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Balanced Diet

The Ultimate Guide to Clean Eating.

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Balanced Diet

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  1. Healthy BalancedDiet TheUltimateGuide FaugetHealthyLiving www.halt.in

  2. Thefoodsyou choosemake difference -Youarewhatyoueat www.halt.in

  3. Itoutlinesdifferenttypesof foodsanddrinksyoushould consume–andinwhat proportions–onadailyor weeklybasis. Whatisthe Ultimate Guide? TheUltimateGuidepresents therecommendationsfor havingahealthybalanced diet. www.halt.in

  4. Awell-balancedandhealthy dietwillprovide: Whatarethe benefitsof eatingwell? theenergyyourequiretokeep activethroughouttheday nutrientsimportantforgrowth andrepair helptomakeyoustaystrong andhealthy helptopreventdiet-related illnesses,assomecancers www.halt.in

  5. Whatarethe5Main Groups? Meat,fish,eggs,beans, andotherproteins Milk,dairyproducts,and alternatives Oilsandspreads 03 Fruitandvegetables Bread,rice,pasta, potatoes,andother starchycarbohydrates 01 04 02 05 www.halt.in

  6. Whatelse? Ahealthybalanceddiet alsoincludes Waterandotherdrinks Foodshighinfat,salt,and sugar www.halt.in

  7. Itappliestomost individuals,regardlessof their Weight Dietaryrestrictionsor preferences Ethnicorigin *Exceptionisforbabies (youngchildrenunder 2)sincetheyhavea differentdiet. Whoshould usethis healthydiet guide? www.halt.in

  8. Usethisguidetomake healthierchoicesevery timeyouare Planningwhattoeat Preparingorcookinga mealathome Groceryshopping Eatingoutortaking away www.halt.in

  9. Whendoyouneed thisguide? Eatingahealthybalanceddietand keepinganactivelifewillhelpusto maintainahealthyweightandprevent illness. Lacks some significant nutrients – like vitaminA,B,C,andE,andzinc,iron,and selenium–maydeterioratepartsofyour immunesystem. www.halt.in

  10. Thank You www.halt.in

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