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“‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #1

“‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #1. begining today you will be beguiled by the revised tragic tale of romeo and juliet to star crossed lovers of long ago. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #1.

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“‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #1 begining today you will be beguiled by the revised tragic tale of romeo and juliet to star crossed lovers of long ago

  2. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #1 begining today you will be beguiled by the revised tragic tale of romeo and juliet to star crossed lovers of long ago beguiled- verb charmed or delighted

  3. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #2 this story however is a less tragic version of shakespeares lugubrious tale it is set in modern times with several new twists

  4. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #2 this story however is a less tragic version of shakespeares lugubrious tale it is set in modern times with several new twists lugubrious- adjective gloomy, extremely sad, or mournful

  5. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #3 much of the action takes place at the verona mall in a town called debacle texas

  6. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #3 much of the action takes place at the verona mall in a town called debacle texas debacle- noun sudden downfall; complete collapse or failure

  7. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #4 one fine sunny day a lovely young lady juliet capulet took her meager allowance and went to the verona mall with a freind

  8. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #4 one fine sunny day a lovely young lady juliet capulet took her meager allowance and went to the verona mall with a freind meager- adjective unsatisfactorily small

  9. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #5 when the two girls arrived at the mall they espied some other class mates from there school

  10. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #5 when the two girls arrived at the mall they espied some other class mates from there school espied- verb to catch sight of

  11. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #6 helena ophelia miranda cordelia and cressida lets all go shopping cried exultant juliet

  12. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #6 helena ophelia miranda cordelia and cressida lets all go shopping cried exultant juliet exultant- adjective extremely happy or joyful

  13. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #7 yes lets said cressida i have a surfeit of money to spend on clothes this month

  14. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #7 yes lets said cressida i have a surfeit of money to spend on clothes this month surfeit- noun large quantity

  15. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #8 my parents are such misers miranda whispered juliet i wish i had cressidas money

  16. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #8 my parents are such misers miranda whispered juliet i wish i had cressidas money misers- noun person who keeps money to themselves

  17. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #9 after purchasing a red skirt a striped blouse and a pair of pink shorts juliet had dispersed all her monthly allowance

  18. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #9 after purchasing a red skirt a striped blouse and a pair of pink shorts juliet had dispersed all her monthly allowance dispersed- verb distributed or scattered

  19. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #10 suddenly over the loudspeaker a voice announced that the band the noisome trio would be playing in the center of the verona mall at 4 oclock

  20. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #10 suddenly over the loudspeaker a voice announced that the band the noisome trio would be playing in the center of the verona mall at 4 oclock noisome- adjective offensive or disgusting

  21. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #11 wow lets go here them cried vivacious and broke juliet come on girls

  22. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #11 wow lets go here them cried vivacious and broke juliet come on girls vivacious- adjective lively or animated

  23. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #12 so all the single ladies made a peregrination to the center of the verona mall i hope we can dance and met some cute boys added juliet

  24. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #12 so all the single ladies made a peregrination to the center of the verona mall i hope we can dance and met some cute boys added juliet peregrination- noun a trip or a journey

  25. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #13 as the girls arrived at the malls center the stentorian band was blaring and some kids were already breakdancing

  26. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #13 as the girls arrived at the malls center the stentorian band was blaring and some kids were already breakdancing stentorian- adjective very loud or powerful in sound

  27. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #14 suddenly juliet froze the hole mall seemed to stop moving from across the room a pair of blue eyes seemed to rivet juliet in to place

  28. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #14 suddenly juliet froze the hole mall seemed to stop moving from across the room a pair of blue eyes seemed to rivet juliet in to place rivet- verb fasten or fix firmly

  29. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #15 juliet was so besotted by the handsome boy she sighed oh my god could that dapper young man really be zac efron

  30. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #15 juliet was so besotted by the handsome boy she sighed oh my god could that dapper young man really be zac efron besotted- verb infatuated, or hopelessly in love

  31. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #16 meanwhile across the room the blue eyes of romeo bored into juliets eyes and romeo told his freind im in love mercutio

  32. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #16 meanwhile across the room the blue eyes of romeo bored into juliets eyes and romeo told his freind im in love mercutio bored- verb to stare into

  33. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #17 what about rosaline replied mercutio with love for juliet stamped on his face the enraptured romeo replied who

  34. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #17 what about rosaline replied mercutio with love for juliet stamped on his face the enraptured romeo replied who enraptured- adjective delighted beyond measure

  35. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #18 romeo made his way to juliet and the two of them oscillated to the music

  36. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #18 romeo made his way to juliet and the two of them oscillated to the music oscillated - verb to move from side to side

  37. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #19 where do you go to school asked romeo shakespeare high school riposted juliet

  38. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #19 where do you go to school asked romeo shakespeare high school riposted juliet riposted - verb to make a quick reply

  39. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #20 can i have your number asked romeo of course said juliet as she arrogated romeos cell phone from his hand

  40. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #20 can i have your number asked romeo of course said juliet as she arrogated romeos cell phone from his hand arrogated - verb to take by force

  41. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #21 the next day romeo texted juliet with this message juliet you are so pulchritudinous i must see you again

  42. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #21 the next day romeo texted juliet with this message juliet you are so pulchritudinous i must see you again pulchritudinous - adjective beautiful or comely

  43. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #22 whose that text from asked mrs capulet as she reconnoitered secretly over juliets shoulder

  44. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #22 whose that text from asked mrs capulet as she reconnoitered secretly over juliets shoulder reconnoitered - verb to inspect or observe

  45. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #23 because she new her mother was not a tractable woman juliet had to think quickly on her feet in order to offer her mother a believable reply

  46. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #23 because she new her mother was not a tractable woman juliet had to think quickly on her feet in order to offer her mother a believable reply tractable- adjective easily managed or controlled

  47. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #24 but juliets moment of hesitation caused her mother to arrogate her phone right out of her hand juliet was anguished

  48. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #24 but juliets moment of hesitation caused her mother to arrogate her phone right out of her hand juliet was anguished anguished - adjective feeling great mental or physical pain

  49. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #25 as juliets mother discovered the source of the flattering text she immediately let juliet now how adverse the capulets would be to juliets and romeos relationship

  50. “‘Romeo and Juliet’ Revised” #25 as juliets mother discovered the source of the flattering text she immediately let juliet now how adverse the capulets would be to juliets and romeos relationship adverse- adjective against or not in favor of

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