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Doing Mission Today: Where We Do It, How We Do It, What We Do

Doing Mission Today: Where We Do It, How We Do It, What We Do. I. Where We Do Mission. II. How We Do Mission. III. What We Do in Mission. Six Elements/Practices. Witness and Proclamation Liturgy, Prayer, and Contemplation Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation

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Doing Mission Today: Where We Do It, How We Do It, What We Do

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Doing Mission Today:Where We Do It, How We Do It, What We Do

  2. I. Where We Do Mission

  3. II. How We Do Mission

  4. III. What We Do in Mission

  5. Six Elements/Practices • Witness and Proclamation • Liturgy, Prayer, and Contemplation • Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation • Interreligious and Secular Dialogue • Inculturation • Reconciliation

  6. A. Witness, Authenticity, and Equality

  7. B. Effective Proclamation

  8. C. Liturgy as Mission

  9. D. Working for Justice / Protecting Creation

  10. Conclusion

  11. Tenderness. • Perhaps that single word expresses it all. • Given the lack of credibility of the church for many today, • Given the meanness of some actions the church has taken in our day, • Given the hope the New Evangelization holds, • A tender church would be wonderful, good news indeed!

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