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Preparing Fact Sheets, Media Advisories, Media Kits, and Pitches

Preparing Fact Sheets, Media Advisories, Media Kits, and Pitches. Chapter 6. Other Basic Publicity Tools. Fact Sheets Media/Press Kits Media Advisory/Alerts Pitches. Fact Sheets. Often accompany a news release or a media kit

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Preparing Fact Sheets, Media Advisories, Media Kits, and Pitches

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  1. Preparing Fact Sheets, Media Advisories, Media Kits, and Pitches Chapter 6

  2. Other Basic Publicity Tools • Fact Sheets • Media/Press Kits • Media Advisory/Alerts • Pitches

  3. Fact Sheets • Often accompany a news release or a media kit • Is a list of facts in outline or bullet form that a reporter can use as a quick reference when writing a story • For an event, can be who, what, where • Can be fun facts, tidbits and trivia • Can be a corporate profile

  4. Media Advisories • AKA media alerts because they tell assignment editors about upcoming events they might be interested in covering from a story, photo, and video perspective • Most common format uses short, bulleted items rather than long paragraphs • Often used to pitch coverage ideas • Often has what, where, when, who, why, photo/video/interview opportunities, and contact people for more information and/or questions

  5. Media Kit • Compiled for major events and new product launches • Gives editors and reporters a variety of information and resources that will make it easier for them to cover/write about topic

  6. Main news release A news feature Fact sheets on the product, organization, or event Background information Photo, graphics Biographical material on executives, key speakers Basic brochures Media Kit Elements

  7. Electronic Media Kits • Cost-effective today to distribute media kit information via CDs, e-mail and online newsrooms (Electronic Press Kits- EPKs) • More versatile than printed media kits– can contain multiple pieces of information in a variety of formats such as text, video, photos, audio, animation, etc) • EPKs expand potential audience because they are not limited to media outlets • Cost savings can be significant too

  8. Journalists Prefer E-mail/Online • Seventy percent of surveyed journalists said they prefer to receive information via electronic communications such as e-mail and the web due to: • Ease of storage and filing • Easy to forward material to others • Faster access to company PR contacts • Elimination of newsroom clutter

  9. Pitching a Story • They key to successful placing and coverage of stories and issues is being able to convince editors and/or reporters that what you’re pitching is newsworthy and relevant to their readers and viewers • Often making a personal appeal or pitch to the media gatekeeper is an effective approach • Pitch letter is a personalized letter to a specific editor asking for coverage/attention

  10. Making The Pitch a Strike • Research the publication or broadcast program—understand its style, format, readership, deadlines, regular features • Writing the e-mail or letter—keep it brief, writing should be clean, sharp, to the point, lead should be enticing • Following-up– in letter say you will call or email next week, but leave your direct phone number in case there are questions; don’t be too pushy; you must “graciously” accept no for an answer

  11. E-mail and Phone Pitches • Subject line very important with e-mailed media pitches • Subject line must generate interest and curiosity so your pitch isn’t quickly deleted as an editor goes through dozens of similar appeals for coverage • Calling a reporter or editor on the phone requires the same preparation that goes into preparing a written pitch • Avoid calling during peak deadline pressure such as a TV newsroom after 3 p.m. • Preparing a brief outline of what you will say is beneficial • Get to the angle of your story right away • Try to tie your story in with others that are being covered and offer a big picture perspective, if possible

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