, and everyone else who’s half-heartedly supported you through your past attempts to build something real. Maybe you just want to follow through on something to prove you CAN follow through! No more abandoned projects, no more guiltily remembering that un?nished venture... You’ve got to make this work — if only for your own pride. Honestly, I'm beyond impressed with DWA. The course has exceeded my expectations so far. I didn't know what to expect going into the course as I had zero real life experience with af?liate marketing/website building (even though my educational background is in commerce), but since everything is video recorded (and transcribed) it's completely idiot proof. Anyone can do DWA and succeed if they want it bad enough. Laura Emma Oconnor Digital Worth Academy Member If you’re ready to put in the work, we’re ready to help you succeed

  19. The difference between you and the success stories on this page? There isn’t one. Every single Digital Worth Academy student who’s made money from our program has succeeded because they ?nally had all the steps they needed, laid out in front of them. The only difference between you and them is time. They did it. You can do it too. You need a system you can trust, not a training program that seems to be missing key steps. Or requires tons of overhead. Or tries to squeeze more cash out of an already crowded niche. You need step-by-step guidance, accountability, and expert coaching from no-B.S. teachers who have actually BUILT businesses using this exact method. You need a community of like-minded students who’ll congratulate you on your successes and help you ?nd a way through your problems. You need to shut out the noise, treat your business like a business, and do the work required to grow it into something valuable. THAT’S the magic of Digital Worth Academy. We’ll teach you the proven business model we call Digital Asset building

  20. No need to buy a bunch of weird inventory — all you need is our program, your brain, and the willingness to put in the work The business model you’ll learn inside Digital Worth Academy is simple, low cost, low tech, and high pro?t. Speci?cally, we’ll teach you how to build Digital Assets: Small, content driven websites that earn income by advertising and af?liate marketing. Once you build your Digital Asset website, you can choose to keep it, and take the income from it, or sell it to a website buyer for as much as 40 times it’s monthly pro?t. That means, if you build one of these sites up to earning $1,000 a month, you could sell it to someone else for up to $40,000. (More on that below) We believe it’s better than other online business models for a few key reasons: Low startup cost & low risk = Because you’re only selling other people’s products, you don’t have to invest thousands of dollars in inventory just to get started. In fact you can implement what we teach with just a few small investments in recommended tools (less than $100 total). Full control = Unlike selling on Amazon, or building a Youtube Channel, you fully own and control your asset. No one can take it off you if you accidentally break someone else’s rules. And you can grow and develop it in whichever direction you think will be most pro?table. High “Return on Time” = Many of our students start their Digital Asset business with a spare hour they get each day, and a little more on weekends.

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