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Shape - An area set apart by line or contrasts of value and color.

Shape - An area set apart by line or contrasts of value and color. 2 kinds of shapes Geometric Free-form. Geometric shapes - Precise shapes that can be described using mathematical formulas. Basic Geometric Shapes - Circle, Square, and Triangle. Free-form shapes irregular and

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Shape - An area set apart by line or contrasts of value and color.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shape - An area set apart by line or contrasts of value and color. 2 kinds of shapes Geometric Free-form

  2. Geometric shapes - Precise shapes that can be described using mathematical formulas. Basic Geometric Shapes - Circle, Square, and Triangle

  3. Free-form shapes irregular and uneven shapes

  4. Balance - A feeling of equality in weight and attention within a work of art: Examples Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, and Radial

  5. Visual Imbalance creates a feeling of uneasiness

  6. Central Axis - Imaginary central line that divides a composition in half. The central axis is used to measure visual weight in a work of art. It can be horizontal or vertical. Two kinds of Balance - Formal and Informal

  7. Formal Balance - Way of organizing parts of a design so that equal or similar elements are placed on opposite side of a central axis. Symmetrical balance Type of formal balance in which two halves or sides of a design are identical.

  8. Radial balance Type of balance in which forces or elements branch out form a central point, the axis in a circular pattern.

  9. Informal balance – Way of organizing parts of a design so that unlike objects have equal visual weight or eye attraction. Asymmetrical balance - Another name for informal balance, in which unlike objects have equal visual weight or eye attraction.

  10. Focal Point - Area of a work of art that attracts the viewer’s attention first. Contrast Location Isolation Convergence Use of the Unusual

  11. Shapes - Geometric and Free-form Balance - Formal and Informal Symmetry Asymmetry Radial Symmetry Focal Point

  12. 2 Formal Balance designs Geometric and Free form shapes Transparency Warp tools Reflect tool Drop Shadow Brushes lastname fi_formal ( mccrayc_formal1 )

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