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Lesson 8 The Experiment

Lesson 8 The Experiment. Maple Sap Collection Daily Data Sheet. Date – Date of Collection. Taphole I.D. – each taphole should be identified. Volume Sap Collected – Measured in Quarts. % Sugar Concentration – Measured in Brix with a sap hydrometer. Quality of Sap – Clear, Cloudy or Yellow.

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Lesson 8 The Experiment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 8The Experiment

  2. Maple Sap Collection Daily Data Sheet Date – Date of Collection. Taphole I.D. – each taphole should be identified. Volume Sap Collected – Measured in Quarts. % Sugar Concentration – Measured in Brix with a sap hydrometer. Quality of Sap – Clear, Cloudy or Yellow. 8.1

  3. Maple Sap Collection Daily DataSheet SAMPLE Date – Date of Collection. Taphole I.D. – each taphole should be identified. Volume Sap Collected – Measured in Quarts. % Sugar Concentration – Measured in Brix with a sap hydrometer. Quality of Sap – Clear, Cloudy or Yellow. 8.2

  4. Maple Sap Collection Master Data Sheet Taphole I.D. – each taphole should be identified. Tree Species – Red Maple, Sugar Maple, American Beech or Silver Maple. Tree Diameter – Measured in inches. Crown Diameter – Measured in feet from the drip line of the tree. Tree Location – Woodlot or Open Space. # of Taps on Tree – 1 or 2 Total Volume Sap Collected – Measured in Quarts. Average % Sugar Concentration – Measured in Brix with a sap hydrometer. 8.3

  5. Maple Sap Collection Master Data Sheet SAMPLE Taphole I.D. – each taphole should be identified. Tree Species – Red Maple, Sugar Maple, American Beech or Silver Maple. Tree Diameter – Measured in inches. Crown Diameter – Measured in feet from the drip line of the tree. Tree Location – Woodlot or Open Space. # of Taps on Tree – 1 or 2 Total Volume Sap Collected – Measured in Quarts. Average % Sugar Concentration – Measured in Brix with a sap hydrometer. 8.4

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