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L.E.R.’s Open House. English Hello. English Hello. Mi ‘ kmaq Kwe French Salut. Mi ‘ kmaq Kwe French Salut. L.E. Reinsborough School Behavioral Tracking Forms Date: ____________ Student: ____________
L.E.R.’s Open House English Hello English Hello Mi ‘kmaq Kwe French Salut Mi ‘kmaq Kwe French Salut
L.E. Reinsborough School Behavioral Tracking Forms Date: ____________ Student: ____________ Reporter: ____________ Time: ______________ (Setting) __Class __Playground (am/pm) __Cafeteria __Gym __Hallway __Theater __Other The issue was in connection to the following behavior(s): __Hands on/Feet on another student or adult __Non-Compliant __Swearing __Physical Bullying __Emotional Bullying __Stealing __Verbal threat towards students or adult __Behaviors that are more minor in nature but disruptive because of their frequency (______________) Collaborative Problem Solving With Student: Student was able to categorize their emotion at the time of behavior incident in accordance with The Zones of Regulation: □ Yes □ No Restorative Discussion Had with Student: □ Yes □ No What happened? 2. What were you thinking of at the time? What have you thought about since? Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way? What do you think you need to do to make things right?
2018/2019 PLWEP Goals Smart Goal & PLOP Strategies & Actions Responsibility Monitoring Resources Timeline Evidence of Success 95% of students requiring additional support will be able to identify their emotional and present level of alertness in accordance with The Zones of Regulation collecting on Behavior Incident Reports. 95% of students who participate in discussion with their classroom teacher will be able to list at least one person who was affected by their behavior excluding the victim. 2018-2019 Principal R.Cyr V.P. C Harquail Principal R.Cyr V.P. C Harquail The Zones of Regulation, by L. Kuypers Restorative Practices Cards Behavior Incident Forms Purchasing of resources for each classroom 2 Professional learning days for teachers Collaborative decision making on timeframes to complete lessons Restorative Practice Cards for each teacher. Updated Behavior Incident Forms PL on Restorative Practices if Available PLC teams Administration EST-Guidance EST-Resource SIW PLC teams Administration • By June 2019, 100% of LER teachers will have assisted their students in the completion of 18 lessons from The Zones of Regulation: A Curriculum Designed to Foster Self-Regulation and Emotional Control. By June 2019, 100% of LER teachers will use Restorative Practice question when assisting their student(s) through classroom issues. Teachers will record time, date, and Restorative questions asked on Behavior Incident Reports. PLOP is a small percentage of teaching staff have the Restorative Justice Cards.
Brief Glance into the School Day • First bus arrives at 7:55. No on site supervision until 7:55. • Announcements begin at 8:25 • Breakfast program 3 days a week from 7:55-8:20 • Block one 8:30-10:00 • Recess 10:00-10:15 • Block two 10:15-11:45 • K-2 Lunch 11:45-12:15 & Recess 12:15-12:45 • 3-5 Recess 11:45-12:15/ Lunch 12:15-12:45 • Block three 12:45-2:00 with K-2 dismissal • Block three 12:45-3:00 with 3-5 dismissal
Final Important Items A directive from District: If there are any temporary bus changes please write a note for the teacher and remind your child to give it to his/her teacher. This will be given to our Administrative Assistant (684-7554). If it is a real last minute change, please call no later than 1:30 p.m. A bus note has to be written, a phone call must be made to the assistant transportation manager, the bus note must then be given to the teacher who in turn must give to the bus driver. New Health Policy (Policy 711). Our cafeteria service providers are adjusting the menu accordingly. An updated menu will be sent home shortly. Out Breakfast Program adheres to Policy 711. It is offered Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.