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Information on Garlic Cultivation in India with Proper Guidance

Garlic is grown as a cash crop. It is used as a tuber spice. Garlic contains an element called allicin, which has a unique smell and spice in taste.

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Information on Garlic Cultivation in India with Proper Guidance

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  1. Information on Garlic Cultivation in India with Proper Guidance Garlic is grown as a cash crop. It is used as a tuber spice. Garlic contains an element called allicin, which has a unique smell and spice in taste. A lump of garlic contains many tubers, separated and peeled and used as a medicinal and spice. Garlic is beneficial in many types of diseases, and garlic is used to get rid of throat and stomach diseases. The sulphur compounds in garlic are believed to be responsible for the smell and spicy taste. Apart from this, other nutritious elements are present in it, which are used in making pickles, chutneys, spices and vegetables etc. For example, garlic is known as a profitable crop. Cultivation of garlic Garlic is cultivated in almost all the corners of the country. Apart from spices, it is also used more in medicinal form. Due to its aroma and taste, garlic is mainly used in various vegetables and meat dishes. In addition, garlic is used in therapeutic conditions in blood pressure, stomach disorders, digestive disorders, cancer, rheumatism, lung diseases, impotence, and other diseases.

  2. Garlic cultivation is done in almost all the districts of the state. Currently, processing units are functioning in Madhya Pradesh, where powder, paste, and chips are prepared and exported abroad. It is an excellent source of earning foreign exchange. Apart from this, it is also grown as a significant crop in other states. In Uttar Pradesh also, its crop yields well. Climate & Temperature The average temperature is required for the cultivation of garlic. Both too much winter and too much heat are not suitable for its crop. Garlic tubers need short days of temperature to ripen. A temperature of 29.35 ° C, a short day of 10 hours, and 70% humidity are considered suitable for its cultivation. For preparing fields Swaraj tractor 744 FE model is suitable because of its high working capability. Manures & Fertilisers To get a good yield of garlic, 200-300 quintals of old cow dung manure/compost must be applied per hectare in agriculture. Apart from this, 80-100 KG of Netrazine should be used per hectare in the field, and Phosphorus 50-60 KG, Potassium 70-80 KG and Zinc Sulphate 20-25 KG per hectare should be applied in the area. It should be put in. 15 to 20 days before planting garlic seeds, compost, or cow dung manure in the field should be ploughed properly. After mixing nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and zinc in three equal parts, the last ploughing of the area should be incorporated into the field two days before planting the seeds. After this, the first irrigation should be done after 25-30 days by removing the grass from the area. Second monitoring should be done after 30-50 days. Sowing Method While sowing the seeds of garlic, it must be kept in mind that the sowing tubers are entirely healthy and of enormous size. 5-6 quintals of seeds are required for sowing in one hectare of field. Sowing of garlic seeds is done by sprinkling, spraying or deballing methods. Also, for suitable farming you can pick a Mahindra tractor 265 Price model because it has all advanced features which make your farming task easy.

  3. At the time of sowing of buds, keep the lighter part of the bud upwards, a distance of 5-7 cm. Cover it with soil by burying it at a depth of 8 cm between two buds when sowing the buds. The distance between the two rows is 15 cm. Must keep distance Garlic planter can be used for sowing seeds on a large scale. Weed Control After 15-20 days of first irrigation in the garlic field, weed control should be done using hand or scraper weeding. After this, when weeds are seen from time to time, then do weeding and weeding. It is essential to protect the garlic crop from weeds. Harvesting The garlic crop is ready to give yield in 130-180 days. When the leaves of garlic plants turn yellow and dry up, stop irrigation during that time. After a few days, the garlic knots should be excavated. Dry the excavated knots properly in the shade for 3-4 days. After this, separate the leaves from the tubers, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm. More details about farming then be with us.

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