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IT 236 UOP Course Tutorial / Tutorialoutlet

For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com IT 236 Week 1 CheckPoint: Web Design Terminology- Appendix B IT 236 Week 1 DQS IT 236 Week 2 Assignment: Site Structure IT 236 Week 2 CheckPoint: Web Site Plan IT 236 Week 3 DQS IT 236 Week 3 CheckPoint: Page Design IT 236 Week 3 Exercise: Toolwire® Lab: Create a Web Page IT 236 Week 4 CheckPoint: Navigation IT 236 Week 4 Assignment: Site Structure IT 236 Week 5 CheckPoint: Insert Graphics IT 236 Week 5 DQS IT 236 Week 6 CheckPoint: Copyright Implications IT 236 Week 7 DQS IT 236 Week 7 CheckPoint: Graphic Design IT 236 Capstone Discussion Question IT 236 Final Project: Web Site Analysis

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IT 236 UOP Course Tutorial / Tutorialoutlet

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  1. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com

  2. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Capstone Discussion Question For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Capstone Discussion Question, Due Day 2 [Post to Main Forum]. Post your response to the following: Select a business or e-business Web site from the Internet. Based on your knowledge from the past 9 weeks, reply to this discussion thread with your evaluation of the page layout, navigation, and performance.

  3. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Complete Course Material For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com IT 236 Week 1 CheckPoint: Web Design Terminology- Appendix B IT 236 Week 1 DQS IT 236 Week 2 Assignment: Site Structure IT 236 Week 2 CheckPoint: Web Site Plan IT 236 Week 3 DQS IT 236 Week 3

  4. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Final Project: Web Site Analysis For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 7 [Post to Individual Forum]. Analyze the Web site you selected for the Capstone Discussion question. Use your knowledge gained from the past 9 weeks. Evaluate the current design of the site. Identify recommendations for redesign. Write a 350-word page paper providing your evaluation and recommendations for redesign.

  5. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 1 CheckPoint: Web Design Terminology- Appendix B For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 5 [Post to Individual Forum]. Resource: Appendix B and Glossary of Principles of Web Design. Complete the Web Design Key Terms matching table in Appendix B. Use the Glossary section of the text as a resource. Post the completed Appendix B as an attachment.

  6. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 1 DQS For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Discussion Question 1, Due Day 2 [Post to Main Forum]. Post your response to the following: List three things that a Web designer must consider and understand about the purpose or target audience prior to site development. Why do you feel each of these is important to a successful plan? Discussion Question 2, Due Day 4 [Post to Main Forum].

  7. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 2 Assignment: Site Structure For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 7 [Post to Individual Forum]. Resources: Appendix A, Ch. 1-3 of Principles of Web Design. Submit the second section of the Web Site Plan illustrating the site structure. Define the following: Page content - short description of content the site will include. File names - follow standards, no spaces or special characters, except

  8. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 2 CheckPoint: Web Site Plan For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com .Due: Day 4 [Post to Individual Forum]. Resources: Appendix A, Ch. 1-3 of Principles of Web Design. Create the first section of a Web Site Plan in Microsoft Word. The plan must include the site purpose, target audience, and what the site will communicate. Include a title page for your paper. Include headers

  9. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 3 CheckPoint: Page Design For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 7 [Post to Individual Forum]. Resource: Web Site Plan. Build from your Week Two Web Site Plan. Add this assignment to your current Web Site Plan. Visualize the page design for your site by creating two different page layouts for the home page and secondary and third pages. You will have two layouts for the home page, two layouts for your second page, and two layouts for your third

  10. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 3 DQS For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Discussion Question 1, Due Day 2 [Post to Main Forum]. Post your response to the following: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a Web authoring application, an HTML editor and a text editor for developing Web sites. List an example of each tool.

  11. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 3 Exercise: Toolwire® Lab: Create a Web Page For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 5 [Post to Homework Folder and Individual Forum]. Resource: Toolwire® lab. Complete the Toolwire® tutorials. Complete the Toolwire® Lab: Create a Web Page. Compress the Lab-01 folder and name it Week3.zip. Submit the Week3.zip folder to the Homework Folder.

  12. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 4 Assignment: Site Structure For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 7 [Post to Homework Folder and Individual Forum]. Resource: Toolwire®. Use the Toolwire® Lab: Create a Site with Navigation as a learning tool. Do not submit this week’s Toolwire Lab. This lab is for practice. Submit the assignment below: Complete the following using what you learned from the lab: Use Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4 software on the Toolwire® desktop.

  13. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 4 CheckPoint: Navigation For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 4 [Post to Individual Forum]. Research the Internet and your text for best practices for site navigation. Find examples of effective site navigation from the Internet. Take a screen shot of at least one example. (Review the Materials section for instructions.)

  14. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 5 CheckPoint: Insert Graphics For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 5 [Post to Homework Folder and Individual Forum]. Resource: Toolwire®. Complete the Toolwire® Lab: Adding Graphics for practice. Do not submit this week’s Toolwire® lab. The lab is for practice. Submit the assignment below: Complete the following using what you learned from the lab: Find and save at least two JPG or GIF images to use on your site.

  15. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 5 DQS For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Discussion Question 1, Due Day 2 [Post to Main Forum]. Post your response to the following: Based on the readings and Internet research, what are the differences between the graphic formats of JPG, GIF, and PNG? Provide an example of when you would use each.

  16. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 6 CheckPoint: Copyright Implications For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 4 [Post to Individual Forum]. Research and discuss copyright implications related to Web site development (potential problems with copying the work of others from Web sites). Write a minimum of 350 words discussing the implications of copyrights on the usage of content on a Web site. Explain how designers can overcome these implications.

  17. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 7 CheckPoint: Graphic Design For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Due: Day 5 [Post to Individual Forum]. Resource: Web Site Plan. Submit the fourth section of the Web Site Plan. Add this assignment to your current Web Site Plan. Be sure to include the following topics: Any media formats and plug-ins which will be necessary in the site A description of how graphics will be used in the site

  18. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial IT 236 Week 7 DQS For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Discussion Question 1, Due Day 2 [Post to Main Forum]. Post your response to the following: Based on the Marketing Week (2007) article, explain the importance of usability when designing a Web site. Discussion Question 2, Due Day 4 [Post to Main Forum].

  19. IT 236 UOP CourseTutorial

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