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Status Report on Watermaster’s Water Quality Management Activities

Status Report on Watermaster’s Water Quality Management Activities. May 20, 2003. Watermaster’s Activities to Characterize Water Quality through OBMP. Watermaster initiated comprehensive water quality monitoring program:

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Status Report on Watermaster’s Water Quality Management Activities

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  1. Status Report on Watermaster’s Water Quality Management Activities May 20, 2003

  2. Watermaster’s Activities to Characterize Water Quality through OBMP • Watermaster initiated comprehensive water quality monitoring program: • Samples 200 to 300 wells annually in southern Chino Basin; 205(j) Groundwater Quality Study; Hydraulic Control Monitoring Program • Obtains water quality data for non-ag pumpers from the pumpers, DHS and others • Obtains reports and data from RWQCB, DHS, DTSC, Counties and others

  3. Watermaster’s Activities to Characterize Water Quality through OBMP • Maintains a comprehensive data base • Geologic data from wells • Groundwater level and quality • Migrating from MS Access-based to EQUIS SQL-based system • Has developed a comprehensive geographical information system for characterizing groundwater conditions in the Chino Basin

  4. Watermaster’s 2002/2003 Monitoring Program • General minerals/general physical • Perchlorate • 1,2,3-Trichloropropane • Wells within or near VOC plumes • Following analytes where not previously sampled in 1999/2000: • hexavalent chromium • Si, Sr, Ba • coliforms

  5. Watermaster’s Recommendation for On-Going Monitoring • Conclusion/recommendation of the 205(j) Final Technical Memorandum: • Continued monitoring of water levels and water quality influent to the desalter well fields is critical to optimizing the performance of these treatment facilities. • Water levels should be measured at least annually. • All private wells should be sampled for general mineral and general physical parameters at least once every three years. • Sampled for other contaminants (volatile organic chemicals [VOCs], perchlorate, etc.) at least once every six years.

  6. Status Report on Watermaster’s Water Quality Management Activities July 21, 2003

  7. Watermaster’s Activities to Characterize Water Quality through OBMP • Watermaster initiated comprehensive water quality monitoring program: • Samples 200 to 300 wells annually in southern Chino Basin; 205(j) Groundwater Quality Study; Hydraulic Control Monitoring Program • Obtains water quality data for non-ag pumpers from the pumpers, DHS and others • Routinely obtains reports and data from RWQCB, DHS, DTSC, Counties and others

  8. Watermaster’s Activities to Characterize Water Quality through OBMP • Maintains a comprehensive data base • Geologic data from wells • Groundwater level and quality • Migrating from MS Access-based to EQUIS SQL-based system • Have developed a comprehensive geographical information system for characterizing groundwater conditions in the Chino Basin

  9. Watermaster’s Recommendation for On-Going Monitoring • Conclusion/recommendation : • Watermaster should continue monitor water levels and water quality influent to the desalter well fields. • Water levels should be measured at least semi annually but preferably monthly. • All private wells should be sampled for: • general mineral and general physical parameters at least once every three years • other contaminants (volatile organic chemicals [VOCs], perchlorate, etc.) at least once every six years.

  10. Watermaster’s Recommendation for On-Going Monitoring • Conclusion/recommendation : • Continue Cooperative monitoring programs with producers and other entities • Continue the surface water quality monitoring program in flood control and recharge basins. • Continue surface water monitoring in the Santa Ana River and tributaries as per the Hydraulic Control Monitoring Program

  11. Strawman – Watermaster Activities Regarding Known Water Quality Anomalies

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