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Quit smoking information available for general public

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Quit smoking information available for general public

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    Quit smoking information available for general public on the www in Italian: a cross sectional survey M.C.Mazzoleni, I.Giorgi, F.Boveri Medical Informatics Unit, Psychology Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, IRCCS - Pavia Italy Aim To evaluate the information available on the www for general public in Italian focusing on a specific topic in order to - characterize the products that Italian web publishers offer today - gain an insight into how to overcome the present situation Background A certain number of heath-related sites in Italian is available on the www 20 millions of Italian speaking persons use internet Background A certain number of heath-related sites in Italian is available on the www 20 milions of Italian speaking persons use internet Background A certain number of heath-related sites in Italian is available on the www Italian population has interest for heath and well being - related information 20 millions of Italian speaking persons use internet Snapshot on an unpretentiuos sample Map of the study Collection of the sites The sample Evaluation of the sample Evaluation of the formal quality of the sites a stated responsible (person or group) of the content; e-mail of the responsible; verifiable credentials of the content responsible; stated aim of the site stated intended reader; currency of the site; clear disclaimer HON symbol; funding policy Rough grid for reliability evaluation Evaluation of formal quality of the sites Number of sites for type of source Formal Score range Synthesis of the results Evaluation of the sample Quit smoking programmes Content Evaluation Sample 25 sites Three dimensions approach - two independent observers P. Saccheti,P.Zvara, MK Plante. The internet and patient education resourcesand their reliability: focus on a selected urologic topic. Urology 53 (1999), 117-20 Content score = accuracy + comprehensiveness + objectivity range 3 - 12 Quit smoking programmes Content Evaluation Golden standard for comparison Accuracy lev. 1 incorrect lev. 2 some incorrect lev. 3 correct lev. 4 correct and referenced statements Comprehensiveness lev. 1 isolated lev. 2 several lev. 3 most lev. 4 all issues Objectivity lev. 1 disagreement with accepted practice lev. 2 partial disagreement lev. 3 agreement lev. 4 agreement and alternatives Synthesis of the results Let us remember that 12 sites (not analyzed here) have been found promoting miraculous systems to quit smoking Evaluation of the sample Intelligibility: easiness with which a text is understood by the reader Readability: characteristics of a text that make it easily readable Evaluation of text readability Gulpease Index = 89 - (Lp/10) + (3+Fr) Lp = (100 x total number of letters) / total number of words Fr = (100 x total number of sentences) / total number of words Educational level Index values The higher G.I. value the easier the text ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * Primary school Mandatory school High school Almost incomprehensible Very difficult Difficult Very easy Easy Gulpise index values of the sample Synthesis of the results The www doesn’t contain either only garbage or only high quality information. The information published on the web may potentially reach a great number of users with few evaluation tools Publishing on the web does not only satisfy our narcissism, but can also contribute to satisfy other people information needs ….. Trying to conclude Give visibility to the authorship and be transparent and clear, so that health consumer can reasonably trust the web and exploit all the potentialities Educate the surfer on the problem of good quality heath-related information while publishing on the web Publishing on the web is easy, modifiable and can be made by oneself: don’t be naive and have a project in your mind, as if you were publishing on very expensive glossy paper As soon as the web is mature I will stop smoking Today I promise solemnly
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