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Planning to take your dog along with you can be more fun for everyone to know more about pets visit us online at petcareclub.com or call us on 1-800-304-1918<br>
Planning To Travel With Your Dog Buddy by Road or Sky? Leaving your pet back at home is never fun when you plan to go on a vacation. Children always miss their furry pal when playing on the beach or having other fun activities during the trip. There are sporty people who go on trips to find places for swimming, hiking, etc with their exercise buddy. But when planning to travel with your friend it should be kept in mind that the means you chose are safest and comfortable for your pet. Now, if the decision is made to go together on the trip, then follow the given few tips which might make the travel hassle-free for both of you.
Traveling By Road: Different pets behave differently during travels. They can be restless, anxious; some might want to put head out of the window and very few of them might be calm. The best place for a pet in the car is at its rear side or backside. There you can anchor a crate with a seatbelt or any other suitable means. This will stop him from running around in the car and also give a bit of protection in case of a crash or sudden braking. Cats hate traveling in cars! Cats are not comfortable traveling in cars, so for the safety of both of you, keep them in a carrier. Remember to anchor these carriers with seatbelts so that they won’t bounce or hurt your cat. If your pet is very anxious or restless during travels, you can use products like “Homeopet Travel Anxiety Relief” or DAP Collars. Such products work wonders with many pets and make them calm during stressful situations. As it is a natural product, it doesn’t have side effects too. Avoid Keeping Him On Front-Pax-Seat! Keep your pet in the back seat of the car. If an airbag deploys while your pet is in the passenger seat (even in a crate), it might injure your pet. Don’t Let Them Peek Outside! Pets who stick their head out of the window can be injured from dust and debris or will become sick due to cold air. Always keep your pet safe inside the car. Don’t transport a pet in the trunk of an open pickup truck.
Enjoy Plenty Of Short Stops! Take frequent stops to allow your pet to eliminate and exercise. Always be careful before allowing your pet to leave the car. Use collar, ID tag, and leash for safety. Have A Company! It is good to have a human buddy along with you on the trip. You can share the driving and other pet care responsibilities whenever required. It’s always good to know that someone you trust is keeping an eye on your buddy. Don't Leave Your Pet alone in a car! Thinking to take a quick pit stop is good, but it is often a mirage. Never leave your pet alone in the car as it is very dangerous. The temperature in the car goes up very quickly. For example, if it’s 75 degrees Fahrenheit outside then within 10 minutes it can go to 120 degrees inside the car. Always take your pet with you even if it’s a 2 minutes job. Traveling by Flight: Before booking a flight for your pup, you’ll want to think through all your options. Air travel can be risky for pets, but if you decide to fly with them, choose the cabin when possible. Ask these questions if your pet is flying and be sure to get clear answers from Airline: • Will they allow you to take your pet in the cabin with you? • Do they have any special pet health and immunization requirements? • Does the airline require a specific type of carrier? • If you can't take your pet in the cabin, are there any restrictions on transporting your pet in the cargo hold? • Properly harness your pet as his carrier will pass through security screening along with you. In-case you don’t want to take him out of the carrier, request for special secondary screening. Cargo Hold Travel For Your Pet! While the majority of animals traveling from the cargo hold lands safe but you should be aware that there are cases of injury, death, and loss of pets during such travels each year. Poor ventilation, rough handling, and fluctuations in temperature are often to blame. Check for the performance record of any airline before choosing to fly your pet in a cargo hold. Follow these tips to increase the chances of a safe flight if cargo hold is the only option left for your pet to travel. Prefer Direct Flights to avoid the airline transfer mistakes or delays in getting your pet off the plane. • It is always advised to travel on the same flight as your pet and ask the staff if you can watch your pet get loaded and off-loaded. •
Inform the captain if possible and at least one flight attendant that your pet is traveling in the cargo hold. They might take some special precautions knowing that a pet is on board. • Never ship animals such as bulldogs or Persian cats in the cargo holds. • Choose flights that will accommodate the temperature extremes, if traveling during the summer or winter months • Get a good collar/DAP Collar for your pet. It should not stick indoors on the carrier. Affix identification on the collar with your name, address, and contact number. It will be great if you also mention the itinerary in short. Make your pet familiar to the carrier at least from a month before you are planning to travel which will minimize his stress at that time. • • Never give your pet tranquilizers without your vet’s advice. • Avoid feeding your pet a few hours before the travel starts. • Always carry a current photograph of your pet it will make it much easier for airline employees to search effectively in case he is lost. • Open the carrier as soon as you arrive at your destination in a safe place and examine your pet. • Now as we have discussed on how to make the travel easy and stress free for your pet, you and your travel buddy can without any delay plan for a lovely trip. Cheers!