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11 Robust Ways to Improve your Learning and Memorizing Capacity

One of the prime reasons for Poor performance is low learning capacity and memory retention. For an international student poor learning skills can lead to major drawbacks in their career. But don't worry. Try out these 11 techniques to improve your learning and memorizing capacity in no time.

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11 Robust Ways to Improve your Learning and Memorizing Capacity

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  1. www.ocxee.com 11 Robust Ways to Improve your Learning and Memorizing Capacity One of the prime reasons for Poor performance is low learning capacity and memory retention. For an international student poor learning skills can lead to major drawbacks in their career. But don't worry. Try out these 11 techniques to improve your learning and memorizing capacity in no time. Abroad education is not a child’s play. The majority of courses in international education demands you memorize large amounts of information. Plus, the courses are not restricted to a single class or subject. Every day you will be exposed to hundreds of types of concepts that you must learn and remember to progress further. However frustrating it may seem, memorizing is a skill that anyone can master to improve their learning abilities. There are some proven scientific practices that prepare your brain to remember concepts and data for several years or even lifelong. 1

  2. www.ocxee.com Today, let us dig into some of the best memory retention techniques that you can use to enhance your brain’s memorizing capacity and learning ability. Understand the Concept before Memorizing To be honest, forcefully putting facts to memory doesn’t remain there too long. The information you take in must be organized and meaningful. Spend time to understand the concept first. Once you have a grip on it, memorizing the material will be much easier. Create a Connection Have you ever wondered why we never forget some moments in our life? Because we keep connecting those memories with something that is happening in our present. Similarly, link the information you want to remember to something in your daily life. Let’s take a simple example. Your house number or the last three digits of your phone number can be a perfect match to the value of ‘pi’ (3.14), making it easier to remember. 2

  3. www.ocxee.com Sleep With It Researchers believe that our brain processes and stores data while we sleep. Murmur what you learnt before you sleep every night and notice how much of it gets embedded in your memory. Repetition of Materials According to a psychologist, Hermann Ebbinghaus, we forget 56% of any material within an hour of learning it. Reviewing materials over and over again slows down this decaying process of fact retention in your memory. The process involves writing down the facts after the lecture ends and identifying the places which you have forgotten. Go and learn them again. Repeat this process until you have all the facts sealed in your mind. 3

  4. www.ocxee.com Try Self-Quiz Imagine you are teaching yourself the lesson you have learnt. While teaching, try to make the concept simpler. Focus on deeper understanding and analysis. Notice the areas you remember and the areas that need some attention. Give that part a good read again. Use any of the memorizing techniques to stamp it in your brain. After a few days, ask yourself again to see if your memory has improved. If there is a gap repeat the process again Student Housing Sheffield. Write it Out 4

  5. www.ocxee.com This is a rule we have been taught to follow from our school days. Writing helps us remember the information more than just reading it. However, this technique is more effective if you write on paper and not on a phone or digital notepad. Try writing your notes by hand during the lecture or rewriting or reorganizing paper notes after the lecture. While you write, try to visualize or say the concept aloud. Dig Deeper into the Root of the Concept If you learn something just for the sake of learning, you will forget it quickly. You have to go deeper to figure out the concept. Start by spotting the problem areas. Then, design the question that addresses the area. Ask yourself the question. Now dig into your resources, lecture notes, books, Google search console, or ask your mentor. Move ahead only when you have the concept clear in your head. You will see no effort is needed to remember such materials. Use Paper Over Digital Devices A poll was conducted where students were asked how they preferred to study – on paper or online. The result said that 94% of university students chose paper books. They claimed books are easier to follow and gave them the freedom to annotate, highlight or write on the edges. Also, books aid in spatial memory retention and prevent distraction much more than online platforms where you will constantly find interruptions like advertisements, pop-up ads, social media alerts and more. 5

  6. www.ocxee.com Visual Images It is an effective memorizing technique for creative courses. Try to make a memorable visual image that represents the concept. Or you can also draw the image on paper. Make sure it is detailed and understandable. Whenever you have to remember any points, try to mentally visualize the drawing. The technique will tap at your brain’s visual areas and help you remember various points from it. Practice Italian Tomato Clock Technique The process is simple. Allot a time of 25-30 minutes of an uninterrupted study session and then rest for ten minutes. Repeat this process to boost productivity and minimize distraction. Modelled after the Pomodoro technique you can use the rest time to treat yourself with a healthy snack, or taking a short walk, a drink or doing some stretching. Burn it In Exercise has proven to improve our memory and learning capabilities. Regular cardio and resistance training will help you maintain a healthy mind and body for better performance. 6

  7. www.ocxee.com Final Thoughts University Education is tough and comes with a never-ending list of study materials. Implementing the above-proposed techniques will make your study time more rewarding, and you can enjoy your leisure without feeling the burden of studies on your shoulders Student Apartments Sheffield. What will Ocxee Do for you? Ocxee Ltd is the leading global marketplace of international student services to accompany you during the whole process of admission, visa application and relocation process abroad. Our only focus is to make your stay hassle-free and safe in any city or country. 7

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