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Objectives. Appraise how the Renaissance led to the Age of Exploration Discuss the factors that influenced countries to go explore foreign lands. Exploration. Age of Exploration. Spain. 3 countries sponsored early explorers. Italy. Portugal. Factors That Encouraged Exploration….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Objectives • Appraise how the Renaissance led to the Age of Exploration • Discuss the factors that influenced countries to go explore foreign lands

  2. Exploration

  3. Age of Exploration Spain • 3 countries sponsored early explorers. Italy Portugal

  4. Factors That Encouraged Exploration…

  5. What is the easiest way to remember it all? • The Three G’s: • Gold • God • Glory

  6. Gold • Gold was a hot item that explorers were looking for • really wealth, not just literal gold. • The search for spices and profits • What country dominated trade in Europe? • Italy • Other countries paid higher prices for limited products • So, What did they do?? • They found new routes to the places where products were made • Da Gama’s voyage to India made him a 3000% profit! • Other natural resources would come to be sold for profit as well • timber, sugar, tobacco, ivory, etc.

  7. God • Europeans see spreading Christianity as a good thing • Many Christians felt it was their sacred duty to convert non Christians • Especially after the Reformation, competition will spring up • Colonization will become a race to convert native peoples to a particular brand of Christianity • Jesuits (Catholics) are some of the most active

  8. Just like Gold, Glory was a relatively new idea in Europe • Renaissance focus of individual achievement • Printing press = fame for one’s actions was more possible • Individual kings wanted glory for their kingdoms • competition spreads

  9. Technological Advances… Ability to use new technology People were inspired by new inventions and ideas.

  10. The Caravel • The caravel was a new, faster, more maneuverable ship • This ship had a newly designed hull • triangular sails that helped it maintain it’s course in storms • (easier to change direction)

  11. The Compass • This invention would help people determine what direction they were traveling

  12. The Astrolabe • This invention helped people tell how far north or south of the equator they were

  13. Explorations • Prince Henry “The Navigator” • Not a navigator…a patron • Henry paid for many sea voyages • He also opened a school of navigation in Portugal • What did he expect to get out of all this?

  14. Good: Doors to the Americas were opened A ‘New World’ was discovered Bad: Natives got diseases that killed them Natives lost their freedom, customs and pride Effects of Exploration

  15. Effects of Exploration • Positive Effects: • Columbian Exchange: exchange of goods b/w Europe & Americas • America never knew: horses, cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, goats, donkeys or oxen • New plants: wheat, barley, rye, oats, oranges, apples, bananas, coffee • Europe never knew: corn, tomatoes, squash, tobacco, cacao, potatoes

  16. Effects of Exploration • Negative Effects • Epidemics: smallpox, measles, influenza were foreign to native Americans • 75 yrs. after Columbus— pop. on Hispaniola went from 250,000 to 500 • Helped destroy entire empires—ie: Aztec Empire • Slave Trade • Discovery of areas in Africa led to importation of African slaves • Europeans imported native Americans for slaves • Europeans started plantations in America for cultivation...forced natives to be slaves

  17. Voyages of Exploration Extension

  18. Cape of Good Hope water route around Africa to India and back thought Asia actually the Americas The Americas Panama Brazil / Amazon River All water route around the world What is the significance of these explorations?

  19. Treaty of Tordesillas • Portugal & Spain were arguing over new land • Pope drew line to divide the “Indies” • To keep peace • Line through the Atlantic Ocean • East = Portugal • West = Spain

  20. Explorers

  21. Arctic Ocean E Europe North America P Asia S Africa Pacific Pacific Atlantic South America Indian Ocean Austraila Antarctica

  22. M D C L A F B K I G N J E

  23. WHO AM I?

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