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Establishing a Lawn

Establishing a Lawn. Establishing a Lawn. Lawns are a major part of the home landscape. Reasons for Establishment. Ad beauty to the landscape Used as play areas for sports or for relaxation Provide cover to help control soil erosion. Soil and Grading.

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Establishing a Lawn

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Establishing a Lawn

  2. Establishing a Lawn • Lawns are a major part of the home landscape

  3. Reasons for Establishment • Ad beauty to the landscape • Used as play areas for sports or for relaxation • Provide cover to help control soil erosion

  4. Soil and Grading • First consideration is the present condition of the soil

  5. Questions to ask: • Has the builder graded off all of the topsoil? • Is the slope too steep to establish a lawn and mow it safely? • Is drainage adequate?

  6. Grade • Builder will establish the rough grade • Usually slopes away from foundation • Six inches of top soil should be spread over the surface

  7. Grade • Topsoil is tilled to loosen and break up clods

  8. Slope • General slope for the lawn after the topsoil is spread should not exceed 15% • Slopes greater than 15% are unsafe to mow

  9. Slope • If a slope of greater than 15% cannot Be avoided, the surface should be planted with plants that do not require mowing such as ground covers.

  10. Drainage • Good drainage ensures a balance between air and water in the soil. • This balance encourages proper root growth

  11. Establishing proper drainage • Install drainage tile about three feet below the surface of the soil to drain the subsoil

  12. Establishing proper drainage • Make use of the slope of the land to drain surface water away

  13. Soil Preparation • Good loam soil is best for most grasses • If loam is not available, increase the organic matter (o.m.)

  14. Soil Preparation • Add well rotted sawdust, weed free manure, or peat moss at a rate of 6 cubic feet per 1000 square feet of land

  15. Soil Preparation • Work O.M. well into the soil with a rototiller, rake and remove stones • Seedbed should be firm and smooth but not have a powder fine surface texture

  16. Fertilizer • Soil should be tested to determine the correct amount of fertilizer to apply • Complete fertilizer with a high P content is recommended for establishing lawns.

  17. Fertilizer • Starter fertilizers are manufactured with high P content • Some soil test reports may indicate a need for lime

  18. Lime • Changes the pH of the soil by reducing the acidity • Can be applied in several forms

  19. Lime • Calcium Carbonate • Calcium Oxide • Calcium Hydroxide

  20. pH • If pH of the soil indicates a alkaline soil, sulfur or iron sulfate may be used to lower the pH

  21. pH • Ideal pH range for lawns is between 6.0 and 6.5

  22. Spreading Fertilizer • Spread in two different directions, half of the recommended amount in one direction and the remainder perpendicular to the first application

  23. Spreading Fertilizer • This ensures uniform distribution of the fertilizer • May be applied with a spreader or in a liquid form with a garden hose attachment

  24. Starting a Lawn • Two ways • Seeding • Vegetative

  25. Vegetative • Sprigging • Sodding • Plugging • Strip planting

  26. Selecting Seed • All lawn grass seed is required by law to have the following information on the label • Name – the package must give the correct name of all seeds in the package

  27. Selecting seed • Information on where this type of seed grown best • Purity – gives the make up of the seed by percent of each type

  28. Selecting Seed • Percent germination – this identifies how well the seed will sprout and grow • Other crop – percentage of other crop seeds, wheat, barley, orchard grass, and timothy are undesirable

  29. Selecting Seed • Inert matter – material that will not grow • Seed pieces, sand or dirt • Inert ingredients add weight to the package and little else

  30. Selecting Seed • Weed Seed – not desirable in lawn mixtures • Many weed seeds are difficult to remove because of their size

  31. Selecting Seed • Law requires that the manufacturer list the percent of weed seed present in the package

  32. Selecting Seed • Noxious Weeds – each state has a listing of noxious weeds • Weeds that are difficult to control

  33. Selecting Seed • Noxious Weed listings are very specific as to the number and type of seeds per ounce

  34. Selecting Seed • Year tested – commercial seed is tested each year for germination results

  35. Selecting Seed • Company name and address • Lawn specialists should be contacted to determine the best seed mixture for your lawn

  36. Seeding • Seed may be spread by hand or with a mechanical seeder similar to a fertilizer spreader • Seed is mixed with a carrier such as sand to ensure uniform distribution

  37. Seeding • Seeding is done in two directions just as fertilizer application is • Lightly cover the seed by hand raking

  38. Seeding • Seeds must be covered and in close contact with the soil

  39. Mulching • Applying alight covering of weed free clean straw or hay will help hold in moisture and prevent seed from washing or blowing away.

  40. Mulching • Straw also helps to hide the seed from birds.

  41. Watering • Keep new seedlings moist until well established • Once germination begins, seeds must not be allowed to dry out

  42. Watering • Avoid saturating the soil as too much moisture can result in a fungal disease called damping off

  43. Vegetative Planting • Sprigging, Strip Planting, Plugging and Stolonizing • Used for grasses which are difficult to grow from seed or for which seed is not available

  44. Vegetative • Zoysia, Bermuda Grass, Centipede Grass, Creeping Bentgrass and Velvet Bentgrass

  45. Vegetative • Material must be kept moist until well established • During first year light applications of N every two to four weeks helps to speed the spread of new grass.

  46. Sodding • Sod consists of grass and grass roots in a thin layer of soil which is removed from the growing area in strips and rolled for transport

  47. Sodding • Sod is the most expensive option • Ideal for steep slopes or terraces where erosion may be a problem

  48. Sodding • is used when the home owner wants a complete, instant lawn

  49. Sodding • Sod should not be cut more than one inch thick. • Thin sod will knit itself to the soil faster than thick cut sod

  50. Sodding • After sod is laid and tamped down or rolled lightly, it is topdressed with a small amount of top soil

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