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Five SEO Strategies That Will Help You Dominate Local Search: Explained

http://seocambridge.net/ - This Article Highlights the best Local SEO practices o improve your website SERP, this article was provided by SEO Cambridge.<br>

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Five SEO Strategies That Will Help You Dominate Local Search: Explained

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  1. Five SEO Strategies That Will Help You Dominate Local Search: Explained If you are looking at the best ways to make most of your SEO Campaign for your local business, you can let our professional consultant at SEO Cambridge give you a hand or it is evident that you need a combined approach to making your local rankings work. To do that, you need to know that SEO changes all the time, and working in line with your on-site and off-site efforts is what matters most so that your customers can search and find your business. So, are you ready to make most of your local SEO in Cambridge? If yes is your answer, we are listing five great strategies that you can employ and follow the expertise of every professional Cambridge SEO company. 1. Tweak Your Title And Meta Description Tags To Perfection A lot of marketers think that title and meta tags are not relevant anymore. However, they are actually the key to stellar SEO in Cambridge - and a tactic that you must employ and customize if you want higher local rankings. As you probably know, your focus keyword needs to stand in both the title, description and the slug of your page so that it is properly indexed by Google and displayed in search results accordingly. Your text, on the other hand, should look like a 'mini advertisement' that you need to carefully craft to perfection. If you hired a SEO company in Cambridge before, your tags are probably tweaked. However, Google increased the width of the main search results area last year and therefore set new standards for your Cambridge SEO. So, why not take advantage of this space and expand on your meta title and description - from 50 to 60 characters (in your title) and up to 200 characters (in your description). If you are still not sure how your meta title and description tags will look or how many characters you need, you can always turn to SEOmofo and test before sharing.

  2. 2.Make Most Of The Online Directories And Citations Another great strategy for ranking high in your SEO Cambridge is to get your businesses listed in as many online directories and citations as possible. According to some new reports by Google, even four in five consumers use search engines to conduct local searches - a number that has grown a lot over the past few years. So, websites and online business directories like Yelp, Merchant Circle, CitySearch and others can actually help you make most of your Cambridge SEO and rank locally. The directories are locally focused and relevant which will certainly boost your rankings and get you in the top results. On top of that, you should get your business name, address and phone number on the major citation data aggregators such as Infogroup, Neustar, Acxiom and Factual. This way, you will make sure that your company's NAP is consistent and that people can find you online

  3. 3. Google My Business (GMB) Another directory that can be beneficial for your SEO Cambridge local efforts is the Google My Business (GMB) directory. This one is free and can get you instant exposure if your website is optimized enough to show up in the Google's three pack (referring to the top three businesses that Google lists under the map in local search results). Registering on this directory is simple. All you need to do is visit google.com/business and confirm that your business is legitimate and that you are the business owner. According to Google's terms of service, only business owners can claim a GMB page which is why it is important for you to do this personally. Once you do this, you can either hire a local Cambridge SEO company or tweak your GMB listing yourself with a solid description, categories, business hours, types of payments etc. 4. Discover New Ways To Get Online Reviews The importance of online reviews is now even higher. In fact, the they can be a great way to boost your SEO Cambridge efforts and get a detailed review for your business from an authority in the field.

  4. According to some surveys, even 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, which is why you should definitely invest your time in finding a good website for that. Some of the most popular sites in this niche include Reputation Loop, Get Five Stars, Trust Pilot, and Vendasta. High quality and positive reviews from your customers will help your business' visibility, according to Google. So, maybe now is the right time to consider the help of a local SEO company in Cambridge and make the most of these efforts? 5. Use Local And Structured Data (Schema) Markup Also known as 'schema markup', structured data markup is an easy way to provide search engines with more information about your business. The best way to describe this catchy information is as the text that shows as answer whenever you are asking Google for something specific. However, only 31.3% of websites currently use this markup which is why you certainly need to get in and strike while the iron is hot. Not only you will appear as more relevant and informative to your searchers - you will instantly see greater conversion and traffic. A great way to test how easy the Google spiders can 'crawl' through the information on your page is to use the Structured Data Testing Tool and see if your markup is properly implemented.

  5. A Final Word We hope that these five strategies helped you boost your SEO efforts. As we said in the beginning, ranking locally is not a manner of fixing some things. Instead, it is all about keeping with the last trends pushed by Google and if needed, hiring a professional Cambridge SEO company to help you in this mission. All rights Reserved to SEO Cambridge

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