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Section 1: Kennedy’s Foreign Policy

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Section 1: Kennedy’s Foreign Policy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 30.. Section 1: Kennedy’s Foreign Policy

  2. Bay of Pigs – 1961 1500 CIA-trained Cuban exiles

  3. Fidel Castro - dictator

  4. Berlin Wall – 1961 Divided the East from the West/symbolized Communist repression About 100 miles long 12 feet high/torn down 1989

  5. Cuban Missile Crisis – 1962 Kennedy/blockade/Soviets (5 days passed, Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba)

  6. “It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States.”

  7. Hot line: between Moscow and Washington, D.C. Kennedy/Krushchev

  8. Section 2 “War in Vietnam”

  9. *Vietnam conflict began during WW II. *Japan had taken the French province of Indochina which is made up of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

  10. Ho Chi Minh – fought against the Japanese

  11. Indochina was full of: Natural Resources: Rice, Rubber, Tin

  12. 1954…. Vietnam fought for independence from the French According to the Geneva Accords, Vietnam would be divided at the 17th Parallel

  13. North – Ho Chi Minh Communist Capital: Hanoi South – Non Communist Capital: Saigon

  14. United States sent billions of • dollars to South Vietnam. • U.S. sent soldiers as advisers • South Vietnam was under the leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem • (French educated Vietnamese leader) Refused to hold elections

  15. coup – overthrow of a government (Diem was killed) search & destroy mission – to seek out the Vietcong or North Vietnamese units and destroy them

  16. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: This gave President Johnson broad authority to use American forces in Vietnam.

  17. napalm: an explosive that burned intensely to destroy jungle growth agent orange: Chemical herbicides that were sprayed to clear out forests and tall grasses.

  18. People that oppose the war were a part of the….. >>>counterculture<<<

  19. Opponents of the war… (doves) Supporters of the war… (hawks)

  20. deferments were given: excused people from the draft – mostly from the middle class.

  21. Turning Point: Tet Offensive (Vietnamese New Year) A series of attacks throughout the south by the North Vietnamese

  22. President Johnson does not run for another term…. He announces a “New step toward peace.”

  23. Election of 1968: George Wallace – third party Hubert Humphrey – Democrat Richard Nixon - Republican

  24. Peace treaty signed… Jan. 27, 1973 with North Vietnam Vietnam is unified in 1975. The north invades the south and the south surrenders.

  25. People in the war: 58,000 Americans died 300,000 wounded 1 million Vietnamese civilians/soldiers died 2.7 million Americans served in Vietnam MIAs – Missing in Action

  26. Vietnam Memorial Maya Ying Lin

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