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Creative Incubator Marketing Techniques NBIA Conference San Antonio 2008

Creative Incubator Marketing Techniques NBIA Conference San Antonio 2008. Evan M. Jones Head of Digital & Incubation @Wales Digital Incubator Welsh Assembly Government. Follow the presentation at:. www.atwales.com/NBIA/Marketing.ppt. Agenda. The landscape of new media - Evan Jones

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Creative Incubator Marketing Techniques NBIA Conference San Antonio 2008

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  1. Creative Incubator Marketing TechniquesNBIA ConferenceSan Antonio 2008 Evan M. Jones Head of Digital & Incubation @Wales Digital Incubator Welsh Assembly Government

  2. Follow the presentation at: www.atwales.com/NBIA/Marketing.ppt

  3. Agenda • The landscape of new media - Evan Jones • Questions… that I’m asking • Obsessing about the demographic • What is new media, exactly • The landscape and examples • Questions • Applying new techniques to incubator marketing - Jeanette DeDiemar • 90-second guide to effective incubator marketing • Reaching your target audiences • Reality check • New media techniques • Questions

  4. Questions • Blog • Google Earth • Bebo

  5. Who Know your market • TV ad - Lloyds Bank • TV ad - Vauxhall Cars It’salwaysthe demographic that matters…..

  6. The obligatory really clear diagram….

  7. New products Signposts New routes & Genres Extending existing assets Podcast Youtube Google Earth Wikipedia Social networking sites SEO Second Life Skypecast Blogging RSS Feeds Wiki Intranets The landscape of new media

  8. New Media Landscape Mashing Second Life Blog Skypecasting RSS Podcasting Wikis YouTube S.E.O Google Earth Optimising Bebo LinkedIn Facebook Myspace

  9. Questions & Comments Evan M. Jones Head of Digital & Incubation Tel +44 (0)29 2044 4777 Cell +44 (0)776 731 7777 Evan.Jones@Wales-UK.com JDD

  10. Wiki • A wiki is a website that allows visitors to add, remove, edit and change content, typically without the need for registration. It also allows for linking among any number of pages. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for mass collaborative authoring. http://www.wikipedia.org/

  11. Blog • A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. • Blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of most early blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network of social media.

  12. Blogging

  13. Vlog • Video blog is a blog that includes video. Regular entries are typically presented in reverse chronological order and often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata.

  14. RSS • RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts. • Users of RSS content use programs called feed "readers" or "aggregators": the user subscribes to a feed by supplying to his or her reader a link to the feed; the reader can then check the user's subscribed feeds to see if any of those feeds have new content since the last time it checked, and if so, retrieve that content and present it to the user.

  15. Podcasting • A podcast is a media file that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on portable media players and personal computers. Like 'radio', it can mean both the content and the method of syndication. The latter may also be termed podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. • The term "podcast" is a portmanteau of the name of Apple's portable music player, the iPod, and broadcast; a pod refers to a container of some sort and the idea of broadcasting to a container or pod correctly describes the process of podcasting. More about the name itself can be found in the History of podcasting article. • Though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other digital audio formats by its ability to be downloaded automatically, using software capable of reading feed formats such as RSS or Atom.

  16. Skypecasting • Skypecasts are large, hosted calls on Skype in groups of up to 100 people participating from anywhere in the world. • Select a topic and click “Join this Skypecast” speak with other people in the Skypecast, or to listen to the host and ask questions. The Skypecast host passes a virtual microphone to people who want to speak. • Hosting your own Skypecast - select a time, and your Skypecast will be listed in the directory for anyone to discover and join.

  17. Skypecasting • Skypecasts are large, hosted calls on Skype. Let your opinion be heard on subjects close to your heart in groups of up to 100 people participating from anywhere in the world. • Select a topic and click “Join this Skypecast” speak with other people in the Skypecast, or to listen to the host and ask questions. The Skypecast host passes a virtual microphone to people who want to speak. • Skypecasts can be public or private.

  18. Social Networking A social network service uses software to build online social networks for communities of people who share interests and activities or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Myspace Facebook LinkedIn

  19. Search Engine Optimisation The process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines. SEO can also target different kinds of search, including image search, and industry-specific search engines. • Legitimate SEO efforts may involve the site's coding, presentation, and structure, fixing problems that could prevent indexing programs from fully reading a site. May also include adding unique content to a site, ensuring that content is easily indexed by search engine robots, making the site more appealing to users, and improving links to the site. • Less legitimate, “spamdexing”, techniques use methods such as link farms, keyword stuffing and hidden text that tend to harm search engine user experience. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques and may remove them from their indices.

  20. Mashing & dapping • To combine and remix the data and services of unrelated, even competing sites. The result: entirely new offering known as "mash-ups." • Example a service that gets movie theaters details in your zip code. All you have to do is dapp Yahoo Theaters, and voila, you have a web service API for Yahoo theaters, which can be accessed with any zip code and returns the relevant data in a format of your choice (XML, HTML, RSS, Google Map, etc.).

  21. Web references used in presentation Second Life and Second Life Grid • http://secondlife.com/ • http://secondlifegrid.net/ • http://secondlifegrid.net/why RSS Guide and links • http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/aboutus/2007/12/000000_about_rss.shtml Search Engine Optimisation blog • http://www.seomoz.org/ Wiki • http://www.wikipedia.org/ Social Networking Sites • http://www.bebo.com/ • http://www.facebook.com/

  22. Creative Incubator Marketing Techniques(part 2) Dr Jeanette De Diemar Wednesday May 7, 2008

  23. What are we talking about? Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.                                        - Philip Kotler

  24. 90-second guide to effective incubator marketing • Do you have a unique, memorable identity for the incubator? • Do you have an effective website? • Easy navigation for more information, contact, ask a question • Promotional package information • Do you have a promotional package • Incubator history • List of products and services • Current client case studies • Graduate testimonials • References, partners, sponsors • News releases • Online accessibility to more information • Application process and packet • Fast facts

  25. 90-second guide to effective incubator marketing • Do you have a plan to generate new leads? • Do you have a marketing plan? • Supports the incubator’s business plan • Goals and tactics for • New clients • Retention • Partners • Measuring effectiveness, success

  26. Strategy: message pillars • Multiple channels • Create stability • Focus on the practical

  27. Four main pillars • Blogs • Podcasts • Social networks • Online video

  28. Simply put … ‘synergy’ channels channels channels channels

  29. Internet art Video games Virtual worlds Multi-media Websites Brochure-ware Blogs, wikis Email and attachments Electronic kiosks Interactive TV Mobile devices Podcasting Hypertext fiction Graphical User Interfaces Web 2.0 iWorld New media

  30. Navigate through the maze • Prioritize social media outlets in light of your overall public relations strategy • Target the right outlets to focus your efforts on the most relevant, important social media • Engage in the dialogue intelligently and constructively • Monitor and analyze results to adjust to new issues and add back to the conversation From us.cision.com

  31. Standard ‘engagement’ metrics:What’s relevant for your incubator? • Unique visitors • Page views per visitor • Time spent on your site • Total time spent per user • Frequency of visits • Depth of visit • Conversions Source: Search Engine Journal, Michael Brito, July 30, 2007

  32. Social media metrics • Content consumption • Content contribution • Social bookmarking • Subscription to RSS feed • Emailing posts • Who is talking about you • Profile engagement Source: Search Engine Journal, Michael Brito, July 30, 2007

  33. Reaching your target audiences

  34. Incubator marketing tools Quick Poll Results* Incubator managers: Which of these is the primary way you market your program?

  35. Profile raising • Marketing tactics that are • Low cost • Low risk • Great ROI

  36. Online stories with potential • Will it move the market? • Innovation: Is it new, unique? • Impact: Individual, market • Drama or controversy • Good visuals: Compelling video! • Human angle

  37. Wisdom 101 If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying "Circus Coming to the Fairground Saturday," that's advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that's promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor's flower bed, that's publicity. And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that's public relations. If the town's citizens go the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they'll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that's sales. - Unknown www.MuseumMarketingTips.com

  38. SEO – Long-term benefits • Quick fix solutions like Google Adwords® are effective for immediate increase in traffic • However, these techniques often quickly become very expensive • Improving organic search engine results (natural search engine results) can help keep long-term online marketing costs down • Improve organic rankings via a combination of SEO (onsite modifications) and search engine marketing (off site marketing e.g. online press releases linking to your site, joining business directories, etc)

  39. CASE STUDY ‘Colourmyworld.com’ CASE STUDY • IMC Solution • High profile advert campaign encouraging public to create unique mosaic using m&ms • Capture finished artwork on camera phones & upload to ‘colour my world’ website • Public voted for favourite image • Also vote for favourite m&m colour & click through to m&m main website • Objectives • Support new product packaging • Increase sales during promotion • Increase brand awareness w/in youth

  40. CASE STUDY Case study:‘Colourmyworld.com’ CASE STUDY

  41. CASE STUDY CASE STUDY ‘Colourmyworld.com’* CASE STUDY • Results • Most successful integrated global picture messaging campaign • Massive increase in sales driven by 10K+ unique entries during 8 weeks • Consumers purchased (some designs used 15K+) • Iconic images, brand awareness across youth market • 2nd promotion for late 2006 using 3G * Masterfoods, The Hyperfactory: defining mobile space, 2006

  42. Case studies: websites http://www.cambridgeincubator.com/ http://www.fortcollinsincubator.org/ http://www.incubator.ucf.edu/index.html

  43. Reality check

  44. Establish the brand: Create the proposition (Regional, national, international) Cultivate & leverage relationships (External & Internal) Perception analysis Develop sector champion stance, key messaging (Across organization, incubator & key stakeholders) Assess resources (research, budget) Create benchmarks Augment brand, deploy collateral, segment collateral Draft 3-5 yr strategy: Analyze trends, growth, research, sector trends

  45. Evaluating progress, effectiveness • Set a timeline • Establish benchmarks • In line with business plan • In line with marketing plan • Budget • Monitor • Awareness • Take-up on resources, services, etc • Media placement • Internet

  46. Helpful resources www.benton.org/ www.techsoup.org www.networkforgood.org/ foundation.verizon.com/resourcecenter/tech.shtml

  47. WOM: “Word of Mouth” • Not just about the message reaching the greatest number rather … • How many pass the message on to others • Relies on finding, reaching and empowering the “influencers” or opinion leaders to spread the word • Create an excitement and a desire to pass the information on

  48. Viral marketing • Focused on any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a message to others • Creates the potential for continued and exponential growth in exposure and influence

  49. Viral marketing

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