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Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution. A time when advances in technology led to massive economic changes. Interchangeable parts. Manifest destiny. Gods will that the United States will expand to the Pacific Ocean. Annexation of Texas.

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Industrial Revolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Industrial Revolution

  2. A time when advances in technology led to massive economic changes.

  3. Interchangeableparts

  4. Manifest destiny

  5. Gods will that the United States will expand to the Pacific Ocean.

  6. Annexation of Texas

  7. Was a critical issue in the election that split the Democratic Party. James K.Polk was a strong democratic candidate and called for the annexation of Texas and Oregon.

  8. U.S. –Mexican War

  9. California Gold rush of 1849

  10. Andrew Jackson

  11. A good supporter of manifest destiny. He was a war hero who defeated the British at New Orleans in1814. he was very popular with western frontier settlers and “common folk” took advantage of his popularity and ran for president in 1824.

  12. Universal suffrage

  13. All white men should vote not those who own property.

  14. Laissez-faire economics

  15. They did not think people should regulate business or pass policies to help businessman.

  16. Indian removal

  17. U.s government forced Native Americans off lands it wanted for white settlement.

  18. Two-Party System

  19. Education reform

  20. Was a reform that wanted both men and women to have access to public education and believed that education was essential to the success of democracy.

  21. Women’s rights movement

  22. A movement that Elizabeth Cady Stanton help organize to help women have the right to vote.

  23. Seneca Falls Conference

  24. The first women’s rights convention organized in 1848.

  25. Susan B. Anthony

  26. A supporter of both the temperance and abolitionist movements. She is best known for joining the fight for women’s rights.

  27. Eli Whitney

  28. An industrial revolutionist that changed the impact on the United States by inventing the cotton gin.

  29. sectionalism

  30. Is the economic, social, cultural, and political differences that exist between different parts of the country.

  31. The Alamo

  32. A small group of Texans that took their stand against the Mexican leader at an old mission.

  33. Oregon

  34. Gadsden Purchase

  35. Is when the united states gave the present-day New Mexico and Arizona in exchange for $10 million .

  36. Compromise of 1850

  37. Jacksonian Democracy

  38. Spoils system

  39. A policy of rewarding his political supporters with government positions.

  40. Jacksonian interpretation of the Constitution

  41. Trail of Tears

  42. The removal of the Cherokee Indians in 1838 the marched to Oklahoma.

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