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HR functions post pandemic

HR functions post pandemic

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HR functions post pandemic

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  1. Post pandemic HR Functioning in the organization ? Most of the organization are planning to take necessary operational activity for the continuity of the business in the post pandemic but before that we should ensure the employee mind-set because for the past one year they were at work from home based on lifestyle but again into office life will be different from their before working. The HR functioning of the organization will be focused on building communication, trust & importance of the business after the pandemic to ensure more productivity. ? The start-up company like FYNDHERE, they were faced a lot in this pandemic time, most of the start-up companies have huge penetration in the market in initial period, the situation like this will definitely will hit their employee mind-set about their work, because most of the employees were in the field to promote the company and to increase company growth in terms of financial and promotional, in these hard times, HR professionals of FYNDHERE were followed so many precaution steps to safeguard their field employee and in the same time, they want to do their work which they are done in the field. Which seems to be a highly risky task for the field employees, in these hard times they have followed some steps in order to increase the organization value and also to get efficient work from their employee. ? After all these pandemic situations at the end stage, HR people are going to be the lifeline of the organization and they are ready to handle this situation of the post pandemic with employee care and in the post pandemic we will be able to see paradise shift in the HR role. They can also have some activities to boost up the employee and want to know about the employee, how they are really looking after the work in the post pandemic? ? Communication with the employee – Having a proper session with their employee and asking about their experience in this pandemic and we can offload all their anxiety, fear, depression etc. To ensure all this taken out from their life about this fearful virus. ? Uniqueness of the employee - HR should encourage their employee for each unique activity which they converted for the business action and they should recognize such a kind of activity from the employee, and they should have regular communication with the other department managers to react with the sensitive subjects arising in the organization. It includes job security, Employee security, allocation of work, pressure in the work. ? Building the employee enforcement – Most of the work related issues happen because of the psychological safety experience by the employee and they HR managers should eliminate this kind of feeling from the employee. In the pandemic situation most of the company’s trying to have a good relationship with their employee between HR managers but in the digital world it is always difficult to maintain it. After this pandemic they may have work in their offices.

  2. Post pandemic HR Functioning in the organization In that time HR managers should redouble their relationships and their efforts in the work throughout the pandemic. ? Educating the employee – After the pandemic the HR managers should educate and equip the workforce with the proper nutritional diet, safety tips and precautionary measures. HR managers should communicate the employee with the image of the company in the pandemic situation. They can also suggest them with upskill training for better work engagement. ? Safety of the Employee – The workplace should be very clean with hygienic equipment like sanitizers and the food from the organization should be properly sanitized and to revise the hygienic control in the cafeteria and other employee gathering area. The employee should enter the office after the temperature check. If they have raised their temperature, they should leave the office immediately for the rest. These precautions should be taken by HR managers to safeguard the employee's health. ? The effectiveness of the organization doesn’t come out with the success of the business, it also includes increasing the sales volume, better marketing, ending with better financial numbers, like these all these contributions from every department need to be an effective organization. But to go with every environment and to be with them for the betterment of the department and the organization work would be done by the HR people of the organization. ? These are some of the valuable intakes from the FYNDHERE, in this pandemic situation and how their HR people were taken the organization as smooth as possible like ever in the normal scenario.

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