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Your eyes are precious, and regular eye checkups are vital for staying healthy. We recommend having your eyes tested as frequently as your doctor prescribes or if you notice any new visual concerns. Failing to diagnose or treat eye problems at the right time can result in loss of vision.<br>
General Eye Checkup inHyderabad Your eyes are precious, and regular eye checkups are vital for staying healthy. We recommend having your eyes tested as frequently as your doctor prescribes or ifyou noticeanynewvisualconcerns. Failing to diagnose or treateye timecan problemsattheright result in loss ofvision.
CommonEvaluationsDuringanEyeExam Visualacuity:Weuseavisualacuitytesttodetectanyminutevisionchangein youreyes. Colour Vision: We use color vision tests to detect if you can distinguish betweenlightofdifferentwavelengths,regardlessofthelightintensity. SlitLampExamination:Throughslit-lampexamination,weexaminetheregion withinandaroundyoureyestodetectanydeformities. IntraocularPressure:WeusetheTonometrytechniquetoassessintraocular pressureinyoureyes,whichhelpsusdetectglaucomainyoureye. Fundus Examination: In this diagnostic method, we use mydriatic eye drops (suchastropicamide)todilateorwidenthepupiltoacquireaclearerviewof your eye's fundus (innerlining).
Our GeneralEye Check-up ServicesInclude: Introductory interview: We askbasic questions aboutyoureyehealthandmedicalhistory. External examination: We will examine all outwardvisiblepartsofyoureyeandsurrounding tissues. Pupil inspection: Your pupil will be inspected for anyirregularityinitsshapeandsize,andthenwe will see how it reacts to light and objects at variousdistances.
Eyemusclehealthandmobility:Wewillcheckyoureyemovementinsix directions(correspondingtothesixextraocularmuscles)whiletracking amovingobject(suchasapen). Visualfield:Youwillhavetocoveryouroneeyeandgazestraightto identifyobjectsinperipheralvisionwithyourothereye(oftensimply thenumberoffingersthedoctorisshowing). Visual acuity: The Snellen chart is commonly used to measure visual acuity. This is a large card or projection with progressively smaller horizontal lines of random block letters. The test determines how well you can discern detail at a given distance. Patients taking this test will beaskedtocoveroneeyeandthenreadaloudthelettersofeachrow, startingfromthetop.Aminorrowthatcanbeaccuratelyreadindicates yourvisualacuityinthateye.