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AVID 9 Semester 2 Vocabulary List 15

AVID 9 Semester 2 Vocabulary List 15. affable immaculate veracious scintilla mobile. 6. thwart 7. misconstrue 8. malady 9. compact 10. lustrous. Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and look for the definitions. Study the words and be ready for the quiz.

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AVID 9 Semester 2 Vocabulary List 15

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  1. AVID 9 Semester 2 VocabularyList 15 affable immaculate veracious scintilla mobile 6. thwart 7. misconstrue 8. malady 9. compact 10. lustrous Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and look for the definitions. Study the words and be ready for the quiz.

  2. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 15 affable (adj.) friendly immaculate (adj.) clean, spotless veracious (adj.) truthful scintilla (n.) a small amount of something mobile (adj.) able to move or be moved 6. thwart (v.) to prevent 7. misconstrue (v.) to mistake the meaning of, misinterpret 8. malady (n.) illness 9. compact (n.) firmly joined together, small in size 10. lustrous (adj.) shiny Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  3. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 16 Discernible (adj.) able to be recognized or Identified as separate or distinct Adapt (v.) to make fit often by modification Parsinomious (adj.) stingy Subside (v.) settle down; grow quiet Perimeter (n.) the distance around the figure 6. Nefarious (adj.) evil, very wicked 7. Bombastic (adj.) conceited 8. Incessant (adj.) continuous 9. Gauche (adj.)lacking social experience or grace; not tactful 10. Glover (v.) to glare Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  4. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 17 Equanimity (n.) calmness; cool under fire Fallacious (adj.) deceptive; misleading Restrain (v.)to strain again Despondent (adj.) depressed; dejected Repose(n.) state of being at rest, peace 6. Precocious (adj.) being advanced in an early age 7. Impartial (adj.) not in favor of one side or the other; fair 8. Poignant (adj.) very significant or important 9. Labyrinth (n.) a maze, usually made of rooms 10. Gargantuan (adj.) gigantic; enormous Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  5. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 18 Illustrious (adj.) famous Unruly (adj.) disobedient; lawless Revile (v.) address or speak of abusively Generate (v.) to bring of existence; cause to be; produce Noisome (adj.) distasteful; smelling badly 6. Expedite (v.) to hasten or quicken 7. Vehement (adj.) forceful; intensely emotional 8. Jocular (adj.) given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to joking or jesting 9. Obliterate (v.)to destroy completely 10. Laconic (adj.)using few words; expressing much in few words; concise Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  6. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 19 Validate (v.) to confirm; ratify Precocious (adj.) mature development or talent Chagrin (n.) sadness Lampoon (v.) to ridicule Diligent (adj.) constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything 6. Zealot (n.) a fanatic 7. Heyday (n.) time of greatest success; prime 8. Pert (adj.) bold; lively 9. Kleptomaniac (n.) a person who steals 10. Felon (n.) a person who has committed a felony Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  7. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 20 Complacent (adj.) pleased, especially with oneself one’s merits, advantages, situation, etc. Vendetta (n.) a blood feud Querulous (adj.) full of complaints Coquette (n.) a flirty women Impede (v.) to slow the progress of 6. Distortion (n.) lack of proportionality in an image or sound 7. Badger (v.) to annoy 8. Indifferent (adj.) without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic 9. Obdurate (adj.) stubborn 10. Lackadaisical (adj.) without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  8. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 21 Trepidation (n.) fear Composure (n.) self-controlled state of mind; calm, tranquil Venerate (v.) to respect a great deal Retrospect (n.) contemplation of the past; a survey of past time, events, etc. Heckler (n.) person who harasses others 6. Obsequious (adj.) characterized by kissing up 7. Mandate (n.) an order 8. Mentor (n.) teacher 9. Ruthless (adj.)showing no compassion 10. Dogmatic (adj.) asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  9. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 22 Vagrant (n.) a homeless wanderer Compress (v.) together into less space Vent (v.) to express or utter Satiate (v.) to satisfy or fulfill Aesthetic pertaining to a sense of the beautiful or to the philosophy or aesthetics 6. Prattle (v.) to babble 7. Altruistic (adj.) kind 8. Inconsequential (adj.) unimportant 9. Adulterate (v.) to corrupt 10. Wrench (v.) pull; strain; twist Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

  10. AVID 9 Semester 1 VocabularyList 23 AIdolatry(n.) the religious worship of idols Robust (adj.) strong and healthy; hardy Conciliatory (adj.) tending to conciliate Admonish (v.) caution, advise, or counsel against something Predator (n.) a creature that seizes and devours another animal; a person who robs or exploits others 6. Eccentric Directions: write down the words on the Vocab Chart and definitions. Study the words and be ready for the FINAL.

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