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Be vewy vewy quiet

Exotic Animal Formulary, Second Edition. Saunders, Philadelphia. 2001 ... Clinics of North America, Exotic Animal Practice, Analgesia and Anesthesia. ...

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Be vewy vewy quiet

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Be vewy vewy quiet

    Wewe anesthetizing wabbits. Selina Balding & C. J. Weideman

    Slide 2:Why use anesthesia in Rabbits?

    Slide 3:Thats a very BAD BUNNY!!!

    (No yogurt drops for him)

    Slide 4:Why ELSE would you anesthetize a rabbit???

    Common surgical procedures Neutering (Gee doc, my rabbit made love to my slipper SIX TIMES last night!) Spaying (The kids have seen the miracle of life 5 times this year already!) Dental work Trichobezoars (Hairballs) Tumor removal, wound treatment, etc

    Slide 5:Pre-operative considerations

    Basic Husbandry Body weight, diet, caging/housing, companions To fast, or not to fast? Pre-Sx Bloodwork Serum chemistry profile +/- CBC depending on procedure Bare minimum (in our opinion): TS, PCV, Glucose Accurate weight (Duh!)

    Slide 6:Possible Pre-medications & induction agents

    Ketamine/Diazepam 0.2-0.5 mg/kg Diaz. IV then 10-15 mg/kg Ket. to effect. Acepromazine 0.75-1.0 mg/kg IM (No, the decimal points are NOT in the wrong place). Many other possibilities/combinations. Telazol not recommended At higher doses, can be nephrotoxic. Other possibilities: Propofol (10 mg/kg, slow bolus3-5 minutes); Thiopental; XylazineOther possibilities: Propofol (10 mg/kg, slow bolus3-5 minutes); Thiopental; Xylazine

    Slide 7:Intubation

    Unless rabbit is very large, intubation is blind Lidocaine splash is possible with visualization in large rabbits Most rabbits masked, not intubated Practice, practice, practice

    Slide 8:Inhalant Anesthetic Agents

    Isoflurane Inhalant of choice Can induce with Iso alone Induction: 3-5% Maintenance: 1.5-1.75% Halothane Induction: 3-4% Maintenance: 0.5-2% Sevoflurane To effect More expensive

    Slide 9:Surgical considerations

    Bain system is preferred over re-breathing system Chest elevation Temperaturemonitor frequently to avoid bunny-cicles Fluids If procedure > hour. 5-10 ml/kg/hr crystalloid fluids, add 5% dextrose Monitor as in other species (Pulse, respiration, etc) May need to use stainless steel sutures to prevent post-op complications (Remember: Rabbits chew!)

    Slide 10:Post Operative Care

    Keep warm, but not too warmwe arent dealing with tropical species here! QUIET!!! May or may not need to isolate from other rabbits Feed Blenderize regular pelleted feed with water. Can also be done with veggies, greens, etc Last resort: Canned, strained pumpkin (without pie spice!) Pain management Have regular favorite feeds available. Liquid feeds are mostly for a Just in case scenario. Want to prevent gastric ulcers and GI stasis.Have regular favorite feeds available. Liquid feeds are mostly for a Just in case scenario. Want to prevent gastric ulcers and GI stasis.

    Daytona International Speedway Policing Pain

    Slide 13:Why should we care?

    Decreasing pain can shorten recovery time Rabbits in pain may not eat, possibly leading to gastric ulcers and/or GI stasis Remember: above all DO NO HARM Imagine getting yourself castrated or hysterectomized with no pain killers

    Slide 14:Signs of Pain

    Bunnies cant say OWEEEEE! Reduced feed/water intake Lack of grooming Hunched position and refusal to move Put head in corner/hide Abnormal aggression towards handlers/companions Vocalization on handling Not consuming cecals Tooth grinding

    Slide 15:Means of Alleviating Pain

    Warm compress Soft resting area/bedding Medical management Many, many options. See next slide. Disclaimer: We do not condone the use of illicit substances for pain management in animals.

    Slide 16:Pain killers

    NSAIDS Acetaminophenalone or in combination with codeine Aspirin Carprofenfor chronic joint pain Flunixin meglumineuse for no more than 3 days IbuprofenGI side effects common Opioids Buprenorphine, Butorphanol Morphine Many many others.

    Slide 17:So many drugsHow do I choose the right one?

    Many analgesics can be used in rabbits Check a formulary for the dose and side effects Avoid those with GI side effects Plumb does have doses for rabbits Look around your clinicuse what you havejust check for the right dosage!Look around your clinicuse what you havejust check for the right dosage!

    Slide 18:When all else fails


    Slide 19:Means of euthanasia

    Consider the owners feelings They may not want to see you fishing for veins Anesthetic overdosecan use gas anesthetics Carbon Dioxide Other means See next slide

    Slide 20:Wecommended ONLY for wild (wascally) wabbits!!!

    Wabbit swayer!!!

    Slide 21:Final disposition

    Depending on cause of death and/or illnessnecropsy? The owner may want to take the body They may want you to dispose of it Normal rendering service. Others See upcoming slides

    Slide 22:If healthy, and gassed down with CO2

    The circle of life Especially if youre involved with wildlife rehab Not recommended for peoples pets.

    Slide 23:And for the one Elmer got

    2-3 cottontail rabbits 3 potatoes--diced 1 handful baby carrots 1 handful corn 1 handful peas 1 cups flour 1 cups water Salt & Pepper to taste 2 tsp. Garlic powder 1 tsp. Paprika Peel meat from rabbit carcasses. (Its a good idea to make sure you get all the shot out at this point.) Coat meat with flour/seasonings and place in crock pot. Add veggies to crock pot. Add water. Cook on low-medium heat for 6-8 hours. Add 1-2 tsp corn starch, as needed, after cookingto thicken broth/gravy. Best served with Biscuits.

    Slide 24:References

    Hillyer EV, Quesenberry KE. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents, Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Saunders, Philadelphia. 1997. Carpenter JW, Mashima TY, Rupiper DJ. Exotic Animal Formulary, Second Edition. Saunders, Philadelphia. 2001 Cantwell, SL. Ferret, Rabbit, and Rodent Anesthesia. The Veterinary Clinics of North America, Exotic Animal Practice, Analgesia and Anesthesia. Saunders, Philadelphia. 2001. pp. 169-191. Kris Springsteen, LVT

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