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Tanning lamps

We offer free shipping insurance on all the tanning lamps we sell, and our lowered shipping rates are another way we save you money on your tanning lamps purchases! For more information - https://a1tanningsupply.com/

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Tanning lamps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Welcome To Tanning Supply Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  2. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 HP Facial Bulbs 400 Watt High Pressure Facial Bulbs. Bathes the face and neck area with loads of pure UVA, the bronzing ray. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  3. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Acrylic Shields We carry hundreds of acrylic shields for many makes and models of tanning equipment. But due to the nature of acrylic shields we ask that you please contact us with make and model of tanning unit so that we can price that for you. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  4. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Wolff ELITE TANNING LAMPS 20M Wolff Elite S Bronzer is the collection of Wolff System tanning lamps that has something for everybody. The warm bronzing sensation of the Elite 'SELECT' has a well balanced UV phosphor mix to satisfy most. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  5. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Red Light Therapy You will see results in 60 - 90 days depending on the thickness of your skin and your body's ability to produce collagen. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  6. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Salon Tanning Lamp ETS Wolff Tanning Lamp Packages. No Gimmicks, No Guesswork!   We include ALL new tanning lamps you. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  7. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Sun fire 24C This bed comes with longer lamps to give you  the extra room to stretch out and still receive a great tan. Featuring a digital timer, energy efficient air flow system, and an optional Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  8. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Wolff 32 XS POWER When you need a tanning bed for your small salon, spa or fitness club, the 32 XS Power 220 Volt series tanning beds fits the bill. The extended 7′ tanning surface gives plenty of room for taller tanners. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  9. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 Compatibility Docs Compatibility is an important tool used to match up lamp types so that you may legally purchase and use a compatible lamp in place of the original. The reasons for this are many, but most importantly it is designed to protect. Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

  10. support@a1tanningsupply.com Tele - 866-612-0711 THANK YOU! For Visit https://a1tanningsupply.com Website https://a1tanningsupply.com

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