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The new year has begun, with a lot of aspirations and goals to accomplish. As we reminisce the year gone by, there is huge pool of innovative and technologically superior reads that we have written on one of the most powerful technology today – BI and Big Data. Here’s sharing the top 11 blogs on this service area that is a key strength area for SPEC INDIA.<br>Read More at: https://www.spec-india.com/blog/top-11-business-intelligence-big-data-blogs-2017-spec-india/<br>
Top 11 Business Intelligence & Big Data Blogs in 2017 @ SPEC INDIA
#1Business Analytics Solutions, The Pulse of Intelligent Retailing!!
#2Pentaho 8.0 – “Move Beyond Big Data to Transformation”
#3Defining Precise KPIs – The Key to Successful Business Intelligence Services
#4How does Business Analytics Services Succeed in Garnering the Best of Personalized Customer Experience?
#5Business Intelligence – A Power Booster to FinTech – Sooner the Better
#6How is Predictive Analytics an Impeccable Technique to Optimize Inventory Management?
#7Self-Service BI Tool – Serve Yourself the Best of Information, Your Way
#8Unleash the True Potential of Corporate eLearning with Business Intelligence Services
#9Future of eLearning Brightens with Assimilation of Big Data Services
#10Big Data Solutions – the Apropos Key to Simple & Smart Data-Driven App Design
#11Big Data Transforming the Face of Hospitality Sector – A Concerted Alliance to Watch For
SPEC INDIA Best of BI & Big Data Services • Our proficiency lies in developing and implementing custom-made BI solutions with latest technologies like Pentaho, Jaspersoft, Microsoft BI, Tableau • Our expert team of BI consultants has devised a comprehensive Self-Service BI tool, that has been widely accepted by the end user community • Our proficiency lies in developing and implementing custom-made analytic solutions with Big Data technologies like Hadoop, MongoDB and HP Vertica
SPEC INDIA Your BI & BIG DATA SOLUTION PROVIDER Visit https://www.spec-india.com/services/business-intelligence-services/ for our BI Services & https://www.spec-india.com/services/big-data-services-solutions/ for our Big Data Services to request for a free POC to test drive our services. "SPEC House“, Parth Complex, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009, INDIA. URL: www.spec-india.com, e-mail: lead@spec-india.com, Tel.:+91-79-26404031 to 34, VoIP : + 1 - 908 - 450 – 9862