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Obj : I will identify Freud’s defense mechanisms

Obj : I will identify Freud’s defense mechanisms. Reading quiz due 1-16-13 : P133-137: 1. What is the other term for biological clock? 2. During which hours of sleep does REM sleep last the longest? 3. When do we have the most vivid dreams? 4 . Describe 2 kinds of sleep problems .

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Obj : I will identify Freud’s defense mechanisms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Obj: I will identify Freud’s defense mechanisms • Reading quiz due 1-16-13: P133-137: • 1. What is the other term for biological clock? • 2. During which hours of sleep does REM sleep last the longest? • 3. When do we have the most vivid dreams? • 4. Describe 2 kinds of sleep problems. • 5. What does REM stand for?

  2. Obj: I will identify Freud’s defense mechanisms • Reading quiz due 1-17-13: P139-142: • 1. Whose ideas began the technique of hypnosis? • 2. Define posthypnotic suggestion. • 3& 4 online • 5 ?

  3. Freud and Sleep 01-16: Obj: I will identify Freud’s defense mechanisms

  4. Introduction to States of Consciousness: Video • 1: The idea of consciousness suggests that we do make ____ and do not live by ____

  5. Personality An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. Each dwarf has a distinct personality.

  6. Psychoanalytic Perspective In his clinical practice, Freud encountered patients suffering from nervous disorders. Their complaints could not be explained in terms of purely physical causes. Culver Pictures Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

  7. Psychodynamic Perspective Freud’s clinical experience led him to develop the first comprehensive theory of personality, which included the unconscious mind, psychosexual stages, and defense mechanisms. Culver Pictures Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

  8. Model of Mind The mind is like an iceberg. It is mostly hidden, and below the surface lies the unconscious mind. The preconscious stores temporary memories.

  9. Personality Structure Personality develops as a result of our efforts to resolve conflicts between our biological impulses (id) and social restraints (superego).

  10. Id, Ego and Superego The Id unconsciously strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives, operating on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification. The ego functions as the “executive” and mediates the demands of the id and superego. The superego provides standards for judgment (the conscience) and for future aspirations.

  11. Kronk and Id. • Which is which from this video? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5n-X-Jlbk

  12. Personality Development Freud believed that personality formed during the first few years of life divided into psychosexual stages. During these stages the id’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on pleasure sensitive body areas called erogenous zones.

  13. Psychosexual Stages Freud divided the development of personality into five psychosexual stages.

  14. Oedipus Complex A boy’s sexual desire for his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father. A girl’s desire for her father is called the Electra complex.

  15. Identification Children cope with threatening feelings by repressing them and by identifying with the rival parent. Through this process of identification, their superego gains strength that incorporates their parents’ values. From the K. Vandervelde private collection

  16. Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sphzGUYOrjM 2A: What are the 4 levels of defense mechanisms 2B: Give 1 example for each level of d.m.

  17. #3: Make a new example (or draw an existing example) for one of the defense mechanisms

  18. Dreams: How do they fit in? • Case study: Read by yourself. • #4: After reading the case, attempt to analyze the dream. What is really going on? • #4B: What defense mechanisms are they utilizing?

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