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3 rd Class Communications

3 rd Class Communications. Phonetic Alphabet. OC6. The Phonetic Alphabet. What is it? The Phonetic Alphabet is the alphabet, but instead of using single letters like A, B, C, we use words which begin with the letter, i.e. A = Alpha. When speaking on a radio or

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3 rd Class Communications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3rd Class Communications

  2. Phonetic Alphabet OC6

  3. The Phonetic Alphabet What is it? The Phonetic Alphabet is the alphabet, but instead of using single letters like A, B, C, we use words which begin with the letter, i.e. A = Alpha. When speaking on a radio or telephone, it stops any ambiguity.

  4. Key to Slides Letter in Morse Code A Letter Flag A ALPHA Phonetic Letter in semaphore

  5. A ALPHA

  6. B BRAVO


  8. D DELTA

  9. Spy Test • You have ONE minute to remember the four letters that you have just learnt • A = • B = • C = • D =

  10. E ECHO


  12. G GOLF

  13. H HOTEL

  14. Spy Test You have just spotted a stolen car and you need to report it but your partner on the other end of the radio can’t hear you properly. Work out the phonetic equivalent for the letters on the number plate FGA EHD

  15. I INDIA

  16. J JULIET

  17. K KILO

  18. L LIMA

  19. Spy Test • Unscramble the following words to reveal their phonetic terms: • Dinai • Lijuet • Loik • mial

  20. M MIKE


  22. O OSCAR

  23. P PAPA

  24. Spy Test Match the flags to the letters and work out the phonetic term for each flag: M N O P

  25. Q QUEBEC

  26. R ROMEO

  27. S SIERRA

  28. T TANGO

  29. Spy Test You have TWO minutes to write down as many of the phonetic words you have learnt today. Share them with your partner – what did you forget?


  31. V VICTOR

  32. W WHISKY

  33. X X-RAY

  34. Y YANKEE

  35. Z ZULU

  36. Spy Tasks Spell out the following words in phonetics BOOTS, ORLOP, BROWN, PORT STARBOARD SEA CADETS HASTINGS

  37. Spy Tasks Solve the following clues and spell out the word phonetically


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