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Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular System. Overview of the Cardiovascular System. Consists of the Heart , Blood Vessels, and Blood of the body. The Heart beats over 100,000x each day. The heart pumps ~1,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of vessels.

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Cardiovascular System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cardiovascular System

  2. Overview of the Cardiovascular System • Consists of the Heart, Blood Vessels, and Blood of the body. • The Heart beats over 100,000x each day. • The heart pumps ~1,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of vessels. • Function: Provide oxygen & nutrients to the cells and eliminate waste. • Transports Hormones • Regulates Body Temp. • Immune Response • Water Balance

  3. Structures of the Cardiovascular System • Blood Vessels • Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart. • Veins: Carry blood toward the hearts. • Capillaries: Small blood vessels that terminate on organs and are a point of gas exchange in the body.

  4. Structures of the Cardiovascular System • The Heart • It is a hollow muscular pump. • Located in the thoracic cavity. • 2/3rds of the heart lies to the left of the mid-line. • It is about the size of a clenched fist. • Pericardium- Sac of connective tissue that covers and protects the heart.

  5. Heart Chambers • The human heart contains 4 chambers • 2 Atria (right & left), the superior chambers. • 2 Ventricles ( right & left), the inferior chambers.

  6. Right Atrium • Receives unoxygenated blood from all areas of the body • Pumps blood into the right ventricle through the Tricuspid Valve (three cusps). • Collects blood using three vessels: • Superior Vena Cava-Comes from regions above the heart (upper extremities). • Inferior Vena Cava- Comes from regions below the heart. (lower extremities) • Coronary Sinus- Collects blood from the heart wall.

  7. Right Ventricle • Receives unoxygenated blood from the right atrium. • Pushes blood through the pulmonary valve to the pulmonary arteries. • Blood is carried through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs.

  8. Left Atrium • Collects oxygenated blood from the lungs. • Blood comes from 4 pulmonary veins. • Pumps blood into the left ventricle through the Mitral Valve (bicuspid, 2 cusps)

  9. Left Ventricle • Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium • Pumps blood through the aortic valve into the Aorta. • The Aorta divides and carries oxygenated blood to all areas of the body. • Coronary Arteries: Supplies oxygenated blood to the heart wall.

  10. The Heart

  11. Heart Etc. • Septum- Separates the heart chambers(one atrial, one ventricle). • Atrioventricle Valves (Av Valve) controlled by muscle (papillary), between chambers • Tricuspid • Mitral (most commonly leaks) • Heart Murmur- Leaky valve • Semilunar Valves Controlled by pressure, between ventricle and vessels. • Pulmonary • Aortic

  12. Blood Flow

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