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Harper Lee

Harper Lee. Background Information. Born : Nelle Harper Lee April 28, 1926 Monroeville, Alabama. Mother : Frances Finch Father : Amasa Lee Lee was childhood friend of Truman Capote (famous writer). Truman Capote. Father and sister were both lawyers. Harper went to law school.

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Harper Lee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Harper Lee

  2. Background Information • Born : Nelle Harper Lee • April 28, 1926 • Monroeville, Alabama

  3. Mother: Frances Finch • Father: Amasa Lee • Lee was childhood friend of Truman Capote (famous writer)

  4. Truman Capote

  5. Father and sister were both lawyers. • Harper went to law school. • Quit 6 months before she graduated. • Went to New York to write. • Worked on TKAM from 1957-1960. • Started out as short story. • Won Pulitzer Prize in 1960

  6. Harper Lee never wrote anything again that was published. • She never gives interviews or talks about her book. • Lives in Monroeville, Alabama and New York City

  7. Historical Background of 1930’s and TKAM Story set in Maycomb, Alabama, 1930’s Depression Time Stock Market had crashed in 1929 In 1932 13 million people were out of jobs. Farmers lost their land Banks stopped making loans.

  8. FDR is President • 1929 – Annual income in South: $372 Other states : $797 People competed for jobs and caused problems between the races. • FDR becomes President in 1933. (“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”) • Creates new jobs through government program called New Deal.

  9. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  10. Social Problems • Blacks considered second class citizens. • Absolute segregation between blacks and whites. • Blacks were given menial jobs. • Blacks suffered harsh and brutal indignities at hands of “superior” whites. • A white man or woman’s word was never questioned.

  11. Segregation

  12. Segregation cont.

  13. Segregation in Education

  14. Themes of TKAM • Coming of age – growing up • Racial – black vs. white “prejudice” • Superstition • Education

  15. Scottsboro Trial

  16. Scottsboro Trials Famous court case in 1931. Case inspired Lee’s court case in the book. Nine black men accused of raping two white women. Women were prostitutes who hopped train and were arrested. Yelled rape to take attention off their hopping train.

  17. Scottsboro trial cont. • Several people said men did not commit crime. • Jury found them guilty. • 8 got death sentence, but all overturned. • Not released until 1950. • One was shot trying to escape.

  18. Civil Rights Movement • Lee writing during 1950’s when Civil Rights movement was unfolding. • Rosa Parks – Dec., 1955: Did not give up seat to white man. • 1957 – Schools in Little Rock, Arkansas ordered to desegregate (Segregation=separation)

  19. Rosa Parks

  20. Civil Rights cont. • 1954 – Brown vs. Board of Education: Segregation ruled unconstitutional in public schools. • 1960’s – Martin Luther King Born: Jan. 15, 1929 Black preacher Led peaceful protest marches Killed April 4, 1968

  21. Civil Rights cont. • Martin Luther King cont. - Killed in Memphis, Tenn. - Won Nobel Peace Prize 1964

  22. Martin Luther King

  23. Actors and Actresses – 1930’s • Marx Brothers • Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers • WC Fields and Margaret Hamilton • Clark Gable • Charlie Chaplin • Shirley Temple

  24. Marx Brothers

  25. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

  26. W.C. Fields and Margaret Hamilton

  27. Margaret Hamilton was the original…

  28. Wicked Witch of the West!

  29. Clark Gable – What famous movie was he in?

  30. Gone with the Wind!

  31. Charlie Chaplin

  32. Shirley Temple – The Good Ship Lollypop

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