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GESAMP 37 – agenda item 7.2/2

GESAMP 37 – agenda item 7.2/2 Correspondence group on micro-plastics as a vector in transporting persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances in the marine environment. Why is this justified? -- microplastics are widespread

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GESAMP 37 – agenda item 7.2/2

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  1. GESAMP 37 – agenda item 7.2/2 Correspondence group on micro-plastics as a vector in transporting persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances in the marine environment

  2. Why is this justified? -- microplastics are widespread -- composition and size highly variable (primary & secondary types) -- they can be ingested by biota -- they absorb PBTs -- they are very persistent -- overall environmental impact is unknown -- relevance to developing policy unclear

  3. Primary & secondary microplastic particles • - feedstock for plastics industry • - abrasives Debris necklace http://www.tuat.ac.jp http://www.new-mag.com/events/081014_lavignes/pdf/Narhinen_NEW4.pdf

  4. Microplastics in coastal and oceanic waters shoreline CPR NE Atlantic Tamar Estuary Browne et al., 2007

  5. International Pellet Watch http://www.tuat.ac.jp

  6. Proposed overall objective: To undertake a scientific review of the occurrence and potential impact of microplastics and associated PBTs in the marine environment, Actions: Organise a workshop to be hosted by UNESCO-IOC in Paris (provisional date – last week of June 2010) - Review current knowledge - taking account of recent international initiatives (UNEP, IOC, NOAA, FAO) - Develop terms of reference for a working group

  7. Potential Terms of Reference To include the following topics: Sources & occurrence (database) Type & size, chemical/physical properties – primary & secondary particles Environmental behaviour: i) transport, ii) vector for PBTs Toxicity – intrinsic & absorbed contaminants Transfer to & metabolism in biota, incl. bioavailability & biomagnification Analytical methods & data evaluation Gaps in knowledge & recommendations for future research

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