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Music has a direct impact on the mood of a person. Listening to a happy song gives us instant happiness and elevates the mood. Many drug addiction rehabilitation centers have instated state-of-the-art music studios so that patients can relax, soothe themselves and find a way to express. As it is immensely difficult for drug addicts to express themselves, music offers them the platform to vent their feelings with no bounds. The inmates of such drug rehabilitation centers not only sing or play an instrument but also write lyrics and create tunes. For more information Visit http://www.sovaddictionrehab.com/0
Music Therapy and Drug Rehabilitation Centers If you are a music buff who loves listening to Eagles, then the song, “One day at a time” could not be unheard of. Touted as one of the greatest songs dedicated to recovery from drug abuse, it also stirs a debate whether music plays a pivotal role in drug rehabilitation. The lead singer himself admits of excess in his heydays and if its lyrics has anything to do in essaying his struggle with substance abuse, then it clearly forges a link between music and drug recovery. So can music really deliver us from drug abuse? Music has a direct impact on the mood of a person. Listening to a happy song gives us instant happiness and elevates the mood. Many drug addiction rehabilitation centers have instated state-of-the-art music studios so that patients can relax, soothe themselves and find a way to express. As it is immensely difficult for drug addicts to express themselves, music offers them the platform to vent their feelings with no bounds. The inmates of such drug rehabilitation centers not only sing or play an instrument but also write lyrics and create tunes. How does music therapy benefit an addict? Music therapy can be of great help to someone who is on a recovery path from drug addiction. It usually complements other treatments of drug addicts.
Let us look at some of the benefits of music therapy in drug addiction rehabilitation centers: • During their initial days of going sober, addicts find it extremely difficult to handle the myriad of emotions that engulf them. Creating music or listening to soulful songs provide them the inner balance to reign in those destructive thoughts and emotions. • People who become sober tends to feel quite lonely being cut off from their doping friends and other addicts. This is where music comes into play filling the void and preventing them from a potential relapse. • At a physical level also music helps patients in their struggle against drug addiction. Listening to music regulates the heart beats, streamlines the thought process and relieves from anxiety. • When addicts feel depressed during the recovery period, music alleviates the pain and snaps them out from the blue. • Music also helps in dealing with mental fuzziness during the initial days of going sober. It brings inner peace and much-needed tranquility to an addict. So, next time you look for drug rehabilitation centers, whether for yourself or a loved one, always check out if it has a special music therapy incorporated in the treatment programs. To consult with one of our mental health specialists, please call our 24/7 Helpline: (855) 683- 9756 www.sovaddictionrehab.com