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Travel - Exotic Destinations, Tourism Benefits, Adventurous Journeys, Memorable Journeys, Future of Transport, Backpacki

This educational material focuses on various topics related to travel. It covers questions about problems in exotic destinations, benefits of tourism, adventurous journeys, memorable journeys, future of transport, and preferences of young people. It also includes tasks to compare and contrast photos and express opinions on statements about space tourism, time travel, language learning through travel, eco-tourism, and protection of countryside. The role-play section involves narrating an accident during a journey across England and discussing the details with a host family. The vocabulary bank includes travel-related words and phrases. Suitable for B2 level students.

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Travel - Exotic Destinations, Tourism Benefits, Adventurous Journeys, Memorable Journeys, Future of Transport, Backpacki

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Název vzdělávacího materiálu Cestování (Travel) B2 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín

  2. Topic: TRAVELPart 1: Questions B2 • What kind of problems might you encounter on a holiday to any exotic/uncivilised destination? • To what extend does tourism benefit your local area? • What was the most adventurous journey you have ever experienced? Why?

  3. Topic: TRAVELPart 1: Questions B2 • What things do you think make the journey memorable? • In your opinion will the cars in near future be replaced by any more environmentally-friendly means of transport? • Why might young people prefer backpacking to sightseeing holidays?

  4. B2 Topic: TRAVELPart 2: Task 1: Compare and contrast the photos in deatil and consider the following points • Location • People • Activities • Atmosphere • Weather conditions • Other

  5. B2 Topic: TRAVELPart 2: Task 2: Express and justify your opinion on the following statements: • Space tourism – a blessing or a nightmare of future. • Time travel runs counter to common sense and obviously cannot be launched. • People travel to broaden their mind. • Eco-tourism and agro-tourism are undoubtedly the best way how to protect unspoilt countryside. • Travelling abroad and meeting foreigners is the most natural way of learning languages.

  6. B2 Topic: TRAVELPart 4: Role-play During your journey across England your coach had an accident. You are narrating your host family mum the details of the crash. Tell her: • Where, when and how it happened • What the weather was like • How long it took to repair/to replace the coach • Whether someone was injured • How it affected the process of the trip

  7. B2 Topic: TRAVELVocabulary bank: to reverse validity of passport the outskirts to collide with st. to skid vehicle budget airline to commute steering wheel lodging • in advance • to see sb. off • to check out the hotel • to take a route • a burst of speed • to arrange travel insurance • action packed vacation • charter flight • mass tourism • to accelerate

  8. Zdroje: • ttp://farm6.static.flickr.com/5303/5642347317_7f2503e524.jpg • http://www.igranka.com/Greek

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