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The Evolution Of basketball. In this project I will be presenting what basketball was then and what it is now. **Salary’s**. -In the 1940’s to 50’s the average salarie for a rookie was 9500$ but now its 150,000$ this is a big jump.
The Evolution Of basketball In this project I will be presenting what basketball was then and what it is now.
**Salary’s** -In the 1940’s to 50’s the average salarie for a rookie was 9500$ but now its 150,000$ this is a big jump. -money is a big part of game all players like the money but play for the love of the game. Now a all-stars salary is about 19.60million per year for 7years I imagine getting that money for drilling a ball.
The game Basket ball changed dramatically when the cross-over was brought in , it changed the plays and the players , it brought a new style and art to the game. The players where more non-predictable what they would do and what they wouldn’t do. For a great example is M.J he is the one who would make you drop by just watching him play , Iverson I a prime player that incorporates crossing he's opponents into embarrassment he is the one who revolutionized the way to embarrass the player . than came. ”AND1”
The Clothing Ok heres an example of back then>>>>>>>> As you can see the shorts stop befor the knees and the Jerseys are small and tuked in too much and no way that was pleasant and The high Socks (YAK!) And here is now>>>>>>>>> As you see the players look really comfortable in their attire And the style has really evolved
The influence • PG: the one who really defined the point guard was magic johnson 6’9 • SG: was michael jordan and Kobe bryant and Dwayne wade with their athletic build and court saving plays they proved them selves • SF: LeBron James , V/C they bring it to you in the paint and out side the paint • PF: there is too much I cant name them all ex: DIRK a 7”0 giant who can shoot better then SG’s a 3point shooter the size of a truck • C: SHAQ DADDY the most dominant player in the paint and YaoMing 7”6 monster from china!!!!!! Who can score like a SF.
Rules • Ball cant make contact with your feet • Can not dribble with two hands • All points are counted when ball goes through the mesh • Can not pass the limits of the playing field • Player jersey’s can not have more than 2numbers :00-99 • A player can not have more than 6fouls • Player can not make force physical contact • Fighting is prohibited • Players can not take more than 2 steps • Have to pass half court in 8sec • Can not have possesion of the ball more than 24sec • Can not stay in the paint with the ball more then 3sec • Cant guard a spot
The END This project was made by:joel Brought to you by: JAZZLE productions Sponsored by: NIKE and Reebok