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The neutron monitor data acquisition system MARS-06 for cosmic ray stations

1071. The neutron monitor data acquisition system MARS-06 for cosmic ray stations Klepach ¹ E. , Kartyshov ¹ V. , Sarlanis ² C . , Shepetov ³ A and Yanke ¹ V .

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The neutron monitor data acquisition system MARS-06 for cosmic ray stations

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  1. 1071 The neutron monitor data acquisition system MARS-06for cosmic ray stations Klepach¹ E., Kartyshov¹ V., Sarlanis²C., Shepetov³ Aand Yanke¹ V. ¹Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation RAS (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia²Nuclear and Particle Physics Section, Physics Department, Athens University, Greece ³Tien-Shan Mountain Cosmic Ray Station, Almaty, Kazakhstan

  2. Abstract. The data acquisition system MARS06is destined for recording the pulse intensity dataof neutron monitor counters at the cosmic raystations. The system in build on the basis of theindustrial multi-purpose controller card AdvantechPCI1780U which works in a simple scaling mode,where it possess a high operation speed. Duringthe last years such systems have been installed atthe cosmic ray stations in Almaty, Athens, Irkutsk,Magadan and Moscow, and also at the Antarcticstation Mirny. The data registration may be held bothunder the Linux and Widows operation systems withan immediate dispatch of measurement results to theunited database of the world-wide neutron monitornetwork (NMDB) in real time. The program packagenecessary for system installation may be downloadedby ddress ftp://cr0.izmiran.rssi.ru/NMDB_doc/RegistrationSystems_MARS/(PCI-1780)

  3. The PCI-1780U card with its accessories. Input-output ADVANTECHmodule PCI-1780 the basis of system for data collection

  4. At present time, many firms, e.g. Advantech, Adlink,are manufacturing the digital multi-channel IO controllercards which may be used in I386-compatible computersystem for automatic data acquisition at the cosmic raystations. In creating of such measurement systems aremet two different approaches. In the case, when togetherwith a measurement of the signal intensity of cosmic raydetectors should be gained a more precise information,say, a distribution of the temporal lags between thesignals must be studied [1], or some signal selectionschemes should be realized [2], the experimental taskpresents a more strict demands both to the computerhardware, and to the complexity of the control program’salgorithm. In the another, elementary case, a simpleuninterruptable counting of the pulse detector signalsis quite sufficient for the continuous monitoring of theintensity of cosmic rays. Such systems, which may bebuild on the base of the Advantech PCI-1780U or AdlinkPCI-8554 type IO controller cards, have a good speed ofoperation (up to 20-50 MHz), because the count of inputpulses is fully realized at the level of hardware card,without any use of the central processor’s resources.The subject of the present paper is the system foran automatic intensity monitoring of the pulse neutroncounter signals, which is destined for using at thestations of the international cosmic ray network. The system is build on the basis ofthe universal controller card PCI-1780U of Advantechproduction [3].

  5. Система MARS-06 разработана под управлением OC Windows и Linux. Под управлением OC Windows интерфейс разработан на станции Афины (Basic) и Москва (бессвинцовый нейтронный монитор), Мирный, Алма-Ата (Delphi). К настоящему моменту разработана также система под управлением OC Linux (С++) (Алма-Ата, Москва (mcrl-2), Иркутск, Магадан). При разработке системы MARS-06 под управлением OC Windows необходимо было решить проблему генерации временных интервалов с необходимой точностью. Для задания временного интервала внутренний таймер позволяет отсчитывать интервалы с точностью порядка 50-60 миллисекунд, причем эта точность очень сильно зависит от загрузки компьютера. Применение быстродействующих мультимедиа таймеры (http://z-oleg.com/delphi/systimer.htm) позволяет на порядок увеличить точность интервалов и, что самое главное, устранить влияние загрузки компьютера. Точность секундного интервала около 1 миллисекунды и это составляет уже 0.1%, основного минутного интервала уже порядка 0.01%.

  6. Comparative functionality of system for data collection on the basis of the module PCI-1780.

  7. The data flow chart of neutron monitor information. Hatched arrows correspond to a data exchange via the Internet.

  8. Review of the neutron monitor database contents through the web interface.

  9. CONCLUSION On the basis of the industrial counter/timer cardAdvantech PCI-1780U and the modern software toolsiscreated a data acquisition system to be used at theinstallations of the world-wide neutron monitor network. The system give a possibility of continuous neutronintensitymeasurements with a high temporal resolution,of a distant control for the measurement process, and ofan automatic real-time output of measurement data tothe world data center. At the present time, the systemsof this type are installed and operating at the cosmic ray stations in Almaty, Athens, Irkutsk, Magadan andMoscow, and also at the Antarctic station Mirny.

  10. REFERENCES [1] Yu.V. Balabin, B.B. Gvozdevski, E.V. Vashenyuk, L.I.Schur Proc. 30th ICRC, Mexico , 1, 257-260, 2008. [2] B.B. Gvozdevski, V. Kartyshov, E. Klepach et al. Proc. 21th ECRS, Ko˘sice, in press. (CD version: ftp://cr0.izmiran.rssi.ru\Proceedings of CR Conferences\21th-ECRS 2008 Kosice\s1.16.pdf ). [3] 8-ch, 16-bit Counter/Timer Universal PCI Card http://advantech.com.tw/products/PCI-1780U/mod 1-2MLHLU.aspx. [4] A.P. Chubenko, A.L. Shepetov, L.I. Vildanova et al. Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 107-113, 2007. [5] NMDB: real-time database for high-resolution neutron monitor measurements http://db01.nmdb.eu/phpmyadmin and http://www.nmdb.eu. [6] http://z-oleg.com/delphi/systimer.htm. [7] ftp://cr0.izmiran.rssi.ru/NMDB_doc/RegistrationSystems/MARS/(PCI-1780).

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