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Mitosis. What is M Phase?. Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two daughter nuclei.

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  1. Mitosis

  2. What is M Phase? • Mitosis is the process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two daughter nuclei. • It is generally followed immediately by cytokinesis, which divides the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles and cell membrane into two daughter cells containing roughly equal shares of these cellular components.

  3. Four Phases of Mitosis • Prophase 3. Anaphase • Metaphase 4. Telophase (Four phases are followed by Cytokinesis)

  4. Prophase • The first and longest phase of mitosis • The chromosomes become visible. • The centrioles, two tiny structures located in the cytoplasm near the nuclear envelope, separate and take up positions on opposite sides of the nucleus. Centrioles

  5. Prophase • The condensed chromosomes become attached to fibers in the spindle (attach near the centromere of each chromatid). • Near the end of prophase: • The chromosomes coil more tightly • The nucleolus disappears • The nuclear envelope breaks down. Spindle - A fanlike microtubule structure that helps separate the chromosomes.

  6. Metaphase • The second phase of mitosis • The chromosomes line up across the center of the cell, called the metaphase plate. • Microtubules connect the centromere of each chromosome to the two poles of the spindle, called centrioles.

  7. Anaphase • Third phase of mitosis. • The centromeres split, allowing the sister chromatids to separate. • Chromosomes continue to move (pulled by the spindle fibers) until they have separated into two groups near the poles. • Ends when the chromosomes stop moving.

  8. Telophase • Fourth and final phase of mitosis. • The chromosomes begin to disperse into a tangle of dense material. • A nuclear envelope re-forms around each cluster of chromosomes. • The spindle begins to break apart. • A nucleolus becomes visible in each daughter nucleus.

  9. Cytokinesis • Usually occurs at the same time as telophase. • Cytokinesis - The division of the cytoplasm.

  10. Cytokinesis • Animals – cell membrane draws inward & pinches the cell, called the cleavage furrow, into 2 nearly equal parts. • Plants – a cell plate forms midway between the nuclei and gradually develops into the cell wall.

  11. Mitosis Animation Click Here for an Animation Mitosis

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