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National Book Lovers Day - Things Everyone Should Know !!

What would be a great day than this to inculcate a habit of reading, in you and your baby, which not only makes knowledgeable but also enhanced the imagination power. Do you know an interesting and beautiful fact about reading books during pregnancy? It plays a great important role in creating a bond between you and your baby.

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National Book Lovers Day - Things Everyone Should Know !!

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  1. SIGNIFICANCE National book lovers day, in short also called BLD is a special day celebrated on August 9 of every year. Though it is not an official holiday but is observed to encourage bibliophiles celebrated reading and literature. On this day, all people are advised to put away their smartphones and every possible technological distraction and pick up a book to read. It is an unofficial holiday widely recognized on a global scale yet its origin and originator remain a mystery to date.

  2. IMPORTANCE • Makes you knowledgeable and enhanced the imagination power. • It plays a great important role in creating a bond between you and your baby. • Reading in a relaxing voice will helps the baby to relax and calm. • She also becomes alert and responds to it. • Reading on daily basis, she will recognize your voice once she is out in the real world. • Early attention through reading to your unborn child builds a wonderful foundation for their future.

  3. IMPORTANCE… • Aural perception of the baby is so strong that most of them are able to develop an affinity for their mother language over any other, even without understanding it fully. • In small children, reading is proven to help with language development and improved word recognition. • Reading also provides a great wind-down before bedtime and kickstart an early interest in learning. • It also encourages their power to imagine things in a certain way and think logically.

  4. WILL READING TO YOUR CHILD IN THE WOMB MAKE HER SMARTER? • Talking, reading, and playing a variety of music - help stimulate a child’s senses and progress her brain development. • According to child specialists, “Exposure to various sounds and scenes is important in helping to establish connections from one set of neurons (the nerve cells of the brain) to another. This how we all learn.” - This suggests that infant language learning initiates in utero. • They also pick up newer words and understand their meanings pretty early in their lives.

  5. WHEN SHOULD YOU START READING TO YOUR LITTLE ONE IN THE WOMB? • Around six months, the baby is already quite familiar with the sounds. • So, from week 25 onwards, the baby’s primary connection and information to the outside world come in the form of sound. • The soothing, rhythmic sounds of a simple story would be quite audible at that time. • Remember, the tones and cadences of the voice are more important than the enunciation of the actual words.

  6. MUST-READ BOOKS DURING PREGNANCY • To maximize the positiveness, read good books. • Because reading good books infiltrates great vibes in your baby. • It provides you both with positive energy. • Go for books that make you calm, relax, encourages, and inspire you towards greater things

  7.  GENRES • BOOKS ON SPIRITUAL GURUS like Osho, Gautam Buddha, Dalai Lama, Baba Ramdev, Guru Nanak Dev to name a few. • BIOGRAPHY OF GREAT LEADERS AND FREEDOM FIGHTER’S- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, B. R. Ambedkar, Subhash Chandra Bose, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Swami Vivekanand,  Bhagat Singh & many others.. • MYTHOLOGICAL BOOKS- Ramayana, Shiva Puran, Bible, Quran, Guru Granth, stories on the life of Rama, Sita, Shiva  Parvati, Jesus Christ, Mohammed Prophet to name a few. • Do include a good PREGNANCY BOOK too, you will be amazed to know how new life is created inside you.

  8. LAST MESSAGE • Books are your best friend and early you inculcate this habit, it will be excellent for your baby. It also prompts better concentration, a good attention span, distressing your tensions, and finally resulting in a smarter baby. Therefore, let's pledge to embark on this beautiful and important journey of book lovers day a regular habit of reading books. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING

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