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1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS from A to Z: Transglobal Overseas

Enhance your vocabulary and boost your IELTS performance with Transglobal's collection of 1000 essential words! Explore an A-Z list tailored to elevate your language skills. Move beyond basic communication, impressing examiners with your diverse vocabulary. This isn't just a list; it's a journey toward language mastery and IELTS success. Ready to conquer linguistic challenges? Start your transformative experience with Transglobal overseas today!<br>Read More : https://transglobaloverseas.com/vocabulary-words-for-ielts/

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1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS from A to Z: Transglobal Overseas

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  1. 1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS Vocabulary words with the letter A Words Synonyms Active Energetic Antique Old item Agility Quickness Attire Dress Awful Dreadful, Atrocious Assets Earnings Ample/Myriad of/Numerous Lots of Amateur Beginner Assault Attack Abroad Overseas Always Forever Difficulty Adversity Allure Attract Admit Confess Amiable Friendly Annoy Disturb someone

  2. Aggressive Assertive Acquit Release Awful Terrible Ambition Dreams Anxious Nervous Achieve Accomplish Aid Help Amount Quantity Adroit Expert Sufficient Adequate Alteration Change Ambiance Environment Allow Permit Amicable Helpful Astonishing Surprising Ambitious Aspiring Accord Agreement Abode A place where you live Accurate Correct

  3. Away Absent Arrive Reach Angry Mad Authentic Genuine Abandon/Abort To leave something Add Increase Answer Response Alike Same Abstraction Todeduct Ask Inquire Adamant Firm To applaud one’s effort Appreciation Agree Consent Approve Accept Vocabulary words with letter B Words Synonyms Baffle Confuse Belligerent Hostile

  4. Benevolent Kind-hearted Bias Prejudice Brevity Conciseness Bizarre Strange Banal Commonplace Barren Empty Blatant Obvious Bemoan Complain about Beneath Below Belittle Disparage Bewilder Confuse Brazen Bold Bountiful Abundant Berate Scold Behemoth Huge Beneficial Advantageous Baffle Confuse Blissful Joyful Burgeon Flourish

  5. Banish Expel Bypass Avoid Blithe Carefree Brisk Quick Brood Worry Brawl Fight Brevity Conciseness Bungle Mess up Befuddle Confuse Bolster Support Beguile Deceive Bypass Avoid Brevity Conciseness Bask Enjoy Blatant Obvious Bemoan Complain about Benevolent Kind-hearted Bizarre Strange Bountiful Abundant

  6. Belligerent Hostile Banal Commonplace Blatant Obvious Bewildered Confused Bristle React angrily Vocabulary words with letter C Words Synonyms Cacophony Harsh sound Callous Insensitive Candid Honest Capitulate Surrender Catalyst Stimulus Caution Warning Cerebral Intellectual Charismatic Charming Coalesce Merge Coherent Logical Colossal Huge

  7. Complacent Self-satisfied Concede Admit Conducive Favorable Conundrum Puzzle Cordial Friendly Corroborate Confirm Credible Reliable Cryptic Mysterious Culminate Peak Cumbersome Bulky Cynical Skeptical Concur Agree Constrict T ighten Contentious Controversial Conundrum Enigma Copious Abundant Corrode Erode Curtail Shorten Convoluted Complicated

  8. Conspicuous Noticeable Consume Devour Commence Begin Collaborate Cooperate Chronicle Record Circumvent Avoid Connoisseur Expert Composure Calmness Consensus Agreement Congenial Friendly Contrive Invent Constitute Form Constrict T ighten Connoisseur Expert Consume Devour Commence Begin Chronicle Record Vocabulary with letter D

  9. Words Synonyms Dazzling Bright, splendid Deceive Mislead, trick Decipher Decode, interpret Deficient Lacking, inadequate Delicate Fragile, subtle Deter Discourage Deviate Diverge, stray Diligent Hardworking, meticulous Diminish Reduce, decrease Discern Perceive, recognize Discreet Cautious, subtle Disperse Scatter, spread Distinct Clear, unique Varied, different Diverse Dominate Control, overpower Durable Lasting, sturdy Dynamic Energetic, lively Dwell Reside, inhabit

  10. Dwindle Decrease, diminish Dynamic Energetic, lively Vocabulary with letter E Words Synonyms Eager Enthusiastic Elaborate Detailed Embrace Hug Empathy Understanding Effort Endeavor Enrich Improve Enhance Improve Enthusiastic Excited Ephemeral Temporary Eradicate Eliminate Erratic Unpredictable Exemplify Illustrate Exuberant Energetic Elusive Hard to catch

  11. Eloquent Fluent Eminent Distinguished Empower Strengthen Encompass Include Endorse Support Entice Attract Esteem Respect Evolve Develop Exceed Surpass Exquisite Beautiful Exemplary Outstanding Explicit Clear Expose Uncover Extend Expand Elude Avoid Endure Tolerate Exasperate Irritate Eccentric Unconventional Elicit Evoke

  12. Elongate Lengthen Enlist Recruit Vocabulary with letter F Words Synonyms Facilitate Simplify Formidable Intimidating Flourish Thrive Fickle Unpredictable Frugal Economical Fathom Comprehend Foster Encourage Fluctuate Vary Fortify Strengthen Foresee Predict Fallacious Misleading Frivolous Trivial Facade Exterior Fervent Passionate

  13. Foremost Primary Flabbergasted Astonished Fiasco Disaster Flawless Perfect Ineffective Futile Formulate Develop Fundamental Basic Fluctuation Variation Feasible Achievable Fervid Intense Facet Aspect Fanatic Enthusiast Foster Nurture Flimsy Fragile Formidable Daunting Frenetic Frantic Fervor Zeal Forebode Predict Felicity Happiness

  14. Fervent Dedicated Forsake Abandon Fracture Break Vocabulary with letter G Words Synonyms Generous Kind Grateful Thankful Gargantuan Huge Gauge Measure Gaze Stare Glance Brief look Gruesome Horrifying Gregarious Sociable Genuine Authentic Grasp Understand Grumble Complain Garner Collect

  15. Gleam Shine Grapple Wrestle Gallant Brave Gallivant Roam Glimpse Quick look Grind Crush Gusto Enthusiasm Guileless Innocent Gravy Sauce Grumble Complain Glorious Magnificent Gloom Darkness Gravitate Attract Gamble Bet Garrison Military post Glitter Sparkle Grating Irritating Glutton Overeater Garish Gaudy

  16. Gist Main idea Grueling Exhausting Gaze Stare Vocabulary with letter H Words Synonyms Harmony Agreement Halt Stop Hasty Quick Hinder Obstruct Hospitable Welcoming Humble Modest Humiliate Embarrass Hybrid Mixture Hesitate Pause Hostile Unfriendly Halt Stop Hearty Sincere

  17. Hinderance Obstacle Harmony Accord Hover Linger Heritage Ancestry Heighten Increase Homogeneous Similar Havoc Chaos Difficulty Hardship Haphazard Random Homely Plain Hail Praise Harmonize Blend Harass Annoy Hypothesize Speculate Homage Respect Hinder Block Hardworking Diligent Hesitate Waver Halt Cease

  18. Hibernate Sleep Halt Standstill Haughty Arrogant Humorous Funny Hone Sharpen Halt Break Hereditary Inherited Harmony Unity Hostility Animosity Humidity Moisture Hamper Hinder Hallmark Distinctive mark Hue Color Halcyon Peaceful Harbinger Forerunner Hamper Obstruct Vocabulary with the letter I Words Synonyms

  19. Illuminate Light up Ingenious Clever Inquire Ask Integrate Combine Inherent Inbuilt Insight Understanding Incite Encourage Inevitable Unavoidable Intrepid Fearless Incessant Continuous Incognito Disguised Incite Stimulate Inclusive Comprehensive Incapacitate Disable Inherent Intrinsic Indifferent Unconcerned Infallible Unfailing Inhibit Restrain Inquisitive Curious

  20. Inspire Motivate Invaluable Priceless Invigorate Energize Invariably Always Invoke Call upon Irresistible Unstoppable Impede Hinder Inclination Preference Inherent Implicit Intuition Instinct Illuminate Clarify Incite Provoke Infuse Inject Incarcerate Imprison Inquisitive Questioning Inscribe Write Instigate Initiate Intrepid Brave Incisive Sharp

  21. Inconspicuous Unnoticeable Incredulous Skeptical Vocabulary with the letter J Words Synonyms Jeopardy Danger Jovial Cheerful Juxtapose Compare Jargon Specialized language Judicious Wise Jolt Sudden shock Jubilant Joyful Juxtaposition Side by side Justify Support with evidence Jaded Tired, worn-out Jeer Mocking Jocular Humorous Judgemental Critical

  22. Jiffy Instant Jittery Nervous Jinx Bad luck Juxtapose Contrast Juggle Balance Joviality High-spiritedness Juxtaposition Parallelism Jovially Cheerfully Jeopardize Endanger Jovial Merry Juxtapose Place side by side Jeer Ridicule Jargon Lingo Vocabulary with the letter K Words Synonyms Keen Eager Kin Family

  23. Keenly Intensely Kudos Praise Keystones Foundations Kindred Similar Kinetic Energetic Knead Massage Kindle Ignite Knack Skill Knotty Complicated Kudos Applause Kernel Core Kith Acquaintances Kudos Approval Kowtow Bow Kneel Bow down Kept Retained Kinfolk Relatives Kudos Compliments Knowledge Wisdom

  24. Kettle Pot Kinetic Dynamic Kudos Credit Knack Talent Keen Sharp Kneecap Patella Vocabulary with the letter L Words Synonyms Lament Mourn Lucid Clear Lavish Extravagant Loathe Detest Linger Dally Laudable Praiseworthy Legacy Inheritance Lenient Tolerant Livid Furious Luminous Bright

  25. Lethargic Sluggish Loquacious Talkative Luminous Glowing Lurk Skulk Lamentable Pitiable Levitate Float Labyrinth Maze Lethal Deadly Lavish Generous Liable Responsible Ludicrous Absurd Languish Wither Lenient Merciful Luminous Shining Lofty High Lucrative Profitable Loquacious Chatty Languid Lethargic Lucid Coherent

  26. Laud Praise Legitimate Legal Vocabulary with the letter M Words Synonyms Magnify Amplify Mitigate Alleviate Meticulous Careful Mundane Ordinary Modify Alter Manifest Display Migrate Move Mandatory Compulsory Malicious Harmful Meritorious Praiseworthy Munificent Generous Melancholy Sad Maverick Nonconformist

  27. Malleable Flexible Magnanimous Generous Malfunction Failure Mirthful Joyful Morose Gloomy Magnitude Size Meander Wander Miserly Stingy Migrate Move Monotonous Boring Vocabulary with the letter N Words Synonyms Navigate Direct Negate Deny Neglect Ignore Nourish Nurture Notorious Infamous

  28. Necessitate Require Notable Remarkable Nominate Propose Negligible Insignificant Noteworthy Remarkable Nurturing Supporting Novelty Innovation Nostalgia Longing for the past Notion Idea Nuanced Subtle Nimble Agile Nullify Cancel Nifty Clever Nascent Emerging Navigate Direct Negate Deny Neglect Ignore Nourish Nurture Notorious Infamous

  29. Necessitate Require Notable Remarkable Nominate Propose Negligible Insignificant Noteworthy Remarkable Nurturing Supporting Vocabulary with the letter O Words Synonyms Objective Goal Obligation Duty Observe Watch Obtain Acquire Occasion Event Occur Happen Odd Strange Omit Exclude Ongoing Continuous

  30. Option Choice Overcome Conquer Owe Ought to pay Obsolete Outdated Offense Outrage Oversee Supervise Overwhelm Overpower Overtake Surpass Overview Summary Oppose Resist Vocabulary with the letter P Words Synonyms Perceive Discern Ponder Contemplate Profound Deep Prolific Productive Persuade Convince Prevail Triumph

  31. Persevere Persist Plausible Credible Prudent Wise Paradox Contradiction Pensive Thoughtful Plentiful Abundant Pragmatic Practical Pivotal Crucial Precarious Risky Pinnacle Summit Placid Calm Perilous Dangerous Pristine Immaculate Penchant Inclination Plausible Believable Pungent Sharp Prodigy Genius Proximity Nearness Paragon Exemplar

  32. Paramount Supreme Patronize Condescend Peripheral Marginal Persevere Endure Prevalent Widespread Prominent Eminent Vocabulary with the letter Q Words Synonyms Quaint Charming Quandary Dilemma Quash Suppress Quell Suppress Quench Satisfy Query Question Quibble Petty argument Quiescent Inactive Quirk Peculiarity Quiver Tremble

  33. Quota Allotment Quotidian Everyday Quizzical Puzzled Quaint Old-fashioned Quench Extinguish Quip Witty remark Qualm Uneasy feeling Vocabulary with the letter R Words Synonyms Radiant Bright, Shining Resilient Strong, Tough Reluctant Hesitant, Unwilling Robust Strong, Sturdy Rationale Reasoning Revere Respect, Honor Repudiate Reject, Disown Rendezvous Meeting, Gathering Relinquish Surrender, Give Up

  34. Redundant Unnecessary, Excess Rigorous Strict, Thorough Resplendent Shining, Dazzling Replenish Refill, Renew Reclusive Withdrawn, Solitary Ramification Consequence, Result Rapture Bliss, Ecstasy Reckless Careless, Rash Rectify Correct, Fix Recapitulate Summarize, Review Reciprocal Mutual, Shared Replicate Duplicate, Copy Relinquish Surrender, Give Up Resonate Echo, Reverberate Revere Respect, Honor Rejuvenate Revitalize, Renew Vocabulary with the letter S Words Synonyms

  35. Sage Wise Scrutinize Examine Serene Calm Sincere Genuine Skeptical Doubtful Subtle Not obvious Suppress Quash Solemn Serious Strenuous Demanding Sanctuary Refuge Sublime Majestic Surpass Exceed Sporadic Occasional Substantiate Confirm Serendipity Luck Stagnant Motionless Synchronize Coordinate Savor Enjoy Surrogate Substitute

  36. Supple Flexible Sanctuary Refuge Synchronize Coordinate Salient Prominent Vocabulary with the letter T Words Synonyms Tenacious Persistent Tremendous Enormous Thrive Flourish Tolerate Endure Transparent Clear Tenure Term Transition Change Tactful Diplomatic Tangible Perceptible Tedious Monotonous

  37. Vocabulary with the letter U Words Synonyms Ubiquitous Omnipresent Unveil Reveal Utilize Employ Unique Distinctive Undermine Weaken Ubiquity Prevalence Upheaval Disturbance Underestimate Undervalue Vocabulary with the letter V Words Synonyms Vibrant Lively Versatile Adaptable Validate Confirm Vigorous Energetic

  38. Venture Undertaking Vital Essential Volatile Unstable Vogue Trend Vocabulary with the letter W Words Synonyms Widespread Common Witty Clever Wrath Anger Wholesome Healthy Wane Decrease Withstand Endure Wary Cautious Wistful Reflective Vocabulary with the letter X Words Synonyms

  39. Xenophobia Fear of strangers Xerox Photocopy Xenial Hospitable Xanadu Ideal place of beauty and contentment Xerophyte Drought-resistant plant Vocabulary with the letter Y Words Synonyms Yearn Long for Yield Produce Yonder Distant Yearning Craving Yielding Compliant Yarn Thread Yieldless Unproductive Yowl Howl Yawn Sigh Yoke Harness Yore Past

  40. Yell Shout Yielding Surrendering Yank Pull Yawn Gape Yielding Flexible Vocabulary with the letter Z Words Synonyms Zeal Enthusiasm Zest Liveliness Zenith Pinnacle Zany Comical Zealous Passionate Zephyr Breeze Zestful Energetic Zilch Nothing Zing Vitality Zigzag Winding path

  41. Zeppelin Airship Zero Nothing Zest Flavor Zircon Gemstone Zesty Flavorful Join Transglobal IELTS Training Academy: Best IELTS Coaching in Tilak Nagar, Delhi ?Enroll for Affordable IELTS Coaching in Tilak Nagar ?Achieve IELTS Excellence in 30 Days. ?Learn from a British Council Certified Trainer for Top-notch Guidance. ?Flexible Timing to Suit Your Schedule. ?5/5 Rating on Google My Business. Book Your Free Demo Class: Website: https://transglobaloverseas.com/ Contact Number: +011-4650 4949 Address: 27/1A, 2nd Floor, Ashok Nagar, Jail Rd, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110018 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/transglobaloverseaseducation/

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