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J terms

J terms. What’s the Term?.

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J terms

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  1. J terms

  2. What’s the Term? # 1. A religion founded in India in the sixth century B.C.E. by VardhamanaMahavira, who believed that all creatures, even plants and inanimate objects, had souls. He encouraged his followers to practice asceticism (denial of bodily comforts and rejection of property) and nonviolence.

  3. Jainism # 1. A religion founded in India in the sixth century B.C.E. by VardhamanaMahavira, who believed that all creatures, even plants and inanimate objects, had souls. He encouraged his followers to practice asceticism (denial of bodily comforts and rejection of property) and nonviolence.

  4. What’s the Term? #2. Christian slave children and war captives who were raised by the Ottoman sultan as Muslims and served in the army from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century. An elite military unit, they trained under strict codes of discipline and ultimately gained power within the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). The rank of Janissary was so desirable that by the seventeenth century, membership was only through inheritance, although some Muslims did attempt to join by bribery.

  5. Janissary corps #2. Christian slave children and war captives who were raised by the Ottoman sultan as Muslims and served in the army from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century. An elite military unit, they trained under strict codes of discipline and ultimately gained power within the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). The rank of Janissary was so desirable that by the seventeenth century, membership was only through inheritance, although some Muslims did attempt to join by bribery.

  6. What’s the Term? #3. A nickname developed in the 1980s to describe the intricate relationship that existed between the business world of Japan and its government. Some Americans and Europeans believed that this collusion gave the Japanese an unfair trading advantage and urged their own governments to retaliate.

  7. Japan, Inc. #3. A nickname developed in the 1980s to describe the intricate relationship that existed between the business world of Japan and its government. Some Americans and Europeans believed that this collusion gave the Japanese an unfair trading advantage and urged their own governments to retaliate.

  8. What’s the Term? #4. A caste or division of Indian society that identifies an individual’s occupation and social standing.

  9. jati #4. A caste or division of Indian society that identifies an individual’s occupation and social standing.

  10. What’s the Term? #5. The 1825-1830 war between the Dutch government and the Javanese, fought over the extension of Dutch control of the island.

  11. Java war #5. The 1825-1830 war between the Dutch government and the Javanese, fought over the extension of Dutch control of the island.

  12. What’s the Term? #6. Arabic for “struggle”; a word for both the spiritual striving of each Muslim toward a godly life and armed struggle against the forces of unbelief and evil that threaten Islam.

  13. jihad #6. Arabic for “struggle”; a word for both the spiritual striving of each Muslim toward a godly life and armed struggle against the forces of unbelief and evil that threaten Islam.

  14. What’s the Term? #7. A special tax paid by dhimmis, or non-Muslims, in Muslim-ruled territory in return for freedom to practice their own religion.

  15. jizya #7. A special tax paid by dhimmis, or non-Muslims, in Muslim-ruled territory in return for freedom to practice their own religion.

  16. What’s the Term? #8. The monotheistic religion developed by the Hebrew people, emphasizing a sole personal god (Yahweh) who transcended the world he created but who also showed compassion for the poor and marginalized. The Jews come to understand their relationship to Yahweh as a covenant, and in exchange for their devotion and obedience, Yahweh would bless and protect them as his chosen people.

  17. Judaism #8. The monotheistic religion developed by the Hebrew people, emphasizing a sole personal god (Yahweh) who transcended the world he created but who also showed compassion for the poor and marginalized. The Jews come to understand their relationship to Yahweh as a covenant, and in exchange for their devotion and obedience, Yahweh would bless and protect them as his chosen people.

  18. What’s the Term? #9. A ship first built in China in the second century B.C.E. with square sails; it was developed into an ocean-worthy vessel and enabled Chinese trade and exploration.

  19. junk #9. A ship first built in China in the second century B.C.E. with square sails; it was developed into an ocean-worthy vessel and enabled Chinese trade and exploration.

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