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Presentation Transcript

  1. The world map • The bodies of water of the Earth are divided into 5oceans Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Southern Ocean

  2. The world map • The rest of the Earth’s surface is made up of large masses of land called continents (7 in total): Europe North America Asia South America Australia Africa Antarctica

  3. On each continent, the land is further divided into smaller areas called countries,which are separated by political boundaries. • A large settlement is called a city. • In each country, there is a chief major city known as the capital (eg Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia). You can see some capitals shown in the world map at the back of the textbook.

  4. Locating places and features in an atlas

  5. Locating Places using Atlas To locate a broad geographical feature, • Use the content page at the front of the atlas To locate a specific geographical feature • Use the index at the back of the atlas

  6. Locating Places using Atlas WORLD REGIONS Asia, Human features 54 Natural features 58 Land use 56 China 74 Japan, Korea 78 South Asia 80 Land use 56 India, Information Technology 80 Content Page Index Place Map (Page) Grid Reference (Coordinates) Latitude Longitude Molucca Sea 71 H4 Mt. Kenya 97 H8 0.10S 37.19E Huaibei 75 K5 34.00N 116.48E

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