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Renaissance Vocabulary

Renaissance Vocabulary. UNIT TWO If you see *** , it is optional to copy what is written. 1.) Trend. the general direction in which something tends to move

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Renaissance Vocabulary

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  1. Renaissance Vocabulary UNIT TWO If you see *** , it is optional to copy what is written

  2. 1.) Trend the general direction in which something tends to move ***Example: A trend during the Renaissance, people started valuing themselves and moving away from the church being the center of their thought and every day activities (Humanism)

  3. 2.) Trade The act of buying and selling goods and services ***Trade routes in Europe, Africa and Asia

  4. 3.) Urban AND 4.) Rural Urban: City or town Rural: countryside

  5. Push and Pull Factors (THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS) 5.)Push Factors: What PUSHES people to move away from a certain area EXAMPLE: Famine (no food), Plague (Black Death) 6.) Pull Factors: What PULLS people to move to a certain area EXAMPLE: Job Opportunities, better education

  6. 7.) Renaissance A rebirth in thought, education, religion, art, architecture, science, math, and philosophy

  7. 8.) Humanism A system of thought that values human thought rather than religious beliefs; stressed the value of reason over superstition ***Black cats are bad luck is an example of a superstition!

  8. 9.) Divine Right of the King the right to rule sent directly from God, not chosen by the people

  9. 10.) Martin Luther Religious leader and reformer who protested the Catholic churches corrupt activities causing a split in the church and starting the protestant reformation Remember: 95 theses… 95 complaints against the church

  10. Martin Luther nails his 95 theses (complaints) to the church door!

  11. 11.) Schism a split or division in the church due to differences in opinion

  12. 12.) Reform To make changes to something in order to improve it Example: Protestant Reformation ***The Sale of Indulgences in the Marketplace: Literally paying for your sins with cash $$

  13. 13.) Protestant Reformation (Protestant: a division of christianity) Wars between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants over the church’s corruption and greed

  14. 14.) Edict of Nantes An agreement issued by the french King Henry the IV reinstating the rights of protestants and offering them amnesty (freedom) to come back and live/work freely.This marked the end of the religious wars of the 1500s between the protestants and the catholics

  15. 15. Medici A powerful banking family who ruled Florence, Italy.

  16. 16. John Calvin • From France, believed in predestination. • Predestination- the belief that God has a select few that are chosen to go to heaven called the elect. There are no good deeds that can earn your way into heaven.

  17. 17. Magna Carta Signed in 1215, limited the power of the King.

  18. Spanish Armada: BACKGROUND DO NOT COPY! ***The ruler of Spain, Philip II, had a plan to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I of England. Philip II was a devout Roman Catholic so he used Queen Elizabeth’s religion, Protestant, against her calling her a heretic (enemy of the church). He attempted to have his cousin, Mary Queen of Scots become the new queen of England. Elizabeth fixed this problem by having Mary executed. Philip gets angry and threatens to attack using his spanish fleet of ships.

  19. Spanish Armada DO NOT WRITE ***Philip II of Spain wanted to attack England and overthrow Queen Elizabeth in an attempt to stop the spread of protestantism. They were forced out by English firing ships and had to retreat. A bad storm caused them to wreck on the coast of Ireland. Of the 130 ships, 50 never returned. ***Irony: Armada means “Invincible Fleet”

  20. 18.) Spanish Armada WRITE THIS DOWN An attempt to overthrow Queen Elizabeth (protestant) of England by Spain’s ruler Philip II (Roman Catholic). Ended badly for the Spanish.

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