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Presentation Transcript

  1. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 1) Draw a tree map

  2. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 2) Write Example Sentence on top Line Lightning struck the new building

  3. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 3) On the next three top lines, write the words “adjectives”, “nouns”, and “Verbs” Lightning struck the new building Adjectives Nouns Verbs

  4. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 4) Identify which words in the example sentence are adjectives, nouns, and verbs Lightning struck the new building Adjectives Nouns Verbs

  5. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 5) Answer Lightning struck the new building Adjectives Nouns Verbs the Lightning struck new building

  6. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 6) To diagram a sentence, first draw the shape below

  7. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 7) The parts of the sentence go in the following spaces. A B C Simple Subject Simple predicate Direct Object • Simple Subject: A noun or pronoun that tells what or who the sentence is about • Simple Predicate: A verb or verb phrase that tells the action or state of being of the subject. • Direct Object: A noun or pronoun that tells who or what is receiving the action of the simple subject. (Note: Not all sentences have direct objects, and a sentence can only have a direct object if it contains an ACTION VERB.

  8. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 8) To diagram a sentence, use the following procedure. Use the example sentence I) Identify the Simple Predicate in the sentence: The verb or verb phrase

  9. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building Lightning struck the new building Adjectives Nouns Verbs the Lightning struck new building

  10. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 8) To diagram a sentence, use the following procedure. Use the example sentence struck II) Identify the Simple Subject in the sentence. To do this say to yourself, “Who <Simple Predicate>?, What <Simple Predicate>?”Whatever noun or pronoun answers thequestion is the Simple Subject. To find the simple subject in this sentence, one would say, “Who struck? What struck?” Whatever noun or pronoun in the sentence answers the question is the simple subject.

  11. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building Lightning struck the new building Adjectives Nouns Verbs the new building

  12. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 8) To diagram a sentence, use the following procedure. Use the example sentence Lightning struck III) Identify the Direct Object in the sentence. To do this say to yourself, “<Simple Suject><Simple Predicate> Who or What?”Whatever noun or pronoun answers thequestion is the Direct Object. To find the simple subject in this sentence, one would say, “Lightning struck “who or what?” Whatever noun or pronoun in the sentence answers the question is the direct object.

  13. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building Lightning struck the new building Adjectives Nouns Verbs the new building

  14. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 8) To diagram a sentence, use the following procedure. Use the example sentence Lightning struck building NOTE: a) Not all sentences have a direct object. b) A sentence can only have a direct object if it has an ACTION VERB

  15. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 8) To diagram a sentence, use the following procedure. Use the example sentence Lightning struck building IV) To diagram adjectives place slanted lines underneath the nouns or pronouns that the adjective is describing.

  16. BELLRINGER 8/21/12 RECOGNIZING PARTS OF SPEECH IN SENTENCES AND INTRODUCTION TO DIAGRAMMING SIMPLE SENTENCES. Example Sentence: Lightning struck the new building 8) To diagram a sentence, use the following procedure. Use the example sentence Lightning struck building new The V) Write the adjectives on the slanted line

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